Lögberg - 17.05.1956, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg - 17.05.1956, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERG, FIMMTUDAGINN 17. MAÍ 1956 3 Canada Press Club and Citizenship Day On Saturday, May 19, the Canada Press Club is tender- ing a complimentary lunch- eon to Hon. J. W. Pickersgill, the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration. This will Provide an opportunity to the Club to bring to the attention of the Minister of Citizenship the service which the Club seeks to render in the build- ing of sound citizenship in Canada. It is appropriate at this time to look in retrospect at what has been accomp- lished and glance at what appear to be the duties falling upon the editors of the ethnic weeklies in the wiediate future. During the last war, the Club emphasized the need of keeping the cause of the democratic nations of the world before the readers of these weeklies, particularly ln the case of those who reached people in whose hearts there might have been a conflict of loyalties. Be- ^°re and after the passing of the Canadian Citizenship Act, 'vhich came into force on January 1, 1947, the club Hreindýrarækt . . . Framhald af bls. 2 góða, enda höfðu þeir þá undanfarið verið í þjónustu norska ríkisins sem fjalla- tógregla gegn ránsmönnum °§ veiðiþjófum. Launakjör manna þessara voru mjög sanngjörn og aðgengileg, og ^yndi nauðsynleg árleg fækk un dýranna þá þegar hafa borið þann kostnað fyllilega. síðan hefir hjörðin á V,- °r*fum meira en tvöfaldazt brátt fyrir mikla fækkun síð- nstu tvö árin. í^essu góða boði var því niiður ekki sinnt hér heima og Var það illa farið. Er nú all- nuklu erfiðara um vik á þess- ntn vettvangi sökum hinnar °v*ntu og öru fjölgunar dýr- anna og dreifingar út um ^nlasýslur á sumrum. En þó members gave special study to the provisions of the Bill and made suggestions which the Minister, at that time, Hon. Paul Martin, appreci- ated very much. The last few years the Club has turned its attention to immigrants, or newcomers as they are now called. The cold war in both its ideological and economic aspects is a challenge to the free countries of the world and has enormously increased the responsibility of their citizens in building and main- taining the type of democratic im* citizenship in which they be- lieve. During these years of fairly largg immigration, this applies particularly to the people of Canada and in a special way to the editors of ethnic weekly newspapers who, in their editorials, can reach many of the new- comers in their own language. Injurious propaganda has to be met, as efforts will be made and have been made by groups in this country to direct the thinking of the newcomer into wrong chan- nels. In some instances, the newcomers may have totali- tarian leanings and may at- tempt to impose their views upon Canadians of the same national origin. In this struggle for the loyalty of the newcomers and for counteracting influences inimical to the Canadian way of life, the editors of the so- called foreign weeklies are playing a very important role and their publications are de- serving of general support. This was forcibly drawn to the attention of the House of Commons in a speech deliv- ered by Chrales E. Rea, the new Member for the Spadina constituency in Toronto. He pointed out that there were 12 Communist foreign-language newspapers in Ontario and about the same number else- er enn meginþorri dýranna á I where in Canada, with a com- bined circulation of over 100,000. On the other hand, there jvere 50 democratic foreign-language newspapers and magazines with a com- bined circulation of over 1,000,000. “A' silent warfare”, he is reported by the Canad- ian Press to have said, “is in progress between the two groups of publications. The Comumnist press is trying to win the immigrants to its ways and the democratic publications are trying to help them become good Canadians”. Mr. Rea very significantly went on to say, “by placing advertisements in the democratic foreign press the government could assist immigrants to know Canada and accept the Canadian way of life”. A few years ago, a press club was formed in Toronto s*num gömlu slóðum: Vestur- °r®fum á sumrum og út um . jntsdalsheiðar á vetrum. Og j* þeim slóðum myndi stofn- Jör-Qin tekin til tamningar, síðan smám saman renna *nn í hópinn þau dýr, sém ”utangátta“ væru í fyrstu. A þennan hátt einan verður I r.^tahjörðin hagnýtt til je nustu og dreift nauðsyn- g- ^ þeirra landshluta, þar j*0} þess er óskað.-Með fullri g ara reynslu eru nú fengnar annanir fyrir verðmæti þess- v»r ”S‘ía^t:>jarga“ hjarðar, og ef ri,Sor§tegt til þess að hugsa, ^ un ætti nú á ný að ganga t S,er; °§ liggja við algerðri r ^mingu eins og áður fyrr, ngongu sökum vanhirðu og Væri óvist-að t>4 Sa ^1® Jntn fast og giftu- 6Sa 1 taúmana og gert var með hinum glæsilega angri, sem raun varð a. - - Business and Professional Cards StLKIriK METAL PR0DUCTS Reykháfar, öruggasta eldsvörn, og ávalt hreinir. Hitaeiningar- rör, ný uppfynding. Sparar eldi- viö, heldur hita frá að rjúka út meS reyknum.—SkrifiÖ, símiö U1 KEIXY SVEINSSON 625 WaU St. Winnipeg Just North of Portage Ave. SUnset 3-3744 — SUnset 3-4431 Minnist BETEL í erfðaskrám yðar S. O. BJERRING Canadian Stamp Co. RUBBER & METAL STAMPS NOTARY & CORPORATE SEALS CELLULOID BUTTONS 324 Smith St. Winnipeg PHO&E 92-4624 CANADIAN FISH PRODUCERS LTD. J. H. PAGE, Managing Director Wholesale Distributors of Fresh and Frozen Fish 311 CHAMBERS STREET Office: 74-7451 Res.: 72-3917 Dr. ROBERT BLACK SérfrætSingur I augna, eyrna, nef og hálssjúkdómum. 401 MEDICAL ARTS BLDG. Graham and Kennedy St. Skrifstofusími 92-3851 Heimasími 40-3794 J. Wilfrid Swanson & Co. Insurance in all its branches Real Estate - Mortgages - Rentals 210 POWER BUILDING Telephone 93-7181 Res. 40-34M LET US SERVE YOU PARKER. TALLIN, KRIST- JANSSON, PARKER AND MARTIN BARRISTERS — SOI.ICITORS Ben C. Parker, Q.C. (1910-1951) B. Stuart Parker, Clive K. Tallin, Q.C., A. F. Kristjansson, Hugh B. Parkef, W. Steward Martin 5th fl. Canadian Bank of Commerce Building, 389 Main Street Winnipeg 2, Man. Phone 92-3561 G. F. Jonasson, Pres. & Man. Dir. Keystone Fisheries Limited Whölesale Distributors of FRESH AND FROZEN FISH 60 Louiso Street Sími 92-5227 EGGERTSON FUNERAL HOME Dauphin, Manitoba Eigandi ARNI EGGERTSON. Jr. Day Call Evenings SUnset 3-3961 50-9803 74-6620 Broadland Service Labs Qualifled Technicians Complete Radio and T-V Service John Turner 226 Maryland St. Vlctor Thordarson WTNNIPEG patterned upon the Canada Press Club in Winnipeg with similar aims and objects. It is called the Canadian Ethnic Press Club of Toronto. On April 25, the President, B. Tenhunen, who is editor of a tri-weekly Finnish newspaper called “Vapa Sana” (Free Press), wrote to Judge W. J. Lindal, President of the Canada Press Club, urging that discussions they had had some time ago be carried into effect and that an attempt be made to have representatives of the ethnic publications of Canada meet in Ottawa upon the invitation of Hon. J. W. Pickersgill with a view to iscussing ways and means of better co-ordinating the work of the democratic ethnic press. This suggestion is re- ceiving the full support of the Canada Press Club. The luncheon meeting for Mr. Pickersgill will be held in the St. Regis Hotel following which the Minister will spend a social hour with the editors and publishers. He leaves in the afternoon for Vancouver. At the last annual meeting of the Canada Press Club, the following officers were el- ected for the ensuing year: Hon. President: R. F. McWilliams President: Judge W. J. Lindal Vice-President: Charles E. Dojack Secretary: M. H. Hykawy Treasurér: Leo Lezack. Executive Committee: H. A. Brodahl Miss M. Hryniewiecki M. Pohorecky S. M. Selchen P. Stankovic. Van's Electric Ltd. 636 Sargent Ave. Authorized Home Appliance Dealers GENERAL ELECTRIC — ADMIRAL McCLARY ELECTRIC — MOFFAT SUnset 3-4890 Phone 74-7855 ESTIMATES FREE J. M. Ingimundson Re-Roofing — Asphalt Shingle* Insul-Bric Siding Vents Installed to Help EUminate Condensation 632 Simcoe St. Winnlpeg, Man. Dr. P. H T. Thorlakson WINNIPEG CLINIC St. Mary’s and Vaughan, Winnipeg Phone 92-6441 Gilbart Funeral Home Selkirk, Manltoba J. ROY GILBART Phone 3271 Selklrk Office Phone Res. Phone 92-4762 72-6115 Dr. L. A. Sigurdson 528 MEDICAL ARTS BUILDING Office Hours: 4 p.m.—6 p.m. and by appointment. Muir's Drug Store Ltd. J. CLUBB FAMILY DRUGGIST SERVING THE WEST END FOR 27 YEARS Phone 74-4422 EUice & Home < Creators of Distinctive Printing Columbia Press Ltd. 695 Sargenl Ave. Winnipeg PHONE 74-3411 Dr. G. KRISTJANSSON 102 Osbome Medical Bldg. Phone 74-0222 Weston Office: Logan&Quelch Phone 74-5818 — Res. 74-0118 DR. E. JOHNSON 304 Eveline Street SELKIRK, MANITOBA Phones: Office 26 — Residence 230 Office Hours: 2.30 - 6.00 p.m. Phone 92-7025 H. J. H. PALMASON Chartered Accountant 505 Confederatlon Llfe Bullding WINNIPEG MANITOBA Thorvaldson, Eggertson, Bastin & Stringer Barristers and Solicitors 209 BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Bldg. Portage and Garry St. PHONE 92-8291 Dunwoody Saul Smith & Company Chartered Accountants Phone 92-2468 100 Prlncess St. Winnipeg, Min. And offices at: FORT WILLIAM - KENORA FORT FRANCES - ATIKOKAN A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNERAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Street Selur líkkistur og annast um út- farir. Allur útbúnaCur sá bezti. StofnaS 1894 SÍMI 74-7474 Hofið Höfn í huga Heimlli sólsetursbarnanna, Icelandic Old Folks’ Home Soc., 3498 Osler St., Vancouver. B.C. J. J. Swanson & Co. LIMITED 308 AVENUE BLDG. WINNIPEG Fasteignasalar. Lieigja hús. Ot- vega peningalán og eldsábyrgS, bifreiSaábyrgS o.s. frv. Phone 92-7538 Arlingfon Pharmacy Prescription Specialist Cor. Arlington and Sargent SUnset 3-5550 We collect light, water and phone bills. Post Offioe



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