Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.01.1973, Qupperneq 5
53. Ársþing Þjóðræknssfélo gs íslendinga í Vesfurheimi
Haldið í Winnipeg 18. og 19. febrúar, 1972.
The Radio Programs: Mrs. Dani-
elson gave a detailed report out-
lining all the programs that had
been given since last convention:
1. First Lutheran Church choir,
with soloists, Pearl Johnson
and Reg Frederickson; Snjó-
laug Sigurdson director; Rev.
J. Arvidson gave the com-
2. The Saga Singers from Ed-
monton, who had graciously
sent a tape of some lovely
songs and singers, directed
by Della Rowland. Soloists
were Mrs. Doreen (Borgford)
J o a c h i m , Mrs. Margaret
(Helgason) Decosse, and Mrs.
Johanna (Nordal) Couves, all
originally f r o m Manitoba.
Prof. Bessason gave a short
address on Icelandic Cana-
dian poetry and Mrs. Daniel-
son gave the commentary.
3. Mrs. Elma Gislason, Festival
Opera Group who had just
given a most delightful con-
cert at St. Mary’s Academy
Concert Hall, and where we
taped a number öf their se-
4. Heather Sigurdson Ireland
well known mezzo-soprano,
who has moved to Vancouv-
er, but was invited here as
s o 1 o i s t with the Winnipeg
Philharmonic Choir, when
she also gave a recital at the
University of Manitoba
School of Music; Mrs. Elma
Gislason gave an address on
Icelandic Canadian singers
and other musicians in Mani-
toba; Mrs. Danielson gave
the commentary.
5. The December program fea-
tured Mrs. Emily Sigurdson
Steinke, formerly of Gardar,
N. Dakota, and now living in
Califomia. She was soloist
with the children’s choirs in
N. Dakota in the 1950’s orga-
nized and directed by Mrs.
Danielson. She has a beauti-
ful voice and sang some love-
ly Christmas numbers, Mrs.
Danielson gave an address
on Christmas customs in Ice-
land and Consul-General G.
L. Johannson gave the com-
Nine programs have now been
given in this series and the ori-
ginal idea has been carried out,
that is to feature singers and
musical talent from as wide a
sphere as possible, and to give
talks on Icelandic cultural matters,
so that the general public may
learn something about Icelandic
culture. Soloists, choirs, instru-
mentalists have been featured
from various parts of Man., from
Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver
and California, as well as from
Iceland. There has been a wide
variety of music and informative
talks. We have -received many
letters and phone calls commend-
ing the excellence of our pro-
grams, and we believed they are
doing something to spread out
the knowledge of Iceland and Ice-
landers and to enhance the cul-
tural activities among us. It is of
course, not known how long I can
keep on doing these programs,
but while they last they are of
value to our cultural life here.
Hólmfríður Danielson.
Skógræki: Dr. Beck flutti
skýrslu eftir starfið á árinu. Hafði
safnast í sjóðinn $201.00 gefið af
einstaklingum og deildum, og
hafði Dr. Beck sent þessa upphæð
til h e r r a Snorra Sigurðssonar
fulltrúa Skógræktarfélagsins í
Reykjavík og fengið kvittun og
þakkir frá honum. Segir hann að
lokum í bréfi sínu: „Menningin
vex í lundi nýrra skóga“. Dr. Beck
minntist á fráfall Herdísar Eiriks-
son sem svo vel hefir starfað í
nefndinni. í Skógræktarnefnd
voru kosin: Dr. R. Beck, Mrs. S.
E. Bjornson og Mrs. Kristin John-
The Trip to Iceland: Mrs. Krist-
in Johnson reported on a most
wonderful trip of 150 persons, who
were feted and entertained sump-
tuously in many parts of Iceland.
Our president represented us at
all gatherings and received the
gifts and good wishes tendered to
“V. íslendingar” from various or-
ganizations and individuals (see
other news of details elsewhere in
the annual report of the conven-
tion). The m e e t i n g expressed
hearty thanks to the committee
that looked after organizing the
trip: J. F. Kristjánsson, Kristin
Johnson and G. L. Johannson.
The Saturday morning meeting
was devoted to a Symposium,
which had been planned some
time previously by the I.N.L. exe-
cutive. Letter of information had
gone out to -all cultural organiza-
tions a m o n g the Icelanders in
Manitoba and many others far
afield to invite them to come with
a view to uniting the efforts of
important anniversaries coming
up: the llOOth anniversary of the
settling in Iceland to be celebrated
in 1974, and the lOOth anniversary
of the coming of the first Ice-
landers to Manitoba, which we
will observe in 1975. It was also
hoped that out of this would grow
a permanent unity of effort
among all Icelanders here in our
endeavour to uphold and enhance
the sphere of Icelandic Culture.
The response to these letters was
excellent. Representatives came
from: The Jon Sigurdson Chapter,
IODE; the Hekla Club, Minnea-
polis; Frón had a special delega-
tion, and letters were received
from othet örganizations who
could not send a representative.
The secretary read the letter
she had sent out; Gissur Eliason,
chairman of the Cultural commit-
tee, explained the idea of this
meeting; Heimir Hannesson ex-
plained the extensive celebrations
to be held in Iceland, 1974, and
outlined some of the events and
projects planned; Gissur Eliassón
said we h o p e d to establish an
over-all committee from all these
organizatins to make plans for the
celebrations, so that all would
work in ainity of effort. Dr. Thor-
lakson gave a very good talk on
the value of this idea, and said
we should all support it whole-
heartedly. All representatives pre-
sent spoke and the discussions
were very valuable and showed
a willingness to c o - o p er a t e in
every sphere. Dr. Thorlakson said
the I.N. League should give lead-
ership in the organizing of an
over-all committee. A number of
convention delegates spoke sup-
porting the idea. Prof. Bessason
added valuable suggestions. Many
speakers gave excellent sugges-
tions which will be useful when
the committee is formed. The sec-
retary drew together a consensus
of the ideas and the following
resolution was passed, moved by
Gissur EÍiasson and seconded by
Hólmfriður Danielson:
That a commiliee be established
consisting of representalives of all
organizations of Icelanders (here)
that conceivably would wish to
participate; that the Icelandic Na-
tional League shall take the initial
step in convening such a commit-
tee; and thal the committee shall
appoint its own officers and have
the power to add to its members.
Dr. Thorlakson mentioned that
the first duty of this committee
should be to draw up the terms
of reference for the approval of
Report of ihe Archivist: Stefan
Stefanson reported that he had
supervised the removal of the li-
brary and all artifacts from the
Home St. building. All this was
packed in boxes and consigned
for storage with Gimli Transfer
at Gimli. He also gave a report
of the Cultural Corporation at
Gimli, which is working hard át
preserving Icelandic cultural and
historical momentos and is plann-
ing to establish an Icelandic Mu-
seum at Gimli, and several orga-
nizations in the district are busy
collecting artifacts. Jack Bjornson
of the Selkirk chapter, Brúin, has
been chosen as archivist for this
project. He and Terry Tergesen
attended a Museum Seminar held
at Manitoba Museum of Man and
Nature in January and conveyed
a wealth of information to the
groups supporting this project, re-
garding conditions necessary of
our Museum is to be a success.
People are asked to please collect
all artifacts that they ean get. The
Cultural Corporation is doing
much to establish the First Ice-
landic Cemetery at Gimli as a
Designated historical spot, and not
allow it to be bought for business
purposes as has been attempted.
Stefan told us that after the
people returned from the Charter
flight to Iceland, the president en-
trusted to his care the very valu-
able “Guðbrandar Biblía” long
play musical records of Icelandic
artists, and books and collections
of Kaldalóns music.
Kosnir í embætti voru:
Skúli Jóhannsson,
Dr. Philip M. Petursson,
vara-forseti; \
Hólmfríður Danielson,
Grettir L. Johannson,
Kristín R. Johnson,
Stefan Stefanson,
Formenn nefnda
jihann T. Beck,
Gissur Eliasson,
menningarmálanef nd;
Birgir Brynjólfsson,
Snorri Gunnarsson,
fulltrúi á vesturströndinni;
David Bjornsson og
Gunnar Baldwinson;
Forseti og félagsmenn votluðu
þakklæti til Páls Hallson, fyrir
mikið starf á undanförnum árum,
en hann hafði ekki gefið kost á
sér í embætti.
Dr. Beck flutti mál um stofnun
lýðháskóla að Skálholti. Skólahús-
ið er nú að mestu komið undir
þak, og Dr. Beck kvatti fólk til
þess að styðja þetta málefni. Þing
samþykkti tillögu um að veita
$100.00 í Skálholtssjóðinn, og vís-
aði frekari afskiptum af þessu
máli til stjórnarnefndar.
Mrs. Angevine, erindsreki frá
Hekla Club. Minneapolis, ávarpaði
þingið, flutti kveðjur frá félaginu
og árnaðaróskir. Gaf hún einnig'
dálitlpi skýrslu um starf félagsins
á árinu, og vottaði þakklæti fyrir
heimsókn margra frá Winnipeg á
fundi félagsins. Nokkrir íslending-
ar frá íslandi sem eru við nám
þar syðra sækja fundi og styrkja
Hugmynd sú sem kom frá Ak-
ureyri um heimsókn Karlakórsins
var vísað til stjórnamefndar.
Þrjár góðar samkomur þingsins
voru vel sóttar: Samkoma Fróns
á fimmtudagskvöld, og Icelandic
Canadian Club á föstudagskvöld,
þar sem íslenzkir stúdentar frá
Manitoba University sýndu part
úr Gullna Hliðinu, á ensku, við
mjög góðar undirtektir.
Á lokasarnkomu þingsins flutti
Heimir Hannesson merka ræðu og
hinn ágæti flokkur Elmu Gíslason
— Festival Opera Group söng
s t ó r a n flokk af óperulögum.
Margt fleira skemmtilegt var á
þesáum samkomum, og hefir því
verið gerð góð skil í blaðinu.
Framhald af bls. 4.
sótti hana sem næst daglega
samfleytt í fimm ár, frá
Reykjavík til Hafnarfjarðar,
þar sem hún naut frábærar
hjúkrunar á Sólvangi í langri
og lýjandi legu. Slík ræktar-
semi er einstæð um trygg-
lyndi og mannlega fegurð.
Þetta er annað andlátið í
fjölskyldu þeirra hjóna, sem
urðu eitt vestanhafs fyrir
fimmtíu og níu árum. Ástkær
tengdasonur lézt fyrir tæpum
fimm árum, valmennið Þórar-
inn Bjömsson skólameistari.
Afkomendur munu vera hátt
á fimmta tuginn. Öll bera
börn þeirra falleg nöfn og
ekki er innrætið verra. Þau
eru þessi í röð tímatalsins:
Margrét, ekkja Þórarins
Björnssonar. Hlín, gift Carli
Brand. Bergljót, gift Eiði Her-
mundssyni. Unnur, gift undir-
rituðum. Bergþóra, gift Níelsi
Svane. Valgerður, gift Mic-
hael Warrener, sem komin er
frá Kent á Englandi til að
Heiðursfélagar v o r u kjörnir:
Heimir Hannesson Jakob F.
Kristjánsson og Miss Sigurbjorg
Stefanson, frá Gimli.
Forseti afhenti gjöf frá Þjóð-
ræknisfélaginu til þeirra hjóna
Heimirs og frú Birnu tvö skraut-
leg silfur staup; Heimir afhenti
Þjóðræknisfélaginu merka gjöf,
fulla samstæðu, 3 bindi, af Atlan-
tica & Icelandic Review, bundin.
Hann afhenti einnig Hrund Skúla-
son, forseta Fróns minningargjöf
(A fancy candle enclosed in decor-
ated glass container).
Forseti skýrði frá þeirri harma-
fregn að faðir Heimis Hannesson-
ar dó snögglega á meðan þinginu
stóð, og forseti vottaði Heimi inni-
lega samúð og þakkaði honum
fyrir það mikla hugrekki að halda
áfram að sitja þing þrátt fyrir
sáran söknuð og hugarstríð, og
fyrir hans ágætu raéðu á samkom-
unni. Þingið og allir samkomu-
gestir risu á fætur til þess að votta
Heimi og konu hans samúð.
Sökum þessara harmafregnar
varð Heimir að hætta við að heim-
sækja f 1 e i r i íslendingabyggðir,
sem búið var að skipuleggja alla
leið vestur á strönd.
Ólokin störf þingsins voru gefin
í hendur stjórnarnefndar.
Þetta þing var í alla staði á-
nægjulegt og uppbyggilegt, og
sögulegt í meira lagi, þar sem á
þessu þingi var lagður grundvöll-
ur til meiri samvinnu meðal ís-
lendinga í þessari álfu, með því
að samþykkja að setja stofn alls-
herjar samfélag a'llra íslendinga
hér, svo að starfið megi eflast og'
Skúli Jóhannsson, forseti,
Hólmfríður Danielson, ritari.
f y 1 g j a móður sinni hinzta
spölin. Þá er Auður, gift And-
rési Gunnarssyni. Og yngstur
Hjörtur, forstjóri Gefjunar á
Akureyri, kvæntur Þorgerði
Far vel, Valgerður mín.
Hafðu þökk fyrir þitt fagra
erindi til íslands, „comeback“
gleymdrar og horfinnar grein-
ar Ásgarðsættar í þjóðahafinu
miklla í Veisturheimi, kyn-
kvíslar J ó n s Sigurðssonar,
frumkvöðuls frelsis vors.
Megi slóð niðja þinna verða
jafn björt og vammi firrð og
óralöng ganga þín frá Görð-
um í North Dakóta, sem lýk-
ur á morgun í friðsældinni
í Fossvogskirkjugarði. Þar
munu sólskríkjur og skógar-
þrestir syngja yfir moldum
þínum við lygnan voginn um
ókomin vor, eins og öll gömlu
og ljúfu vorin í LaugardaL
Örlygur Sigurðsson.
Morgunblaðið 10. des., 1972.
By Walter J. Lindal
There are some copies of this book ovailable. Price $7.50 each
Phone 284-1467 or write Mrs. H. Olson, 1202 -223 Wellington
Crescent Winnipeg R3M 0A4
Valgerður Hjartarson