Nissen News

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Síða 5

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Síða 5
NISSEN NEWS 3 Jangling! Then, of course, when cust- omers — or shall we say clients? — want something out of the ordinary — usually on Thursdays — we sport a nice line in rafts on which they can scheme to their hearts content. And now, folk, having used up the al- lotted space, (one can’t have quality a n d quantity) this is the R.A.S.C. saying “A Merry Christmas and all the best for the coming year”. F. O’Connell. In the (Sports) Field (Review of a not unsuccessful season by our Sports Officer.). No, it hasn’t been without success, this last season, and had there not been cir- cumstances which curtailed our sporting activities, it might have been even more to our credit. Taking into consideration our rather restricted sporting potential, we have not been dishonoured in our tussles with Units and formations which have had the opportunity of drawing on a much greater man-power than ours. On several occasions we have carried off the honours. It will be recalled that we had a par- tieularly encouraging rugger spell. We met, among other Units, another Field Ambulance and drew with them. Later, when we encountered them in the Force Rugby Cup Contest, we defeated them and continued on into the final, where we lost 6—nil to an Artillery team. Earlier in the season we turned our attention to inter-Company cricket. We were inspired to do so when, one day, the sun accidentally shone, and wé play- ed several pleasant games before we real- ised that the Icelandic summer is a snare and a delusion. Other circumstances help- ed to bring that aspect of our activities to a rather early close. It isn’t so long, by the way, since the prestige of the Unit was upheld by an unbeaten table-tennis team. This again, has had to he abandoned for the time being. HE’LL LEARN. We’re still laughing at the fellow who awakened a patient in the Reception Sta- tion — to give him his sleeping draught! Our most recent successes have been won on the soceer field. There are al- ways difficulties to be overcome in form- ing a playable side. Such drawbacks as duties and absentees make it almost im- possible to put the same side in the field on successive occasions. In spite of this fact, recent matches have reflected to our credit. In four games have been as follows; — Against ‘R’ Coy. D.W.R. .. — ‘C’ Coy. D.W.R. .. — D.I.D................... — ‘A’ Coy. D.W.R. .. It is fitting at this stage that wí let the D.W.R. know that we are extreme- ly grateful to them for the almost open invitation they have given us to use their ground. It is almost entirely due to this fact that football is now possible to us, as we now have no ground of our own, and we appreciate the sporting gesture of the D.W.R. Our soccer team is to be congratulat- ed on the very good account it has given of itself. Its difficulties are appreciated — and so are the victories it has brought the results 4— 3 2—2 5— 1 4—2 e should Finally, I would like to take this op- portunity of extending my sincere Christ- mas greetings to all members of the Unit. W. B. Priest. HIGHER EDUCATION. The Editor is looking for the fellow who shouted, “See you at play-time” as he left the dining hall at the close of an educational lecture.


Nissen News

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