
Bókasafnið - 01.06.2011, Blaðsíða 54

Bókasafnið - 01.06.2011, Blaðsíða 54
54 bókasafnið 35. árg. 2011 deildin er aðeins með 24% ritgerða sinna í opnum aðgangi en stjórnmálafræðideildin með 83%. Það er líka mikill munur á Heilbrigðisvísindasviði. Þar nær hjúkrunarfræðideildin 97%, sem er mjög hátt hlutfall, en lyfj afræðideildin er aðeins með 44% ritgerða í opnum aðgangi. Lagadeild og lyfj afræðideild skera sig verulega úr hvað þetta varðar. Ein ástæðan gæti ver- ið ótti við hugverkastuld. Innan þessara greina er samkeppnin mikil. Aðrar ástæður nefndar fyrir lokuðum aðgangi eru: fyrirhuguð birting í ritrýndu tímariti, útgáfa í bók, viðkvæmar persónuupplýsingar og viðkvæmar fj ármálaupplýsingar. Þó eru margar ritgerðir lokaðar þar sem engin þessara ástæðna er fyrir hendi. Einn nemandi orðaði það svo að honum þætti tilhugsunin um að aðrir væru að lesa eitthvað eftir hann á netinu óþægileg. En opinn aðgangur vinnur hægt og bítandi á og ef Háskóli Íslands og aðrir íslenskir háskólar setja sér stefnu um opinn aðgang munu æ fl eiri efl aust velja að veita almenningi að- gang að rannsóknum sínum á netinu í framtíðinni. Lengri gerð þessarar greinar er að fi nna í Skemmunni Abstract Skemman and Open Access Skemman is an institutional repository used by six Icelandic universities to archive and preserve electronic copies of aca- demic research as well as students‘ theses. In late November 2010 a total of nearly 7000 authors had submitted their work to Skemman. This article examines the percentage of theses submitted by students at The University of Iceland during the academic year 2009-2010 as well as the percentage of open access theses. Students are required to submit an electronic copy of their fi nal thesis but can choose between open or closed access. The University of Iceland Council voted to make the sub- mission of electronic copies of fi nal theses mandatory in Fe- bruary 2008. Later that year The National and University Li- brary took over the running of the repository and started to archive electronic copies of theses from the University of Ice- land in October 2008. The fi rst academic year of 2008-2009 was not very successful since the repository lacked both formal rules and the necessary publicity. Students graduate from The University of Iceland three times a year, in October, February and June. Results for the academic year 2009-2010 were as follows: In October 81% of those graduating submit- ted their theses to Skemman. Of these 67% were open access. In February 86% of the graduates submitted their theses and 71% of these were open access. In June 93% of all graduates submitted their theses and again 71% were open access. Whereas the percentage of submissions went up 12%, the percentage of open access theses only increased 4%. There is not an obvious diff erence between the fi ve schools of The University of Iceland as regards open access but if faculties within the schools are examined a huge diff erence appears. In June 2010 only 24% of those graduat- ing from the Faculty of Law chose open access as opposed to 97% of those graduating from the Faculty of Nursing. The University of Iceland has not implemented a policy of open access but plans to do so in 2011 which is the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the University. A formal po- licy is expected to raise the percentage of open access theses as well as encourage academic staff to make their research available to the public in the repository. Þórhallur Þórhallsson Sigling Fangaskip siglir fyrir vindum lífsins. Sekkur í gráa eyðimörk. Siglum áfram í dagskímunni. Þú og ég á nýju skipi fegurðarinnar með veruleikann að baki. Draumar Þar sem draumarnir dvelja í hvítu eggi tröllsins þar sefur sakleysið blátt, skínandi eins og fugl fæðist til að fl júga, fl júga.
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