Nissen News

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Page 3

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Page 3
\issi:\ \ews NUMBER ONE CHRISTMAS 1941 PRICE 1 KRÓNA The Editor Explains “Let Praise be given where Praise be due”. It was the Commanding Officer who sowed the seed from which germinated the magazine you hold in your hand. When he first suggested that we should publish our own paper, neither he nor I realised what obstacles would have to be surmounted before the press began to rotate, and we could confidently say our work was done. From the outset our greatest enemy has been Time, and there was little enough of it at our dis- posal if w'e vvere to put this magazine in your hands before Christmas Day. As the work took shape, our ambition increased, and wThat was intended to be an apologetic and very hunible 12-page souvenir to mark another Christmas season in Iceland, has grown into a 20-page magazine, w'ith the possibility of otbers to follow. The Króna you paid for it does not nearly cover the cost that has been incurred. Even so, wTe dare not hope that the result will meet wTith universal approval. There may be those who regard our effort as too flippant. It may not be your idea of what a Unit magazine should look like. You may think of import- ant things that should have found place here, and you have searched in vain for them. We are as conscious of the imperfections as you are. But at least we have tried to give you YOUR OWN magazine and if you do happen to like it wre want you to buy more copies to send to the folk at home — and ‘Home’ means South Wrales, Yorkshire, Lancashire, the Midlands, Londoir, Scotland, — sure, and Ireland too. What has been written in the following pages was written in a spirit of good comradeship, and no offence or injury is intended tow'ards any member of the Unit. The Editor is grateful to all who have made the work lighter by submitting contributions — published or otherwise, — and to his Sub-Editor, L/Cpl. V. B. Lena, for his valuable assistance. Finally, he takes tbis opportunity of wishing all members of the Unit, and readers at home, a very Happy Christmas and Brighter Days in the New Year. Good luck to you all. j g WooDFORD. A Toast — Let’s drink lo the spirit of gallantry and courage that made a strange Heaven out of an unbelievable Hell, and let’s drink to the hope that one day this country of ours, which we love so much, will find dignity and greatness and peace again. From Noel Coward’s “Cavalcade”.


Nissen News

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