Lögberg-Heimskringla - 14.05.1970, Page 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 14.05.1970, Page 1
TH JODM I N J A S A F' N I D , REYKJAVIK t I CELAND. Hö gber g- ^eímskr tngla Stoínað 14. jan. 1888 Sioínað 9. sepl. 1886 84. ÁRGANGUR WINNIPEG, FIMMTUDAGINN 14. MAl 1970 @ NÚMER 19 FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON GROUP MEDICINE WINNIPEG, MANITOBA - CANADA APRIL 26 - 30 APRIL 1970 Welcoming Ceremony — April 26. 1970, Maniioba Cenlennial Conceri Hall, Winnipeg, Canada. Froni Row — Lefi io Righi: Professor A. S. R. Tweedie, Universiiy of Manitoba; Dr. M. O. Kent-Hughes, Vice-Presideni from Auslralia; Dr. Alion Ochsner, Vice-Presideni from íhe Uniied Siaies of America; Dr. Taro Takemi, Vice-Presideni from Japan; Dr. Gusiave Gingras, Vice-Presi- deni from Canada; Dr. Jacques Beaupere, Vice-President from France; His Honour, The Lieuienani-Governor of Maniioba (The Honourable Richard S. Bowles, Q.C.); Her Excellency, Mrs. Michener; His Excellency, The Governor General of Canada (The Righi Honourable Roland Michener, C.C.. C.D.); Dr. Paul H. T. Thorlakson, Presidenl of ihe Congress; Dr. Peier Curry, Chancellor of ihe Universiiy of Maniioba; Dr. H. H. Saunderson, Presideni of ihe Universily of Maniioba; The Honourable James Richardson, Representing ihe Governmeni of Canada; The Honourable Edward Schreyer, Premier of Maniioba; Alderman Roberi Tafi, Aciing Mayor of Winnipeg; Dr. J. C. Cameron, Vice-Presideni from ihe United Kingdom; Dr. Juljan D. Czapski, Vice-President from Brazil; Dr. C. F. Borchgrevink. Vice-Presideni from Norway; Dr. K. H. Meizner, Vice-Presideni from ihe Federal Republic of Germany; Dr. P. R. Trivedi, Vice-Presideni from India. In recent years great pro- gress ha® been made in the field of medical science and knowledge, and advances made in technology and com- pulSory héalth and hospital insurance. Dr. Paul H. T. Thorlakson, who always keeps abreast of the changing times, conceived the idea of a congress to pro- vide a forum for the discus- sion of effective health ser- vice delivery in this modern aige. He contacted medical men in many countries with the result that 850 delegates from 21 countries attended the congress held in Winni- peg, April 26 to April 30. The preparations for the congress were made by var- ious committees numbering close to a hundred people, Dr. Thorlakson giving leadership to all of them, and by all re- ports this First International Congress on Group Medicine was a complete success from beginning to end and was climaxed by an invitation to hold the Second Internaiional Congress in Group Medicine in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil in May 1973. We take the liberty of re- printing an excerpt from an article by Judge W. J. Lindal which appeared in Icelandic Canadian last year and ex- presses well the amazing lead- ership qualities of Dr. Paul H. T. Thorlakson, which have made him so successful in the many excellent projects to which he has given leader- ship. — I. J. “Dr. Thorlakson possesses to an unusual degree qualities of mind which are essential, almost imperative, in carry- ing out projects which are of such a nature that many views and ways of approach are bound to arise. It is not out of the way to refer to some of them. He may disagree with peo- ple, even sharply, but he always sets those disagree- ments aside if the people in- volved have the mental equip - ment and experience to make substantial contributions to the subjects or plans that come up for discussion. Personal animosities do not influence Dr. Thorlakson. Former Prime Minister John G. Diefenbaker has often stat- ed that he does not allow himself the luxury of hate. By that yardstick Dr. Thor- lakson rates at the top. To him very few, if any, subjects are non-negotiable a n d in negotiating he is always willing to yeild when the preponderance of argu- ment is in opposition to the position originally taken by him. Dr. Thorlakson hasr not a jealous mind and he is quick to congratulate when merited recognition is given to others. In t h i s shrinking world where a man of Asia can look into the backyard of a man pf Miami, Florida, or, better still, where the actions of ex- ecutives and planners, good or bad, very soon reveal themselves to a hungry press, and the impatience of a few students, who magnify the failures of the past, is im- mediately communicated throughout the world, in STÆRSTA SKIP Kollfinn er nafnið á 26.000 tonna skipi, sem liggur í Straumsvík núna, og er frá Osló. Er það stærsta skip, sem hérna hefur lagzt að bryggju. Það lét hérna á land 12.500 lestir að súráli, sem það kom með frá hollenzku Guyana, en fer héðan tómt. Héðan fer skipið til Hol- lands. Risastór krani og sog- dæla tóku álið í land, og getur þessi krani náð 500 tonnum á klukkustund, ef full afköst nást. Ályinu er dælt upp í tank eða síló, sem tekur 30.000 tonn. Morgunblaðið. radio waves with the speed of light and in actual TV vision via satellites, co opera- tion and willingness to nego- tiate have acquired a new dimension in human action.” 100 MANNS ÚR 3 KÓRUM FLYTJA „FRIÐ Á JÖRÐU" Þrír kirkjukórar eru nú önnum kafnir við æfingar á o r a t o r í u Björgvins Guð- mundssonar „Friður á jörðu“, sem flytja á snemma í maí- mánuði. Kirkjukór Nesskirkju s t e n d u r fyrir flutningnum undir stjórn Jóns Ísleifssonar, en hinir kórarnir eru Kirkju- kór Hveragerðis og Kirkjukór Ytri Njarðvíkur. Verða alls um 100 söngvarar með í flutn- ingi verksins, þar af nokkrir einsöngvarar. ! Fluttir verða fyrsti og fjórði þáttur verksins. Neskór söng 4. þátt sl. vor og flytur hann Framhald á bls. 2. ÍSLANDSFRÉTTIR



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