The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Blaðsíða 153

The Botany of Iceland - 01.12.1914, Blaðsíða 153
PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY 337 are oí'len met with, but upon the knolls there are Elyna Bellardi and Jnncus trifidus-, sometimes these are intermixed with mosses and lichens. In some places Juncus balticus predominates, in others Luzula or Agrostis, Aira cœspitosa, Trisetum subspicatum and otlier grasses. The dry uncultivated grassland without knolls (hardvelli, vall- lendi) usually has for a substratum coarse sand, river-gravel, pebbles, etc., with a thin covering of humus, and a low and rather open vege- tation which chiefly consists of Gramineæ (Festuca, Aira, Poa and Agrostis), but these are abundantly intermixed with Juncus balticus, Lnzula multiflora and L. spicata and Elyna Bellardi; Festuca rubra is sometimes a dominant species. Of dicotyledonous plants the fol- lowing arecommon: Leontodon antumnalis, Thalictrum alpinum, Draba uerna, Galium verum, Euphrasia officinalis, Viota tricolor, Gentiana campestris, Achillea millefolinm, Rhinanthus minor, and others. The home-field (tun) is the manured grassland round the farm- buildings. It is usually enclosed and generally abounds in Iarge knolls. In 1909 the area of the home-fields throughout the island was estimated at 188 square kilometres. The hay (tada) from these home-fields is kept chielly for winter-fodder for cows. The culti- vation of the home-fields differs greatly, which again influences the vegetation, other plant-associations occurring in patches in the grass- covered area of the home-íield; these are especially dependent upon the degree of moisture contained in the different parts of the field. In really well-cultivated liome-fields throughout the country the vege- tation is everywhere homogeneous. The Gramineæ are dominant, especially Aira cœspitosa, Poa pratensis and Festuca rubra\ moreover Festuca ovina, Poa trivialis, P. annua, Agrostis vulgaris, Alopecurus geniculatus and Anthoxanthum odoratum are very common, and inter- mixed abundantly with these occur Ranunculus acer, Taraxacum offici- nale, Rumex acetosa and Polygonum viviparum. The home-fields are often quite yellow with Ranunculi (R. acer and R. repens)-, in many places Trifolium repens and Rhinanthus minor also occur abundantly. In some places Viola tricolor is abundant in liome-íields, especiallv in Eyjafjördur, and Geranium silvaticum in some places in Myrdalur, and in other places ITa'a cracca, etc. In addition, many other plants are found in patches, according to the dampness of the soil and the care given to the cultivation of the home-fields; in dry and sandy grassland there often occur an abundance of Galium verum, G. silvestre, G. boreale, Achillea millefotium, Leontodon autumnalis,
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The Botany of Iceland

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