The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 13

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 13
THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN 9 FAIRFIELD & SONS LTD. Winnipeg Woollen Mills — Winnipeg. Man. Phone 37 047-8 ★ SAVE MONEY ON BLANKETS Don’t throw away your old woollens. Ship them to us. We make Blankets, Auto Robes, and Sweaters from old woollens and new fleece wool. ★ WRITE US TODAY FOR FREE CATALOGUE AND PRICE LIST Res: 813 Arlington St. Res. Phone 29 538 S. E. JOHNSON PLUMBING and HEATING 641 SARGENT AVE. — Phone 22 191 Jobbing A Specialty Rates Reasonable COMPLIMENTS OF . . . A. S. BARDAL FUNERAL SERVICE PHONES: 86 607 — 86 608 Bardal Block — 843 Sherbrook St. — Winnipeg COMPLIMENTS OF Drummondville Cotton Co. Ltd. Winnipeg Office: 55 ARTHUR STREET, — Phone 21 020 H. L. HANNESSON, Branch Manager Head Office: 754 Victoria Sq., Montreal. Que.


The Icelandic Canadian

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