Nissen News

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Síða 11

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Síða 11
NISSEN NEWS 9 What’s in a Name? In a Unit of Meds. It’s a jolly good game To puzzle your heads ’Bout a name. Taking his bow, centre stage, Is our KING with his long-legged PAGE. But we lost our spiritual hope, When a Medical Board claimed our POPE. And now that our CPIAPLIN’s sound guidance has ceased, We have no-one to guide us but our jolly PRIEST. With our many defects he has promised to grapple, If we’ll take a seat in his grim-looking CHAPPELL. Though we tried we couldn’t keep PEACE, And the RUMBLE of FOERS must increase, But we’re fighting for WRIGHT by every device, And it will be PURCHES-d, whatever the PRICE. Though times may grow LENA, the future look GREA’, We shall give of our BEST till no IHTCH bars our way. If we’ve more WOODS to traverse, we’re not MINERS trust That our foe will be crushed till he’s LOWE as the dust. Howe’er LONG the struggle, BOYES, never despair. Don’t let this COLE climate get in your HARE. Draw your PASS when it’s due, take your pay when it’s goin’. If on Friday you BLEWETT, what’s to stop you from OWEN? When ENSA comes, CLAPHAM — join in the re-FRAYNE, COOPERS, CARTERs and TAYLORs you’lt soon be again. And if I might make so BOULD — when you’re back with your ‘Splice’, You’Il think it alt BULL that you groused about RTCE. You’re in the war, lads, at your country’s appealing — So get on with the job — your business is HEALING. Epilogue------------------ You are free; your name and the conception for which it stands may he bound ...... but the ‘I’ in you, the unalterable, the eternal, the idea wrapped in this captive body ........ That can go out from, here ....... That is free always and for ever ...... After all, a number is only another form af name. Stand upon the highest peak and look down upon the scene below ........ .... A mass of creeping insects ...... They hurry ........ they crawl ....... and they crowd. In your eyes and from your Vantage Point they melt into one entity .... Are you qualified to judge?


Nissen News

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