Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1931, Blaðsíða 38

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1931, Blaðsíða 38
38 Supposing that $ is a Thiele functiori, we have: d# ,, , + 2 dí = ('*’’+ 2” ^ »■ +...) # = » 3! 7 ^ whence it follows that ^\P‘ /dV\P2 /dVips r'(dr;j (d»/2j (d+j p,! p2! p3! ... (2!)P2 (3!)P3... where pi+2p2+3p3+4p4+... = r. Further d++) d»;r r! s! r/s p dr_pi? p! r—p! s—p! d >f~p (55) (55a) These relations enable us to eliminate & from (54) and, the resulting equation, (being an identity), supplies us with sufficient relations from which we can determine the para- meters a0l ah a2 ... /?0, Pu + ... J'o, Yi, /2 ... +, <5,, <52, + ... We observe further that the relations are linear with re- gard to the quantities a0, a, ... /50, + ... y0, y, ... <50, <5, ... A superficial examination teaches us that the equations got in this way are identical with those previously found, but the procedure presented here is evidently more off hand and straightforward. VI. We shall now study another transformation of Thiele’s fundion. Let us suppose that: ta=pa2, A3=pa3, +=pa4 ... etc. (56) Then the differential equation of Thiele’s function may be given by: d+ + pa (1 +a?/+ (a</)2 , (ay)s 2! 3! + ...) + whence ^ + (pa—+)# = paea"+ d+ d»/ + (pa — h) 9) = pai5 (56a)


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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