Atlantica - 01.02.2006, Blaðsíða 17

Atlantica - 01.02.2006, Blaðsíða 17
 AT L A N T I CA 15 Hi and Lo Feats of technology from around the world A BIRD? A PLANE? THE ANSWER TO AMERICA’S DEPENDENCE ON OIL? Could be. If Sky WindPower Corporation had its way, Flying Electric Generators (FEGs), or ‘Flying Windmills’ as they’ve come to be known, would be the next wave of green energy on the planet. Based in California, the company – one of several developing different kinds of flying windmills – says there is more energy in the air currents above us than in fossil fuel below us, yet this vast resource has gone untapped. The FEGs would use rotorcraft technology and a light tether to send the units 15,000 feet above us to generate electricity at the cost of less than USD .02 per kilowatt hour. Of course, windmills taking up 24,329 square feet of sky apiece might make things a little crowded up there, or present some public relations challenges if one disengaged and fell, but what are you doing to solve America’s famous addiction to oil? PHOTO COURTESY OF TALUS FURNITURE P H O TO C O U R TE S Y O F S K I D U B A I P H O TO C O U R TE S Y O F S K Y W IN D P O W E R C O R P O R A TI O N BETTER THAN A WALKIE TALKIE The MiGo mobile phone, designed for Verizon Wireless, not only allows kids the chance to be cool but also ensures they stay in constant touch with their parents in case of emergencies. With only four buttons to push, LG’s MiGo enables parents to program vital numbers onto the speed- dial, numbers that can only be changed by entering a four-digit pin number which parents keep secret so kids won’t rack up the bills by calling Candy or Mitzy on one of those 900 numbers. P H O TO C O U R TE S Y O F V E R IZ O N BEST NEW FAUX ATMOSPHERE Th e wo r l d ’s l a rg est indoor par k – 22,500m2 and up to 85m high – is now open for business. Yes, now you can experience a winter wonderland, go skiing, tobogganing or simply make snow angels in this Gulf Emirate where the summer temperatures blast past 40 degrees Celsius. Inside is a ski resort with runs ranging from green to black diamond, the longest of which is 400 meters with a fall of over 60 meters, plus a 3,000 square meter snow park. All they need now are some lederhosen. 009 airmail Atlantica 206.indd 15 21.2.2006 11:47:28
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