The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 33

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 33
THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN 29 APPOINTED JUDGE ADVERTISING EXECUTIVE SIG. T. BARDAL JUDGE W. J. LINDAL was appointed judge for Minnedosa at the beginning of this year. Served as Captain with the 27th Regiment in World War 1. He has been practicing law in the City of Winnipeg since 1919. has been appointed retail advertising manager of the Toronto Globe and Mail. He was formerly assistant advertising manager of The Winnipeg Tribune, and for the last year has been in charge of the Winnipeg branch of the Canadian Street Car Advertising Co., Ltd. MR. H. F. DANIELSON, 869 GARFIELD ST., WINNIPEG, MAN. Dear Sir: I wish to become a subscriber to The Icelandic Canadian. I enclose $1.00 for one years subscription. Name ....................................... Address ..................................—


The Icelandic Canadian

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