I & I - 2011, Page 4

I & I - 2011, Page 4
4 I&I Five Questions Icelanders talk about their favorite places. what is your favorite swimming pool in the capital? The Árbaejarlaug pool. where is the best place to enjoy nature in reykjavík? At the waterfalls down in Gljúfurdalur valley on Mt. Esja. It is sometimes forgotten that Reykjavík reaches over a whole mountain. There you will find beautiful rock formations, crags and there is hardly ever anyone there. Then you can trek up to Kambshorn summit and enjoy the view and even the storm. where would you take a foreign guest to dine? Restaurant dill at the Nordic House. It has a good atmosphere and food that lightens you up. what is your secret place in reykjavík? I just wish that I could hide more often at the Kaffismidjan cafe on Kárastígur street. the most beautiful building in the city in your opinion? City Hall, Rádhúsid and the Ásmundarsafn museum in Laugardalur valley. It is typical Icelandic architecture, improvised and impractical but charming in its eccentricity. best place for casual dining in reykjavík Vegamót is my favorite restaurant. the perfect day-trip out of the capital Going fly-fishing with my dad in Stóru Laxá or Sog River. the best pool to visit Vesturbaejarlaugin is my favorite pool; it’s kind of small and quiet—just the way I like it. your secret place in reykjavík Öskjuhlíd is my secret place. When I need time for myself to clear my mind, I take a walk at Öskjuhlíd Hill, an outdoor area in central Reykjavík. your favorite shop Spútnik, a beautiful vintage shop in Reykjavík. Margrét Kara Sturludóttir Basketball Player at KR Kristján B. Jónasson Writer and publisher P ho to b y P ál l S te fá ns so n P ho to b y P ál l S te fá ns so n


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