The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 45

The Icelandic Canadian - 01.10.1942, Page 45
®fnrtp (£)ne J?ears <1 Living conditions in Winnipeg have been trans- formed since this citizen-owned utility commenced operation in October, 1911. ff Today, thirty-one years after, every residence in the community uses electricity for lighting. Cook- ing is done electrically in seven out of ten Winnipeg homes, and over half have electric water heaters Electric appliances of every description are widely used to make household tasks easier, and life more enjoyable. Cf Cheap electricity has also improved working condi- tions in stores, offices and factories. It has led to the installation of better lighting, automatic busi- ness machines and all types of industrial equipment. Indeed, this modern form of energy has changed Winnipeg from a distributing point to a manufac- turing centre, making it known as “The Electrical City.” <1 Credit for all this community progress is due to the lowering of former excessive rates through creation of


The Icelandic Canadian

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