Lögberg - 10.02.1938, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg - 10.02.1938, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERG, FIMTUDAGINN 10. FEBRÚAR, 1938 3 Massey-Harris Convention Sees Brighter Future for the West H. H. BLOOM, Catiadian Salcs Manager. Mr. H. H. Bloom, Canadian Sales Manager, and Mr. John Martin, Advertising Manager, Massey-Har- ris Company Liniited, are both in the Prairie Provinces fromi Head Office, Toronto to conduct Three Day Sales Conference of Blockmen and Salesmen at Winnij>eg, Regina, Calgary, Edmonton and Saskatoon. At these Conferences the Com- pany is introducing its New 1938 Line w'hich includes the New Twin- Power Pacemaker Tractor and the Small 8-foot Combine. Mr. H. H. Bloom, who now heads the entire Canadian Sales Organiza- tion from coast to coast is a Mani- toba boy — born on a farm at Glen- ella, Manitoba. He entered the implement business as a local agent right in his home town and rapidly rose up through the position of Supervisor of Agencies — Assistant Manager — to Branch Manager at Calgary and then at Saskatoon. Phree years ago he was moved to JOHN MARTÍN. Advcrtising Manager Head Office at Toronto, where he becatne Canadian Sales Manager. The important feature being dis- cussed at these Sales Conferences is the remarkable reduction in produc- tion costs in raising crops as a result of the new and itnproved equipment that is now being made available. Mr. Martin stated to us in an interview that the experience of Manitoba last harves clearly demon- strates that the main problem of the West during these past few years has been lack of moisture. The better moisture condition in Mani- toba in 1937 gave ample proof of the ability of Western Canada to make a quick comeback — if we oan only get the reepiired amount of moisture. The better rainfall last autumn and the good covering of snow over the west at present augur well for a change in the moisture cycle. They give real cause for well-found- ed hopes this year. Tímabœrt málefni Er ekki kominn tími til þess, aÖ eitthvað róttækt sé gjört til þess aÖ heildarsaga islenzka landnámsins í Ameríku sé rituð Óðuin eru þeir að týna tölunni frumherjarnir frá landnámsárunum, sem hefðu getað veitt rnikið liðsinni við þetta sögusafn. Nokkrir eru þeir ennþá hérna megin grafar, sem Hklegir eru til þess að verða góður Hðsauki fyrir þá, sem þetta starf Hefðu með höndum. Híú er það auðsætt, að þjóðrækn- Iéla,gið er sjálfkjörið til að taka ^etta mál að sér, og mig minnir að J>v' hafi eitthvað verið hreyft á þing- um félagsins, en alt til þessa hefir það verið látið liggja á milli hluta. I’etta aðgjörðarleysi má ekki lengur e,ga sér stað. Þeir mienn, sem hafa °H skilyrði til að geta leyst þetta 'erk vel af hendi, eru orðnir svo fá- 'r í okkar hóp; að það má telja þá •'Ha á fingrum sér, á annari hendi. 8vo þegar þessara ntanna missir við, "að verður þá úr þvi að landnáms- ■saga íslendinga í þessari álfu verði ntuð Engum getur dulist það, að hér um stórt fyrirtæki að ræða; en <l ls ekki ókleift. Eg geng út frá ■'u’ llest allir íslendingar hér í sk niUn' tdj. þaÖ þjóðræknislega frá C*U SUla’ styrHja fyrirtækið fv • yrJun. meÖ því að skrifa sig h'v . sogunni strax og borga ein- s • la uPphæð fyrir fram, sem . 'iupp í verðið, sem ekki 1 ^ egt að verði hægt að ákveða IaX>í Hyrjun. Lélegur Islendingur j^.a ’ sem þarna vildi draga sig i jóðræknisþingið kemur saman í • t*SlUm Ulanu®b °g er þess óskandi, að lati ekki þetta “Landnáms- M,gu mal hkrgja lengur milli hluta, Heklur hefji það hæst á dagskrá sína. < >g að nefnd verði kosin til að byrja á því starfi, með þvi að skipuleggja fyrirkomulag, sem þyrfti til aö Hyrja með. ó- Guðmundson. 22nd Ánnual Reporr, Jón Sigurdson Chap.er, I.O.D.E. I have the honor to present to you the twenty-second annual report of the Chapter, covering the work of the year ending February 1, 1938. The Chapter has ‘held ten regular meetings during the year, the aver- age attendance being 15. It has had the jileasure of enrolling one new oiember, and also of welcoming back an ex-member. This brings the membership up to 31, of whom 13 are life members, but it reports with sorrow the death of a life member, Mrs. J. H. Johannson of Edmonton, and also that of an ex-member, Mrs. Albert of Winnipeg. It has also been the pleasure of the Chapter to entertain at various fimes at its meetings 33 guests, which would indicate an interest in and support of the work being done by the organization, by persons who for various reasons 'inay not be in a ]x>sition to become active members and this interest is greatly appre- ciated. Cash receipts during the year liave amounted to $309.85. This sum has læ'en raised by teas, bridge parties. draws, sale of Memorial Books and cash donations by members. The greater part of the money has been used for eduoational and charitable purposes. Apart from actual cash expended the members have donated a vast amount of clotihing to be sent to destitute families. A great many calls have come in from country jxtints and every appeal has tnet with a ready response. Educationai■—(Mrs. G. F. Jónas- son, convener).—The Chapter has been particularly active this year in its support of educational matters. It inaugurated a musical scholarship known as the Jon Sigurdson Chapter I.O.D.E. Scholarship, to be awarded to an outsfanding student in fhe study of the piano or violin, this student to be of Icelandic parentage. This scholarship is to the value of $50 annually for 5 years. It is a great pleasure to report that Miss Agnes Sigurdson is the first winner of the new scholarship. The Chap- ter subscribed $25 towards assisting a brilliant Icelandic musician with her studies abroad. In conjunction with the other Municipal Chapter, it helped in the raising of funds to ,allow another young musician to avail himself of an overseas scholar- ship which Ihad been awarded him. It assisted in paying tlie tuition fees of a young boy taking a course in Pharmacy at the University. It supplied text books to a high school student and it took an active part in paying the tuition of a promising lcelandic art student. Child and Family Welfarc. — (Convener, Miss V. Jonasson).— Under an active welfare convener, the Chapter has supplied many needy families with both new and old clothing. These were donated by members and their friends, and when these were found insufficient, others were bought with the Ohap- ter’s funds. Thirteen parcels were sent to rural points, these being valued at $142. Two bags of material for rug-mak- ing were sent to a country point, to a lady who is able to earn a little cash by making these into rugs. $19 was spent on Christmas cheer, — hampers being taken to families in need. A returned soldier was given assistance in securing glasses. Tin- foil was collected for tihe Children’s Hosprtal. Work Done for Othcr Organiza- tions.—The Chapter sold tickets for a bridge and dance for the Fort Garry Horse and tickets for a raffle to assist a Pharmacy student. Mem- bers assisted at a tea at the Hudson's Bay store in aid of a young musician and donated to a tea for the Blind Institute. Three members helped with quilting at the Service Bureau and helped pack clothes for the drought area. Assistance was also given at a tea at Mrs. Colin H. j Campbells. Entertainmcnt. — The Chapter held its Birthday Bridge in March, in the Federated Church Parlors. A birthday cake was donated by the Regent. This affair netted the sum of $35-5°- In November a dance and bridge was held in the I.O.G.T. Hall; the proceeds amounted to $6.00. The annual tea at the T. Eaton Co. Assembly Hall in October brought in $54.21. A new departure has been the inonthly bridge held in different homes, and eacli sponsored by two members. These have proved delightful social events as well as adding a substantial sum to the treasury. Empire Study.—(Convener, Mrs. B. S. Benson).—An efficient and wide awake Empire Study convener has given the members the chance to hear many interesting discussions at the meetings; among the talks given have been the following: Alderman McWilliams— “What Is Being Done for Un- employed Girls. Miss Alice Johannson— Art Appreciation. ’ Mrs. H. G. Henrickson— The Underprivileged Child. Miss J. Sumtners— “My Trip Abroad.” Mrs. W. J. Lindal— Some Phasesof Unemployment Among Girls. * Miss R. Vidal— Accident Prevention. Mrs. G. S. Dean— Life in the Argentine. Mrs. J. Gunn— A Talk on Little Britain. Mrs. Híart— A Resume of Her Trip to Quebec to Attend the Annual Convention. Two scrap books of unusual in- terest were prepared by two mem- bers. Hospital Visiting.—(Mrs. Thorpe and Mrs. Nicholson). — Hospital visiting is carried on regularly by two faithful members, the St. Boni- face Sanatorium being their special charge. $2.00 is set aside each month for the purchasing of treats for patients. At Christnnas special boxes were taken to Icelandic patients, contributions to these be- ing made by meinbers.— A quantity of tinfoil sent to Children’s Hospital. Miscellaneous Articles Donated.— Coronation certificates were sent to three schools outside the city, copies of the "King’s Message’’ as well as calendars were sent to different in- stitutions. Flowers have been sent to various inembers during times of sickness. Two Memorial Books were presented to members for faithful work done. A Memorial Book was likewise presented to a re- turned soldier. A Girl Guide’s uni- form was provided by the Regent. Under the able direction of the knit- ting convener (Mrs„ Sivertson)’ a numiber of lovely and useful articles were made for the unorganized dis- tricts. These included 8 pr. rnitts, 1 pr. stockings, 3 tams, 4 scarves, 2 suits iand 4 sweaters. Before I close I would like to voice an appreciation of the assist- ance given by friends outside of the Chapter, in attending its various gatherings and particularly to those who have donated prizes, etc. for its different functions. Also to the two Icelandic papers for their co- operation during the year. They have at all times been ready to ac- cept reports and notices and have even given space for free advertis- ing. In conclusion may 1 wish all the members a prosperous new term and express the hope tbat they may con- tinue to work together in the same barmony as during the past year. Respectfully submitted, Björg Frederickson, secretary. The Following officers have been elected for 1938: Honorary Regents— Mrs. B. J. Brandson, Mrs. B. B. Jonsson, Mrs. R. Petursson. Regent—Mrs. J. B. Skaptason First Vice Regent— Mrs. B. S, Bénson Second Vice Regent— Mrs. B. Thorpe ^Secretary— Miss Björg Frederickson Teasufer— Mrs. J. S. Gillies. Assist. Sec. and Press Reporter— Mrs. L. E. Summers Educational Secretary— Mrs. G. F. Jonasson Hospital Visiting Conveners— Mrs. B. Thorpe, Mrs. H. G. Nicholson. Welfare Convener— Miss V. Jonasson Knitting Convener— Mrs. P. J. Sivertson pmpire Study Convener— Mrs. B. S. B.enson Echoes Convener— M rs. J. F. Kristjánsson Standard Bearer— Mrs. E. Hanson. Councillors— Mrs. R. Johnson, Mrs. P. S. Pálsson, Mrs. T. E. Thorsteinson, Mrs. S. Jakobsson, Miss F. Johnson. Þrjú kvæði “European Elegies,” eftir Watson Kirkconnell þýdd af S. B. Benedictssyni A MORGUN (To morrow) Hvað um “á morgun, á morgun?” Margstirnið efa mér býr. Hjartað, i sáldjúpri sorgun, sýnir að röðullinn flýr. Hvað um “á morgun, á morgun?’\ munardjúp andans þá spyr: “Náttúran boðar þá borgun, björt verður eygló sem fyr.” Er það þá alt?—spyr eg aftur. “Ó, nei. Hver liftegund grær. Reisir upp, röðulsins kraftur rós, sem var knappur í gær.” Er það þá alt? Svar mitt seinum og særandi málrómi klætt. “Fiðrildið, lífsins úr leynum, af lyrfunni risið, er fætt. | Business and Professional Cards | PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS DR. B. J. BRANDSON 216-220 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Grahani og Kennedy Sts. Phone 21 8 34—Office tlmar 2-3 Heimili: 214 WAVERLEY ST. Phone 403 288 Winnipeg, Manitoba DR. B. H.OLSON Phones: 35 076 906 047 Consultation by Appointment Only Heimili: 5 ST. JAMES PLACE Winnipeg, Manitoba DR. ROBERT BLACK Sérfrœðingur 1 eyrna, augna, nef og hálssjúkdðmum. 216-220 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Graham & Kennedy Viðtalstlmi — 11 til 1 og 2 til 5 Skrifstofuslml — 22 2 51 Heimili — 401 991 Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson 20 5 Medical Arts Bldg. Cor. Graham og Kennedy Sts. Phone 22 866 Res. 114 GRENFELL BLVD. Phone 62 200 Dr. S. J. Johannesson Viðtalstlmi 3-5 e. h. 218 SHERBURN ST. Slmi 30 877 Dr. D. C. M. Hallson Stundar skurðlækningar og almennar lœkningar 264 HARGRAVE ST. —Gegnt Eaton’s— Winnipeg Slmi 22 775 DR. A. V. JOHNSON Tannlæknir 212 Curry Bldg., Winnipeg (Gegnt pðsthúsinu) Sími: 96 210 - Heimils: 28 086 DRS. H. R. & H. W. TWEED Tannlœkriar 4 06 TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS BUILDING Cor. Portage Ave. og Smith St. PHONE 26 545 WINNIPKO BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, ETC. H. A. BERGMAN, K.C. íslenzkur lögfrceBingur Skrifstofa: Room 811 McArthur Building, Portage Ave. P.O. Box 1656 PHONES 95 052 og 39 043 J. T. THORSON, K.C. íslenzkur lögfræOingur 800 GREAT WEST PERM. BLD. Phone 94 668 LINDAL, BUHR & STEFÁNSSON Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries, etc. W. J. Tándal, K.C., A. Bulir Björn Stefánsson Telcphone 97 621 Offices: 325 MAIN STREET BUSINESS CARDS Akjósanlegur gististaOur Fyrir tslendingat Vingjarnleg aðbúð. Sanngjarnt verð. Cornwall Hotel MAIN & RUPERT Slmi 94 742 PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED CAREFULLY GOODMAN DRUGS Cor. ELLICE & SHERBROOK Phone 34 403 We Deliver A.S.BARDAL J. J. SWANSON & CO. 84 8 SHERBROOKE ST. LIMITED Selur lfkkistur og annast um út- 601 PARIS BLDG., WINNIPEG farir Ailur útbúnaður sá bezti. Fasteignasalar. Leigja hús. Út- Ennfremur selur hann allskonar vega peningalán og eldsábyrgð af minnisvarða og legsteina. öllu tægi. Skrifstofu talslmi: 86 607 PHONE 94 221 Heimilis talslmi: 501 562 A. C. JOHNSON ST. REGIS HOTEL 907 CONFEDERATION LIFE 285 SMITH ST., WINNIPEG BUILDING, WINNIPEG pægilegur og rólegur öústaóur i Annast um fasteignir manna. mióbiki borgarinnar. Tekur að sér að ávaxta sparifé Herbergi $2.00 og har yfir; með fðlks. Selur eldsábyrgð og bif- baðklefa $3.00 og þar yfir. reiða ábyrgðir. Skriflegum fyrir- spurnum svarað samstundis. Ágætar máltlðir 40c—60c Skrifst.s. 96 757—Heimas. 33 328 Free Parking for Quests Svásar um sumarsins stundir sveimar það, jurta á fund, V’íða um grænklæddar grundir. garða og ilmandi lund.” Efa minn hafir þú hrakið heldur þú, rétt ef eg skil. Hið andvana enginn fær vakið, —ó, ekkert “á morgun” er til. DAGTAFLAN (The Calendar) Dag eftir dag—svo deyja blöðin þín, dularfult tákn þess lífs, er kemur og fer og drýpur út í haf, sem eilíft er, einn og einn dropi í senn og hverfur, dvín. Með sama hraða svíf eg burt með þér, á samlífs göngu æskustöðvum frá, og dapur lít hvern dag, sem lifið á, í dimmleik þess, sem grimt og sorg- legt er. Hægt og bægt falla lúin laufblöð köld af lífsins stofni—tímans sorgar börn— ið myrka tákn, sem grárri elli er geynit. Blað eftir blað — hver vika, ár og öld, útför þess liðna, svífur hratt sem öm i rökkur-haf—og heimi týnt og gleymt. # # # IIJARTA, HJARTA MITT (Heavt, Mv Heart) Hjarta! Hjarta! æðrast eigi, örlög skaltu bena þín. April-sunna aftur skín, unun býr úr köldum degi. Ó, hvað sorgir blíðka og bæta! Brosir lífsins fegurð senn. Hjarta, Hjarta! Eig þér enn ástar-vonir, morgni að mæta. ♦ Borgið LÖGBERG !



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