Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1971, Side 135

Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga) - 01.06.1971, Side 135
CRUSTAL STRUCTURE OF ICELAND 135 16. SOME SUGGESTED FURTHER RESEARCH The seismic refraction data that have been presented here, and their interpretation and correlation with subsurface temperature data, seem to open new promising paths of research on processes at mid- ocean ridges. Iceland may be one of the very few places where such work can be carried out in sufficient detail to obtain significant re- sults. At the hottom of the ocean it is doubtful whether such work can be carried out in sufficient detail with present day techniques. The heat flow measurements on ocean ridges may he subject to large variations due to convective movement of water in the presumably highly permeable crestal zone (Pálmason, 1967b). Such conditions could be detected in a drillhole several tens or hundreds of meters deep, but could hardly be detected with the presently available tech- nique of measuring heat flow through the ocean bottom. The cor- relation of subbottom temperatiu*es with other geophysical and geo- chemical data would thus be difficult at the ocean bottom, but can be of critical importance. For the study of processes beneath high-temperature hydrothermal areas the indicated association of seismic boundaries with a certain temperature interval would be of great importance, if it tums out to be generally valid. The high-temperature thermal areas in Iceland are all located in the active volcanic zone, where the 2—3 boundary may be in the process of being created. The increase in density which presumably is taking place at the 2-3 boundary may lead to increased permeability near the boundary which in turn would promote water convection. Such convection in a permeable medium starts easier at high temperatures than at low temperatures because of the change in the physical properties of the water (Goguel, 1953). Of great in- terest in this respect is that recent studies of microearthquakes in the volcanic zone of Iceland indicate that these occur mainly close to or just below the 2-3 boundary (S. Björnsson, 1970). Theoretical studies of hydrothermal circulation systems on the basis of presently available data would be of great value, and might throw further light on the nature and the heat source of the high-temperature systems. A correlation of seismic and gravity data will no doubt in the future lead to a better picture of the low density anomaly in the upper mantle under Iceland. More data on the depth to layer 4 are needed in northern and eastem Iceland as well as on the plateau sur-
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Rit (Vísindafélag Íslendinga)

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