The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 42

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 42
38 THE ICELANDIC CANADIAN Brothers and Sister BARA ISOBEL SOLMUNDSON FRANZ J. SOLMUNDSON OSCAR GEORGE SOLMUNDSON CHILDREN OF THE LATE MR. & MRS. JULIUS SOLMUNDSON, GIMLI, MAN. ■k Eara is a Nursing Sister, rank Lieut- enant in Canadian army, age 31, born in Gimli. Entered the service Jan. 1942, and left for overseas April, 1942. Now stationed in Pretoria, South Africa. ★ Franz was born at Gimli. Age 35. En- tered service June 1941. Is stationed at No. 3 Wireless School, Tuxedo, as dis- ciplinarian. Rank, sergeant. Has a wife and two children. * Oscar is a corporal. Entered the ser- vice August 1940. Was a technical in- structor at Trenton, Ont. Has now re- mustered as aircrew—potential pilot. Age 29. Born Gimli. Married to Helen Benson of Gimli.


The Icelandic Canadian

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