The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Blaðsíða 139

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Blaðsíða 139
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 323 Ostenfeld also describes the vegetation near the boiling mud-pools, and writes: “Close to the mud-pools the ground is quite bare, and not until some distance from them do plants begin to appear; nearest to thern occurred Agrostis cilba forming a net-work with its long rhi- zornes, and beyond this came a dense, low carpet of Sagina procum- bens, Cerastium vulgatum, Plantago major (dwarf-form), Stellaria media and a great abundance of Grimmia hypnoides; somewhat further off many other plants occurred.” “The vegetation near the outlet of the large mud-pool Gunna was characteristic and peculiar; here the dainp ground (about 30°C.) was covered by a pure, green carpet of Nardia crenulata in which only one other plant occurred, viz. Jun- cus bufonius; within there was tirm soil the particles of which were held togetlier by moss-protonema. The moss-carpet became brownish- red where the ground was drier, but it was only Nardia wliich changed colour; some mosses occurred, however, along the ouler edge..............., but only as a subordinate component” (loc, cit. pp. 239, 240). Near numerous solfataras in the neighbourhood of Myvatn, on Odádahraun, Kerlingarfjöll, Torfajökull, and in several other places no vestige of plant-life occurs. Vegelation on Wet Soil (bogs, pools, swamps and wet mea- dows). Bog- and swamp-land (myrar) is very extensively distributed in Iceland, both on the plateau and in the lowlands and valleys; these tracts are also of great economic importance, as in the inlia- bited districts the grass is cut for hay, and the hay (úthey) is used as winter-fodder for sheep and ponies. In Iceland the swampy meadow-tracts are divided according to their water-content into two main divisions, myri (pl. myrar) and flói (pl. flóar); the soil of the former is firm and tough owing to the interwoven roots and rhizomes; in the latter the soil is rotten, and more loosely connected, so that cattle thrust their legs through it and easily get stuck fast; in the former the surface is saturated with the ground water, but in the latter the water reaches to the surface or slightly above it, conse- quently liere pools of all sizes abound. Upon the flat surface of the “myrar” small cone-shaped knolls usually occur, and in “flóar” water- channels and swampy holes are often found between the knolls. The vegetation is far denser and more continuous in the former than in the latter. The dominant species in the swampv “flói” are Carex chordorrhiza, Eriophorum angustifolium and Scirpus cœspitosus, and frequently occurring species are Carex rostrata, C. saxatitis, C. Goodenoughii, C. limosa, C. rariflora and several other Carices, as also
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The Botany of Iceland

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