The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Blaðsíða 152

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Blaðsíða 152
THORODDSEN 33(5 slopes of mountains are often grass-covered, especially when the rock is tuff or breccia; in Soulh Iceland the tuff mountains are often en- tirely grass-covered, at least on the southern side, and sometimes they are covered with a thick layer of soil without knolls proper, which occur only on the clay ground of the lowlands. But some- times wavy rows of small knolis, or narrow ripple-like ledges occur in the lowesl part of tlie grass-slope, and sometimes above these, for a great distance up, the surface of tlie soil is undulating and wave-like; this is undoubtedly due to mud-ílows in the clayey soil- covering. On l)asalt mountains the grass-vegetation extends upwards in tongues or occurs in patches in depressions or on ledges, se- parated by considerable tracts of stones and gravel. On such a grass-slope, in addition to the grasses, manv other kinds of herbaceous plants are more or less numerously represented. In South Iceland, according to H. Jónsson, the following are the dominant species: Agrostis vulgaris, A. cartina, Anthoxanthum odoratnm, Festnca ovina, Poa alpina, P. nemoralis, Geraninm silvaticum, Trifolium repens, Bru- nelta vulgaris and Leontodon autumnalis; less eommon, but often occurring iocally in great abundance: Spirœa ulmaria, Linum ca- tharticnm, Rubus saxatilis, Gentiana campestris, Myosotis arvensis, Parnassia palustris, and many others; in Fijotshiid Carum carvi is very common and in Myrdalur and Sida Succisa pratensis. The vegetation is rich in species and is rather mixed, although grasses preponderate. In other parts of the country where basalt is donii- nant the grass vegetation of the mountain-slopes consists of similar species, but is not so luxuriant as in South Iceland. The following species are common: Agrostis vnlgaris, A. alba, A. canina, Anthoxan- thum odoratum, Nardus stricta, Aira flexuosa, A. cœspitosa, Phleum pratense, Poa alpina, Hierochloa borealis, Festuca rubra, etc. A spe- cial Nardus-association and an Anthoxanthum-association often occur. Knolly grassland (Græsmo). By this is understood dry, ex- tremely knolly strelches of clayey ground intermixed with humus, occurring on level land and in valleys with a mixed vegetation of Gramineæ, Juncaceæ and Cyperaceæ; it may therefore differ con- siderabiy in appearance. according to whicli of these families pre- dominates. When grasses predominate the “Græsmo” resembies grassland, but sometimes Juncus trifidus and Elyna fíellardi are so dominant that large stretches attain a brownish tint like that of a heather-moor. Usually, the vegetation of the knolls differs from tliat of the depressions; in the depressions, mosses and some Carices
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The Botany of Iceland

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