Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1931, Blaðsíða 25

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1931, Blaðsíða 25
25 (34a) 0 where q = 0, 1, 2, 3 . . . m —1. Supposing (31) and (3 lb) identical, the relation between the constants cps and bps is given by: s + m—p ^-ftlt + p-s!, Cps - p! s! t — s! bt+p_s-1 t=S s+m—p and similarly bps (-l)*"-3 sf' c*+p-s, * (35a) t=S By aid of these formulae it may be demonstrated that the Laplacian transforms (33) and (33a) are also identical. Simil- arly it follows that the auxiliary equations (34) are identical with (34a). The Laplacian method of integration is given in several text books on differential calculus. For further information I refer to Encyklopádie der Mathematischen Wissenschaften II2, p. 555 (E. Hilb), and Émile Picard: Traité D’analyse tome III 3. edit. 1928, p. 394. Because my statement of the solution (32) is slightly at variance with that which is usual I shall illustrate its appli- cation by means of a few examples: while the auxiliary equations are: n q + s e ' s—0 r=q p=r+l /_,\p-r-l s! r! bps ?;s + q—r dP-r-’fl = q+s-r! r-q!q! d>yp—r_1 1. Let the differential equation be: n s=0 where cs is a constant. The substitution y — xz gives: n s=0


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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