Atlantica - 01.03.2002, Page 57

Atlantica - 01.03.2002, Page 57
I C E These precarious ice fields with their lone travellers may look like a scene from The Fellowship of The Ring. In fact, these cross-country skiers are returning from an energetic trek in Thjófahraun, south of mount Skjaldbreidur, under Langjökull glacier. Langjökull is Iceland’s second largest glacier and is a very popular outdoor area in the spring months for skiers and jeep enthusiasts, being only a two-hour drive from the capital. Skiing is a popular sport in Iceland, with the pistes normally staying open until April-May. There are three main skiing areas within a half-hour drive from Reykjavík. Further afield, Akureyri, Isafjördur, and Siglufjördur are popular spots for skiers and snowboarders alike. AMB 045-058 I-siteAtl202-rm 1.2.1904 2:10 Page 55



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