The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 40

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 40
36 THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN FOUR BROTHERS i L.-CPL. JOHN FRIDFINNSON J FL.-SGT. PERCIVAL FRIDFINNSON PTE. ANDRES FRIDFINNSON SGT. STANLEY FRIDFINNSON FOUR SONS OF MR. & MRS. FRED FRIDFINNSON, WINNIPEG Percival is at No. 1 A.N.S., R.C.A.F., Rivers, Man. Born Lundar, Man., Dec. 23, 1921. Stanley is with No. 2 Co., Wpg. Light Inf. Vernon, B. C. Born Lundar, Nov. 6, 1918. Andres is with the 4th Can. Arm. Div., Debert, N. S. Born Hove, Man. Nov. 29, 1914. John was with the R.C.A.S.C. Discharged Mar. 1941. Born Winnipeg, May 6, 1912.


The Icelandic Canadian

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