Nissen News

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Page 14

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Page 14
12 NISSEN NEWS The Formula M4 merged himself into the darlt shad- ows of the building, moving swiftly and silently as a tracking leopard. Occasion- ally he halted and listened for possible pursuers, but each time, no sound but his own deep breathing met his ears, and once more he crept forward. At last he had been commissioned to do something really big. It was the great- est test since he had joined the Service — the moment for which he had plan- ned so long —• and he was grimly deter- mined that nothing should come between him and success. Suddenly his groping hand met the framework of the door — the door which stood between England and the formula, he told himself. To his amazement, he felt it move inwards at his touch. Could it be that this unlocked, unguarded ent- rance was just one of the traps he had been warned against? M4 halted a mo- ment to consider the possihilities, and at last decided that he had come too far to back out at this point. Crossing the threshold, he advanced cautiously into the blackness of the room. From all sides came the crackling and stench of burning flesh — a heavy, sick- ening smell. “The swine!”, he muttered beneath his breath. So this was the torture chamber he had heard men speak of in fearful tones; this was the spot where the evil work was carried out. He had been given explicit instructions as to how he was to act and where the secret formula wras probably hidden. And he made straight for the place indicated. His hand delved beneath a pile of pap- ers and he flicked on his torch for one OVERHEARD IN CAMP. “Garn, I can remember the time when your mother used to tie a scarf round your neck and smack your cheeks to make you look well-fed before sending you to school.” brief instant. He gave a grunt of satis- faction as his gaze fell on the long-de- sired sheet of paper. Sounds which had hitherto seemed quite normal now began to tear his ner- ves, and M4 found himself starting at mere nothings. “I must get out of this place before I go nuts”, he told himself with a laugh which held no mirth. He started on his way towards the door by which he had recently entered. The cool air outside had never smelt so sweet before and it seemed so easy now that the worst was over. Breaking from the shadows he ran quickly to where the Chief sat at the wheel of a car, with engine throbbing. Another minute and they were speeding away in the direction of Headquarters, and only then did the Chief break the silence. “Did you get it?”, he casually enquir- ed, as though speaking of some everyday purchase. “Sure”, replied M4, with undisguised pride, tapping the newly acquired docu- ment in his hand. Dare he ask the Chief what the Formula was? Would it be a hreach of the Service code? Why not? Surely he was entitled to know the value of his risky enterprise. The Chief seemed to read his thoughts. “Bumflough”, he said, “What you liave obtained for the Government tonight will probably alter the entire course of the war. It will affect the whole Army, Navy and Air Force. NOW WE KNOW WHAT “TOUCHER” PL'TS IN THE IHCE TO MAKE IT TASTE LIKE PORRIDGE AT BREAKFAST TIME!”. R. M. Lewis. A GOOD DEAL. An R.A.S.C. driver, when asked where he got the timber he was using to build a shed, replied, “R.A.S.C. P.R.I.” (P.R.I. in this case no doubt means “Procured Rather Inexpensively”. — Ed.)


Nissen News

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