Nissen News

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Side 8

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Side 8
c NISSEN NEWS Lies of Ancient Rome Several interesting rolls of parchment were recently unearthed from an old Roman Camp in S. Wales. They appear to be documents inscribed by the Com- mander of the Roman army of occupa- tion which was protecting Rritain at that period. While much of the writing is now illegible, what remains throws important light on the activities of the army, and we have been granted permission to re- print a portion of it in these columns. In translating, we have endeavoured to adhere as rigidly as possible to the ori- ginal. The following extract has the peculiar heading — “Daily Part One Orders by Horatio, Gommander of the 5th (Roman) Light Field Ambulance” and we under- stand that, even in these days, a quaint survival of this type of document is in use. What remains of the Order reads as followrs: 1. DUTIES: Officer of the Camp-GlaudiusSuansius Ne?ct for Duty-Tregi Midlundius Orderly Centurion-Camdina Ualius Next for Duty-Minus Denturius Sergeant at Arms-Passius Cracio Next for Duty-Uillium Uippio. 2. CHARIOTS—It is brought to the not- ice of all troops that the stub axles of chariots, steel, brass-fitted, must be thoroughly oiled. It is tlie responsi- bility of the Roman Army Service Corps attd. to maintain these vehicles. All hrasses will be polished. 3. ARMS—When proceeding into Suans- ium swords will not be carried. Jav- elins may, however, be worn. 4. BATHS—Pending the construction of the new Roman building at Bath, the tegion will make use of the River Towe. Troops are forbidden to use the British baths. 5. OUT OF BOUNDS—The Cafe Celtic is deelared out of bound to all ranks. 6. PEAT DETAIL—The Orderly Centur- ion will provide 12 men for peat de- tail tomorrow. They will parade at sunrise w^earing fatigue togas. 8. EDUCATION—Copies of “Caesar’s Gallic Wars” are now available and may be obtained from Senator Cocs- ius at the Legion Office. A lecture on “Tiberius’ Victories on the Rhine” \vi 11 be given at sunset by Guilium Davidius. !). MEAD ISSUE—There will be a spec- ial mead issue tonight to celebrate the cessation of the recent eruption of Vesuvius. 10. ORDER OF THE DAY—The follow- ing Order of the Day has been issu- ed by Hadrian, Emperor of the Ro- mans: — “I, Hadrian, wish to express my appreciation for the magnificent work which the garrison has done in er- ecting the defensive wall against the barbaric tribes of the north. I am conscious of the difficulties which have beset you in this work, but the wall is now complete and our terri- tory is immune from the marauding attacks of the Scots. The Roman Em- pire is proud of her forces who are stationed in this lonely outpost.” Other documents unearthed bear refer- ence to a type of training known in those days as “schemes”(pronounced“Skeems”). Readers will probably be able to supply information as to whether this type of military training has fallen into disuse nowadays. The writer has never encoun- tered a modern counter-part of this an- eient custom. This document refers to the “blue-trim- med togas” worn by the “enemy” and gives a list of Medical herbs which were to be drawn from the Master of the Quarters. Inter-communication was main- tained by chariot D.Rs. During the “ac- tion” troops were fed on a peculiar kind of preserved meat, supplemented by a soft


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