
Jökull - 01.01.2004, Blaðsíða 142

Jökull - 01.01.2004, Blaðsíða 142
Freysteinn Sigmundsson og Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson og um 0.45 km3 af kviku komu upp (Magnús Tumi Guðmundsson o.fl., 1997). Eldgosið 2004 kom upp rétt utan vatnsins í Grímsvatnaöskjunni, en bræðslu- vatn frá gosstöðvunum rann þangað og varð hluti af Grímsvatnahlaupinu sem hélt áfram á meðan gosinu stóð. Grímsvatnahlaupið náði hámarki 2. nóvember með yfir 3000 m3/s rennsli. Við goslok rann vatn í djúpri rás við Grímsfjall til austurs frá Gríðarhorni (5. mynd). Vatnið féll í fossi fram af bergþröskuldi við Gríðarhorn og síðan í farvegi með bergbotni, þar sem til sást. Ekki er vitað hvenær þessi farvegur myndaðist enda er þetta í fyrsta sinn sem vatn hefur sést renna í Grímsvötnum. Áður hefur allt vatnsrennsli verið und- ir jökli. Aukin virkni virðist nú vera að færast í eldstöðv- arnar í Vatnajökli, með Grímsvatnagosum 1998 og 2004, eldgosinu í Gjálp 1996, og öru kvikuflæði milli gosa. Meginhluti síðustu aldar einkenndist af lítilli virkni, með engu staðfestu gosi í Grímsvötnum frá 1934 til 1983. Eldgosasaga Vatnajökuls sem greind hefur verið út frá öskulögum í jöklinum (Guðrún Lar- sen o.fl., 1998) bendir einnig til að þar skiptist á tíma- bil lítillar og mikillar virkni. Vísbendingar eru því um að nýtt virknitímabil sé hafið í Vatnajökli, og því má búast við eldsumbrotum þar aftur innan fárra ára. SUMMARY Grímsvötn eruption, November 1–6, 2004 An eruption within the Grímsvötn caldera began around 22 GMT on November 1, following an in- tense swarm of earthquakes. Long-term precursors to the eruption had been detected, including uplift and expansion across the caldera measured by GPS- geodesy, increased earthquake activity, and elevated geothermal activity. The main eruptive site was near the southwest rim of the caldera (Figure 1) where the eruption melted a void in the ice, about 900 m long and 700 m wide, where the ice had previously been up to 200 m thick. The main tephra sector lies to- wards the north from this crater. Furthermore, about 70 m deep ice cauldron formed immediately to the east of the main void in the ice, marking the con- tinuation of the eruptive fissure. A new ice cauldron formed also east of Mt. Grímsfjall, and small amount of tephra was issued from another previously exist- ing cauldron in the same area. Amount of ice melted is preliminary estimated as 0.1 km3, and amount of eruptive material is less than 0.1 km3. At the main eruptive site, periods of high and low explosive activ- ity alternated. Increased tephra fallout followed after periods of high activity, and on November 2 it was seen how this lead to tephra clouds flowing along the ice surface north of the eruptive site (Figure 2). Ex- plosive activity occurred within the complete length of the void formed in the ice at the main eruptive site (Figures 3 and 4). Near the end of and after the eruption, water was seen flowing along the north- ern edge of Mt. Grímsfjall (Figure 5). Beginning of a jökulhlaup from Grímsvötn preceded this eruption by few days, the first time this has happened since 1934. A causal relationship is indicated, apparently with release of overburden pressure associated with the jökulhlaup triggering the eruption, as suggested by Sigurður Þórarinsson (1953) for some of the ear- lier eruptions at Grímsvötn. HEIMILDIR Gudmundsson, M. T., F. Sigmundsson og H. Bjornsson 1997. Ice-volcano interaction of the 1996 Gjalp sub- glacial eruption, Vatnajokull, Iceland. Nature 389, 954–957. Larsen, G., M. T. Gudmundsson og H. Bjornsson 1998. Eight centuries of periodic volcanism at the center of the Iceland hotspot revealed by glacier tephrostrati- graphy. Geology 26, 943–946. Sigmundsson, F., E. Sturkell, V. Pinel, P. Einarsson, R. Pedersen, H. Geirsson, M. T. Gudmundsson, H. Bjornsson og C. Pagli 2004. Deformation and eruption forecasting at volcanoes under retreating ice caps: dis- criminating signs of magma inflow and ice unloading at Grimsvotn and Katla volcanoes, Iceland. Eos Trans. AGU 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., 608. Sturkell, E., P. Einarsson, F. Sigmundsson, S. Hreins- dottir og H. Geirsson 2003. Deformation of Grimsvotn volcano, Iceland: 1998 eruption and subsequent inflation. Geophys. Res. Lett. 30, 1182, doi:10.129/2002GL016460. Þórarinsson, S. 1974. Vötnin Stríð: Saga Skeiðarárhlaupa og Grímsvatnagosa. Bókaútgáfa Menningarsjóðs, 254 pp. Thorarinsson, S. 1953. Some new aspects of the Grímsvötn problem. J. Glaciology 4, 267–274. 142 JÖKULL No. 54, 2004
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