Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.10.1970, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.10.1970, Blaðsíða 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 1. OKTÖBER 1970 3 ##My Husband Framhald af bls. 1. At Churchill, the Hudson Bay Cotnpany’s famous ‘Non-' such’ is moored and a rocket ^ is in flight from the rocket range. Flin Flon, Thompson, Brandon, and of course Win- nipeg, are among the cities re- presented. For work in oil it’s miracu- lously fine. It’s got the sym- metrical quality of fine old tapestry. The painting took 1,600 hours, and this is with- out taking into account re- search and planning. To feel the graphic signifi- cance of the places he was to portray, Albert put in a great deal of travel. To the same end he collected pictures and postcards, and talked to friends who were natives or experts on particular parts of the province. The Manitoba project was begun in 1967, as soon as his first important mural repres- enting the Dominion of Can- ada was completed. It aroused much interest when it re- ceived its first display in Win- nipeg’s Fort Garry Hotel. First Novel Albert’s first novel was set in the first year of the life of Jesus Christ. It took two years to research and seven months to write. The second novel, now about a third of the way through, deals with the life of the fishermen of Lake Winnipeg. Albert wrote his first poem at the age of 10 in 1936. It was printed in the ‘Winnipeg Free Press.’ He was born at Selkirk, Man., where his father was a fisherman, went to live with his grandparents at Gimli when his mother died in his infancy, has lived in Winni- peg since the age of eight. "Wanted to Create" He received most of his schooling at East Kildonan and says “I wanted to create from the time I could pick up a pencil.” T h e r e were hard times ahead with real hunger. He left school at grade 9 and took a job with Eatons as $13 a week. Then, in the heart of the depression, an uncle found a job, and Albert went back to school at the age of 19. In the summers he workea as a com- mercial fisherman. In different circumstances he might have finished up on the concért stage. “While I was working at Eatons, and another young tenor with the name of John Vickers was working at the Is a Genius## Hudson Bay, we both entered a Singing Stars of Tomorrow contest. I was supposed to go to Toronto. Then they decid- ed I was two months too 'old. John went instead, and start- ed his wonderful career. Disappointmeni “That was the greatest dis- appointment I ever had,” says Albert Halldorsson. He didn’t give up singing, and j o i n e d the Icelandic- Swedish Male Voice Choir, Lutheran Male Voice Choir, Metropolitan Choir and took solo engagements. Once being completely out of funds he hired a hall on credit, gave a recital, and fin- ished up with $50 in hand after paying the pianist and other incidentals. In 1953 he married the former Jaqueline Agagnier, of St. Boniface, who says: “We met by accident. First I really fell in love with his singing.” Out of a Job He was with Eaton’s for eleven years, then got caught up in a reorganizations drive that eliminated his job. It took three years for another regular job to turn up — and while Albert’s instinct for art and w r i t i n g has brought achievement and personal sat- isfaction, it has not brought wealth. “In 1959 I went to mail a letter at the Winnipeg Post Office. Compared with the relief money we had been liv- ing on, I thought the job of- fered on a poster too good for me. Eventually I decided to try. Happy Life “Well after a year I was in the Post Office. I have a happy life. The Post Office, my wife and children, my painting and my writing are all important parts of it.” Of the children David, 16, is showing promise as a paint- er of birds: young Jonathan has ambitions to be an artist too. Then there are Julianna, Deborah, Joel, Mishael and lusty Gabriel who arrived in October 1969. A small bungalow with a happy family of extrovert children may not seem to be an ideal bacground for crea- tive work. Albert admits that it does demand concentration. He says quite simply: “I did my murals because I love Canada, and because I am proud of being a Canadian.” “My husband is a genius,” says Mrs. Halldorsson. Communication '70. Fréttir fré íslandii* Business and Professional Cards Framhald af bls. 1. hann ennfremur, að mikil- vægi hússins til styrktar ísl. félagslífi og gat þess, að á höfuðborgarsvæði Danmerk- ur væru að staðaldri um 3000 íslendingar. Hann minntist gefandans, Carls Sæmundsens stórkaup- manns, sem Birgir sagði, að hefði unnið að því óslitið í 50 ár að geta gefið íslendingum hús Jóns Sigurðssonar skulda- og kvaðalaust. Hann sagði, að íslenzka þjóðin sæti í mikilli þakkarskuld við Carl Sæm- undsen fyrir að hafa bjargað húsi Jóns Sigurðssonar frá eyðileggingu og gleymsku. í lok ræðu sinnar afhenti hann ísl. félögunum húsið formlega til umráða og gat þess, að húsinu hefði verið skipuð sérstök hússtjórn og væri Sigurður Bjarnason sendiherra formaður hennar, en auk hans væru í hússtjórn- inni Júlíus Sólnes, formað- ur íslendingafélagsins, Guð- mundur Björnsson formaður Félags íslenzkra námsmanna í Kaupmannahöfn, Þórarinn Kampmann og Ólafur Alb- ertsson. I r æ ð u, sem Sigurður Bj arnason sendiherra fluttf, sagði hann m. a. að þetta hús væri sögufrægasta byggingin, sem tengd væri íslenzkri sögu í Kaupmannahöfn. „Þetta 120 ára gamla hús sem nú hefur kastað ellibelgnum, er vett- vangur mikilla minninga.“ Heillaóskaskeyti barst frá forsetahjónunum, sem lesið var upp af Birgi Finnssyni, en hann flutti einnig sérstaka kveðju frá Jóhann Hafstein f orsætisr áðherr a. ÞJÓÐRÆKNISFÉLAG ÍSLENDINGA í VESTURHEIMI Forseli: SKÚLI JÓHANNSSON 587 Minto Street, Winnipeg 10, Manitoba Styrkið félagið m«ð þri að geraii meðlimir. Arsgjald — Einstaklingar $3.00 — Hión $5.00 Sandisl til fjármálaritara MRS. KRISTIN R. JOHNSON 1059 Dominion Sl., Winnipag 3, Manitoba Phon® 78J-J971 Buiiding Mechanics Ltd. Palntlng - Dccoratlng - Conctructlon P.enovoting - Rool Kstata K W. (BILU JOHANNSON Monafler 9JB tlgln Avenue Wlnnlpag 3 A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNEPAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Steret Selur líkkiatur o§ annast um útfarir. Allur utbúnaöur aá bezti Stofnsö 1694 SPruce 4-7474 Goodman and Kojima Electric (LCCTRICAL CONTRACTORS 770 CLLICI AVE., WINNIPEO 10 774-354« ARTHUR GOOOMAN sr 1-5341 M. KOJIMA LE J 6433 EvmI«|i anJ Holtdey* JPruce 4-7835 tSTIMATEJ FREE J. M. Ingimundson Re roof4 Anphalt Sh'.nglee, Roof Repoiro. Inotoll Vento, Inaulotlon or»d Eoveotroughlno 774-7855 6S2 Simeee St., Winnlpeg 3, Men. Selkirk Funeral Chapel Ltd. Director: GARTH CLARY Licensed Embalmer Sarving Selkirk ond Intertoke areeo Ambulonco Service Coll Selkirk Phone 482-6284 Collect 209 Dufferin Ave. Selkirk, Monitobo S. A. Thorarinson farriator A tellettor Lennett Motor Service Operoted by MICKEY LfNNETT IMPERIAL ESSO PRODUCTS Hergreve & Bennatyne WINNIPKG 2, MAN. HALLDOR SIGURDSSON AND SON LTD. Lathing ond Plastering Contractors H. Mel Sigurdson, Manager Office and Warehouse: 1212 St. Mory's Rood, Winnipeg 8 Ph. 256-4648 Res. 452-3000 FRÁ VINI TALUN, KRISTJANSS0N PARKER & SMITH Barristers & Solicítora, 210 Osborne Streei North, WINNIPEG 1, MANITOBA, Area Code 204, Telephone No. 775-8171 Tho Wettern Painf Co. Lrd. 321 HARORAVI JT. WINNIR8« "THE PAINTERS' SUPPLV HOUSE" SINCE 1908 JJJRÍ HhíllHl^ Nri WH J-7J«I J. ÍHIMNOWSKl Pr*ii4*n« A H. COTS, Tr.Murer Mgbl. 13. sept. ÍSLENZK UPPFINNING EYKUR BYGGINGARHRAÐA Loftleiðir h.f. buðu til reisu- gillis í gær í tilefni þess, að búið er að steypa upp nýja hótelálmu á vegum félagsins en við það verk var sett nýtt met í íslenzkum byggingar- hraða. Meginþáttinn í þessu meti áttu sérstök plastmót, sem fundin voru upp í sam- bandi við bygginguna. Svo hratt var byggt, að það sam- svaraði því, að reist væri 400 rúmmetra íbúðarhús dag hvern. Nýja hótelálman verð- ur tekin í notkun 1. maí næsta ár og er þegar byrjað að bóka gesti þar í. Kostnaður við bygginguna er 120 milljónir króna og eftir þessa stækkun rúmar Hótel Loftleiðir 438 gesti í 219 herbergjum. Framhald á bls. 7. ICELAND - CALIFORNIA C0. Bryan (Brjann) Whipple Import and Salc of lcelandic Woolens, Ceramic, Etc. 1090 Sonsome, Son Francisco CA94111 Wanted for cash: Older lcelandic Stamps and Envelopes 2nd F*o©r, Crown Tru«t Bldp 364 MAIN STREET Offleo WKitoholl 2-7091 R*.Men«o HU t 6488 Skúli Anderson Custom Jewellei-y Engraver. 810 PARIS BLDG. 259 PORTAGE AVE. Office: 942-5756 Home: 783-E688 Olvlnsky, Blrnboim & Cornpany Chorfarad Accountont. 707 Monlreal Trust Bldg. 213 Nolre Dame Ave. Winnipeg 2, Telephone: 943 0526 Bonjaminson Construction C«. Ltd. 1425 Erin Street. Winnipeg 3, Ph: 786-7416 OSNIRAL CONTRACTORI E. BENJAMINJON, Minnist BETEL í ©rfðaskróm yðor Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. BUILDING MATERIALS 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg 3, Manltoba O All types ol Plywood • Pre-fimsh doora and windows • Aluminum combination doors • Sashless Units • Formica • Arborite • Tile Boards • Hard Boards etc. • Table Legs Phones SU 35-967 SU 34-322 FREE DELIVERY RICH ARDSON & COMPANY Barrlttar. and Solicltors 274 Gorry Str©*t, Winntpog 1, Monitoba T*i«phon© 942 7467 C. RICHARDiON, Q.C. J. F. R. TAYLOR, LL.B. C. R. HUBAND, LL.B. W. S. VRIGHT, B.A., I.L.B. W. NORRIE, B.A., LL.B. W. J KEHLER, B.A., L.L.B. G M. ERICKION, B.A., LL.B. E C 8IAUDIN. B.A., L.L.B. "GARTH M. ERICKSON of th« firm of Richardson & Company ott.nd. at tt»a Girnli Crcdit Umon Offica. Gimli, 4:00 p.nt. to 6:00 p.m on flr«t emd third Wednesday of eoch month /'



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