Nissen News

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Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Qupperneq 16

Nissen News - 15.12.1941, Qupperneq 16
14 NISSEN NEWS FaithfuI under Difficulties “Y o u could surely write us an inter- esting article for our Unit magazine,” said He- Who Must Be Obeyed, and there was that in his voice which hinted that “No” would not be the appropriate answer. “Why, sure,” I said with a smile that matched his own. (At least, I said “Yes, sir,” — same thing, anyway). There’s nothing in this writing business; all you need is' a catchy title and a subject to write about. Anyone can knock off a few hundred words if lie feels like it. So here is the gem of wisdom which the Powers that Be think I am capable of writing. The question is, of course, “What shall we write about?” When one writes for the public’s edification, one. s h o u 1 d have something to say — though that isn’t so essential in these days, I suppose, when inost scribblings and orations are intended to convey the opposite impression to what they declare. Might say a few words about Christ- mas — season ol' goodwill and all that sort of thing. But maybe Christmas will be over by the time this gets into print — if it gets into print. Too uncertain — better leave it alone. How about a colourful picture of the Northern Lights? Folk at home might like that. Hasn’t been much written on the. subject since we came to Iceland, Wait a bit though — the boys have seen as much as they want to see of nocturnal phenomena. Got to cater for both sides of the water. ’Fraid that’s out. Leave! Now there’s a topic that England a n d Iceland are interested in. Most important business, too. Hang it, no! That won’t do. Boys have either had their leave and don’t want reminding about it, or else they’ll get it soon, and will know all about it. Our garrison in Iceland? How about that? A lofty impressive theme — all about our hardships, our grit and our frozen feet. Might air a few personal grievances’, too. No, I’m damned if I will! Duff, Linklater and the Bishop of Aber- deen and Orknies have forestalled me. No-one would believe anything I wrote now, and I’d probably fall foul of the censor in any case. There doesn’t seem much left to write about. I’m beginning to think authorship is an over-rated pastime after all. Too many people to please, too many snags, too many blighters got there first. Let’s see now. There’s hut building and road-making — ye gods, the boys would lynch me! Such cold weather for lynch- ings too. Well then, there is one thing left. Would you like to hear about a holiday I once spent in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgo- gerychwrndrobwllandisiliogogoch ? You wouldn’t? Anyway, I’ve been dying to get that word in print for a long time. He Who Must Be Obeyed has just look- ed through what I’ve written and says not to bother about the article this time. There isn’t room for it anyway. Now I can get back to reading my “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire” (in 8 vols.). That fellow Gibbon had got something to w’rite about! W. “SNOWIE’S” ODE TO HIS TRUCK. “Where are you? Where have you gone without me? I can’t go on without you, Where are you?” NOT GUILTY. It wasn’t one of our boys who treated a “casualty” for a fractured femur he had not got, and, when asked why, pointed to the patient’s forehead and said “A.T.S. — means “Apply Thomas Splint”, don’t it?”


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