
Jökull - 01.12.1979, Side 52

Jökull - 01.12.1979, Side 52
water from reservoirs at depth towards the surface. In many areas the free flow of thermal water has been increased significantly by deep drilling. A 1 km drillhole by a spring giving < 1 1/s commonly yields several and sometimes tens of 1/s of water that also is most often significantly warmer than the natural spring. The free flow is, however, much affected by the regional topography; high moun- tains create a high hydrostatic head so that a spring or a drillhole in a deep valley has a much higher natural flow rate than a spring fed by a similar aquifer in a lowland region. This difference is overcome by the effective use of downhole pumps in geothermal wells in the lowland regions. Typical temperature profiles of drillholes are shown in Fig. 4. The flow channels from the recharge areas in the highlands to the hot spring areas in the lowlands are thought to vary from the Tertiary to the Plio- Pleistocene provinces. In the subaerially erupted Tertiary volcanics the flow channels appear to be mainly dykes and faults but to a less extent thin high porosity stratiform horizons. In the Plio- Pleistocene strata, which are characterized by suc- cessions of subaerial lavas intercalated with thick piles of subglacially erupted pillow lavas, hyalo- castites and detrital beds, potential flow channels are much more abundant. There the most effective large scale reservoirs and flow channels are thought to be the pillow lava cores of hyaloclastite ridges and high porosity stratiform horizons of fragmental material which are likewise cut by dykes and faults. There is a significant difference between the aquifers encountered by drilling in the Tertiary and the Plio-Pleistocene areas. In the Tertiary strata the aquifers appear most often to be narrow and connected with vertical structures (dykes and faults). Data is available on the transmissivity in drillholes in three thermal areas in Tertiary rocks (Table 1). The transmissivity is of the order of 103m2/s, and thus an order of magnitude lower than that of the most permeable Plio-Pleistocene strata. The most intensely drilled thermal area in Tertiary strata is at Laugaland near Akureyri in N-Iceland. The strata is of basaltic lavas with minor sedimentary interbeds. The hot springs are associated with dykes. But at depth particulary one dyke out of a whole dyke swarm acts as a main aquifer. Small aquifers have been found connected with both individual dykes and clastic interlayers, but the best aquifers have apparently been en- countered at the intersection of permeable dykes and the interlayefs. In Plio-Pleistocene strata the major aquifers tend to be horizontal and occur most commonly at the contacts of lithological units such as lavas and hyaloclastites. The transmissivity is up to the order of 10"2m2/s, and as the aquifers are more numerous the intrinsic permeability tends to be one or two orders of magnitude higher than that of Tertiary TABLE 1. Transmissivity (measured) and intrisic permeability (calculated) in selected hydrothermal syslems in Iceland. (Compiled by Snorri Páll Kjaran, National Energy Authority, Reykjavík). Transmissivity Instrinsic LOW TEMPERATURE AREAS Tertiary: m2/s permeability millidarcy Laugaland 2.6X103 50 Ytri-Tjarnir 2.1 X 10-3 50 Baer 1.1X10-3 30 Plio-Pleistocene: Sydri-Reykir 2.5 X 10-2 13700 Ellidaár 3.5X10-3 6200 Laugarnes 6.0X10-3 4100 HIGH TEMPERATURE AREAS Svartsengi 1.2X10-2 1000 Krafla 6X 10-5 to 6X10-3 1 to 100 50 JÖKULL 29. ÁR
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