EM EM : monthly magazine - 01.09.1941, Qupperneq 8
Em Em
Jersey Forest Fire Wipes Out Ghicken Farm
\ . V S->'N
Samuel Ikenson ruefully surveys some of the 4,000 casuelíies on his chicken farm near Lakewood, N. J.,
victims of the forest fire that raged through the Jersey resort area. Nearly 100 homes were destroyed and
. damage was estimated in the millions. The flames threatened to wipe out Lakewood itself before the fire
L split into two sections and passed around the community.
—....... ■ By WILLIAM IUXT--——-
CcnUal Pre*s Wtiter
MUSSOLINI now seems to
have l.Ls military sohedule pretty
well worked ov.t. ííis troope, it
appears, aro defealtd on alter-
nate days in Aibania, and Alrict.
! ! !
Ztdck Danbicpt says aaoíih
er nuson he ptefers »urr,rr.tr ia
that it’s a lot etrier to push a
/awn mcTret tkto ÍHt t saow
I > I __________>
" tft.vee are atetltteÆy terfe and
gt.oo.ny ilmea, bwt w* ettlí ***’%
nndentand how that míd-we**.
ern bafey cfeanced to be bont
with gi»y hair. _ ,
® ! t __«
, T!ie Tacca.-f.ower plant, w®
wad, often grtjws hb nitwh m U.
|tn3hea 34 Nwr*l , »>e iieed„,
c&talog wrtters' cir«am comt
..._ ! ! !
Rain in Caiiferttn, co.’d wav.
in Flsridt. We a!'.vays said r.t
one wirrs a wat—uot e\cn om
vragtd by vrintsr reseit jves?
atents. ___________ ,
V.. > t I ,
Shakeapeare kncw what 1«
ww ftalking about whca h*
íuked, ‘"Whs.t'í. iis a r.uiv.e 5"
Someone hon ioaud a put- ín
ffinglwsd with thc itsmi vi “Tht
dofíy Taxpoyar."
! ! i._______.
, , Florldt, luus a Jonger ecast
Ötoe th&n. ;tny other state—itcm
St haa to bav», tc aocommodati
Sdl títpsd blgtily photogenio wu>
Iter vacaticaíng öftthing beautiea
Holding an armful of flowers which
she can see for the first time, Miss
Eliza Barnard, of Burlington, Vt.,
has only her dark glasses to remind
her of her recent blindness. She|
lost her sight 29 years ago when|
she was three months old, and has
just recovered it following a 12th
cataract operation.