Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.07.1931, Blaðsíða 34

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.07.1931, Blaðsíða 34
34 On jökulhöfuÖ: Dl A cairn on the top itself (150 cm.). Dn A cairn with white-painted top on a fresh 10 m. high moraine wall about 200 m. in direction NNE from Dl. Distance from Dn to the ice wall 163 m. In front of the glacier the terrain is almost flat with a number of arch-formed moraine walls. 4. The Klifandajökull is about 5 km. long skridjökull 3—4 km. to the E of Sólheimajökull. It is about 1,5 km. broad where it begins but narrows to 0,5—1 km. for the last 2 km., where it extends into the gorge of the river Klifandi. Two fixing marks on the western brink of the gorge will show the present situation of the front of the glacier. THE TINDAF]ALLA]ÖKULL This glacier is situated to the north of the Eyjafjallajökull at a distance of about 15 km. It has to some extent an alpine character being partially split up by isolated peaks and mountain ridges that divide the firn areas belonging to the individual skridjökuls. The summit reaches the height of 1462 m. and the area of the firnfield is about 25 km2. The height of the firnlimit on the northern side is about 1000 m. but reaches 1150 m. on the southern side. Of the skridjökuls four are creeping down on the northern side and one on the eastern, while only insignificant ice tongues are hanging down from the firn margin in the south. I had only opportunity (Aug lst) to visit the glacier of Eystribotn on the eastern side, which also seems to be the largest one. It is about 1,5 km. in Iength and 0,7 km. in breadth. The glacier creeps down a narrow pass with direct- ion to east but turns in a southerly direciion towards the end, where the river Eystri-Botná has its spring-head. From comparison with the topographical map (58 NW) and also from the fresh moraine walls at some distance from the ice margin it seems to be evident that the glacier has dimin- ished during the Iast few years. It has become smaller about the middle and a steep montain side has become visible,


Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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