Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1971, Side 82

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1971, Side 82
82 GUÐMUNDUR PÁLMASON tions the amplitudes fall below the threshold of detection which is determined by the noise level on the seismograms. Doubling of the charge size did not alter the situation. On two stations which are in the middle of the valley, a signal of normal strength was observed, but it was delayed by 0.45 to 0.60 seconds relative to the expected arrival time. This delay is so great that a 1.0 to 1.5 km thick pile of low-velocity sediments would he required to account for it. It seems clear from the above results that the Breidamerkurdjúp submarine valley is more likely to he a deep sediment-filled valley in the underlying Tertiary rocks than a shallow erosional feature with a fairly homogeneous rock or sediments beneath. The observed ampli- tude variation is indicative of a major structural irregularity under the valley. A closer study of this could probably be made by mapping the sediment thickness by reflection profiling. 6.11. Refraction lines of M. Báth (1960). Two refraction profiles were measured in 1959 from a common shot point in Graenavatn (Báth, 1960). Their location is shown in Fig. 2. The line CP runs in a northeast direction to a distance of 109.7 km and the line WP runs approximately north to a distance of 253.4 km. Since Báth’s interpretation of the travel times on these two pro- files is at some variance with the structure of SW-Iceland as deduced from the present work, it is worth while to look at the travel time data again to try to find what causes the discrepancy. By taking into ac- count details of the seismic structm'e such as the variable thickness of layer 0 and the variable depth to layer 3, it is found to be possible to hring BAth’s data into a very good agreement with the results of the present work. The apparent discrepancy between the travel times on profiles CP and WP is also explained. The travel time diagram for these two profiles (Fig. 29) was interpreted by BAth as giving a three-layered crust with P-wave velo- cities of 3.69, 6.71 and 7.38 km/sec. The first layer has later been shown to be more complicated, consisting normally of 2-3 layers. The seeond one corresponds to layer 3 and the third one to layer 4 in the present work. In the light of presently availahle information on the seismic structure in the vicinity of these two profiles, the follow- ing comments to Fig. 29 can be made. The P3-wave (BAth’s P2) is usually the first arrival from a dis-
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Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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