The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 36

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 36
32 THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN Thovaldson & Eggertson Barristers & Solicitors, etc. 300 NANTON BUILDING Winnipeg, Man. Phone 97 024 Dr. L. A. SIGURDSSON 109 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Office Phone Res. Phone 87 293 72 409 DR. A. V. JOHNSON DENTIST 506 SOMERSET BLDG. Phone 88 124 Res. Phone 27 702 Dr. S. J. JOHANESSON 215 RUBY STREET Phone 30 877 DR. ROBERT BLACK Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat 219 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Phone 22 251 DR. A. BLONDAL 602 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Phone 22 296 CRESCENT TAXI All Passengers Insured OFFICES AT: 788 Corydon Ave. 370 Graham 136 Provencher Ave. Winnipeg PHONE 24 366 Bridgman’s Hardware LIMITED Importers of Fine English China 619 Portage Ave., at Furby St. Phone 37 481 COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND COMPLIMENTS OF H. G. HELGASON Acetylene Welding Blacksmithing Repairs Phone 25 GIMLI, Man.


The Icelandic Canadian

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