The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Síða 2

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Síða 2
Hello! hm Hello!—If you hear I am knocking, I hope you will open the door: “Who are you?”—I knew you would ask me, You never have seen me before. Who am I?—as yet I am no one To somebody hoping to grow. Today is my very first birthday, I’m starting by saying hello! “Oh!—What is your mission?” you ask me, I’ll tell you with juvenile pride, For I am not timid nor bashful; Why should I?, there’s nothing to hide. Believe me: I’m coming to serve you As nobody served you before, By adding some life to your living— I hope you will open the door. S. J. Johannessson


The Icelandic Canadian

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