Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.09.1963, Blaðsíða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.09.1963, Blaðsíða 8
8 LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 26. SEPTEMBER 1963 BETEL HOME FOUNDATION ANNUAL REPORT Úr borg og byggð The Unilarian Women's Al- liance will hold their 37th Conference, Monday, Septem- ber 30th, in the Unitarian Church, Sargent and Bann- ing, Winnipeg. Delegates from Gimli, Arborg, Riverton, Lundar, Wynyard and Win- nipeg will attend. Guest speaker will be Miss Patricia Desjardin. ☆ Mr. and Mrs. Sigurbjorn Sigurdson of Vancouver ar- rived in Winnipeg last week- end for a ten-day visit with relatives and friends. During their long residence here, they were very active in their churoh and other social organ- izations of the Icelandic group. They will receive a warm wel- come from their many friends. ☆ A service in Icelandic will be held in the Unitarian Church in Winnipeg next Sunday at 7 p.m. At the morn- ing service the Rev. Henry H. Cheetham, Director of Educa- tion for the Unitarian Univer- salist Association of Boston will be guest speaker. He will also conduot a religious edu- cation seminar for Sunday School teachers Saturday morning and aftemoon in the church. ☆ Donations to Betel Johann K. Johnson, Hecla, Manitoba, $25.00. in memory of: Sera Sigurdur Olafson Ed Perry Marus Benson Th. Finnur Eyolfson Mrs. Anna Thordarson Gratefully received, S. M. BACHMAN, 12-380 Assini'boine Ave., Winnipeg 1, Manitoba. ☆ The Ladies' Aid of the First Lutheran church will have Lif rapylsa and B 1 o d m o r (blood sausage) for sale on Wednesday, October 2nd at 1.30 p.m. in the lower auditor- ium of the church. Coffee will be served. ☆ More Echoes by Paul Bjarnason A limited edition of numb- ered copies obtainable only from the author. Price $4.50 1016 West 13th Avenue, Vancouver 9, B.C. ☆ Northern Lights, Icelandic poems translated by Mrs. Ja- kobina Johnson. Price $2.50. Only a few copies left. Write to Mrs. Johnson, 3208 N.W. 59th St., Seattle 7, Washing- ton, U.S.A. MESSUBOÐ Fyrsla lúterska kirkja Sr. V. J. Eylands, Dr. Theol. Heimili 686 Banning Street. Sími SUnset 3-0744. Guðsþjónustur á hverjum sunnudegi: A ensku: kl. 9.45 f. h 11.00 f. h. Á íslenzku kl. 7 e. h. Sunnudagaskóli kl. 9.45 f. h. CORRECTIONS In the leading article of last week’s paper — Canada — a Multi-Cultural Nation by Dr. P. H. T. Thorlakson: Page 2, 2nd column, para- graph 2—cultural and religi- ous separate should be sepa- rateness. In the same para- graph: A combination of re- taliation, resentment and fear, the last word was missing. Page 5, second last para- graph: patten should be pat- tern. Skautbuningur Mrs. S. Gudmunds has for sale an Icelandic Skaut Bun- ing (Festival Dress) — the dress which is wom at state functions and other formal affairs. ADDRESS — 3039 Hillegass Avenue, Berkeley 5, California, U.S.A. ☆ Civil Defence says: — In the initial stages of a national emergency you may be on your own for a while. Can you sustain yourself and your family for at least forty- eight hours? Metro Civil Defence, 1767 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg 12 — TUrner 8-2351 ROSE THEATRE SARGENT ot ARLINGTON AIRCONDITIONED CHANGE OF PROGRAM EVERY FOUR DAYS Foto-Nite Every Tuesday and Wednesday SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEE Every Saturday From the original founda- tion of the Betel Horne, it has been the policy of the Board of Directors to present a re- port to the Icelandic Lutheran Synod Sitting in annual con- vention. In June of last year the Synod held its final meet- ing in Gimli and we regret- fully witnessed the passing of an organization which served the Icelandic community for some seventy years. This or- ganization, t h o u g h small, served as a unifying factor of our seattered Icelandic com- munities. The members of the Betel Home Foundation now wiSh to report to the com- munity at large, through the medium of Logberg-Heims- kringla so that the many friends of Betel may have a clear understanding of the af- fairs of the Home. The Home at Gimli pro- vides resident accommoda- tions for some ninety persons. An integral part of the Home is the infirmary which has bed facilities for twenty per- sons. Many of the infirmary patients are chronic cases re- quiring twenty-four h o u r care. A matter of concern to the Board of Directors is to improve and expand the faci- lities of the Home. Studies and plans have been made in this direction both at Gimli and elsew'here and presently a new study of expansion at Gimli is being made. A report on these plans will be made when the studies have been completed. The buildings of the Home are continually being repair- ed and maintained in a first class condition. The DireCtors wish to ex- press their appreciation for the loyalty and co-operation of all the members of the staff and management for the past year. Respectfully submitted on béhalf of the Board of Direc- tors. GRETTIR EGGERTSON, President. Winnipeg, Canada. September 23, 1963. BETEL HOME FOUNDATION BALANCE SHEET as at March 31st, 1963 ASSETS Current Assets: CaSh on hand and in Bank ___ Building Fund Bank account TruSt Bank account held for residents _____ Accounts Receivable _______________________ Prepaid Expenses___________________________ Total Current Assets________ Fixed Assets: Land, Buildings and Equipmént Total Assets ............... LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL Current Liabilities: Residents’ trust account ________________________ Accounts payable ________________________________ Total Current Liabilities Capital: Balance at March 30, 1962 _____ Add: Tax refund and grant ... Building Fund receipts ________ $ 11,418.78 2,092.83 5,430.59 3,516.10 3,417.18 $ 25,875.48 258.506.70 $284,382.18 $ 5,430.59 4,529.52 $ 9,960.11 Less: Deficit for the year ended March 31, 1963 Toial Liabilities and Capiial $273,969.61 550.91 1,508.98 $276,029.50 1,607.43 PATHFINDERS' BENEVOLENT FUND CaSh in Bank _________________________________________ Bonds and Certificates held by the Winnipeg Foundation (Par value $75,500.00) Cost _...........__......... Revenue Account __________.'._________:_______________ Due from General Account and Betel Holdings Mortgage Receivable__________________________ Bequesi: Mrs. I. M. Magnusson Johnson Estate $ 200.00 Donations _____________________________________________ 956.50 274,422.07 $284,382.18 $ 3,734.14 75,089.88 4,035.31 1,530.50 1,782.92 $ 86,172.75 Total $ 1,156.50 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS P. H. T. Thorlakson, M.D., Honorary President; Grettir Eggertson, President; K. W. Johannson, Vice- President; Victor Jonasson. Honorary Secretary; S. C. Bachman, Honorary Treasurer; S. V. Sigurdson; Barney Egilson; Lincoln Johnson; John Guttormsson; Hon. G. S. Thorvaldson, Q.C.; A. R. Swanson; Miss S. Hjartarson, Matron.



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