
Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.04.1977, Qupperneq 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.04.1977, Qupperneq 3
LÖGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA, FIMMTUDAGINN 7. APRIL 1977 3 HVER MAN, HVER ÞEKKIR? The Jon Sgurdsson Chaptcr, I.O.D.E. The chapter thanks all those who attended and sup- ported their Annual Birth- day Bridge on March 18th. Mrs. Lily Gislason, Arborg, Man., held the winning tick- et on the Crocheted Ban- quet Cloth and Serviettes which were hand crafted and donated to the chapter by member Mrs. G. Gott- fred. Miss Margaret Peturs- son, honorary regent, was asked to make the draw. Officers of the Jon Sig- urdsson Chapter for 1977-78 installed by Mrs. E. W. Perry, past regent, at the an- nual meeting in February are: Mrs. P. H. Westdal, re- gent; Mrs. A. F. Wilson, vice- regent; Mrs. E. Guttormson, secretary; M r s. E. Cart- wright, treasurer, Mrs. I. Torfason, education secre- tary; Mrs. R. Jonasson, serv- ices secretary; and Mrs. G. Gottfred, citizenship secre- tary. Honorary regent is 'Miss Margaret Petursson, and honorary vice-regents are Mrs. P. M. Petursson, Miss Snjolaug Sigurdson and Mrs. J. Cowe. During thé past year ap- proximately $600.00 was dis- persed in the work of the chapter in various areas of education, services and citi- zenship with a special dona- tion to the Audiology Fund of the Provincial Chapter in their Concern for Children project. The National Chap- ter I.O.D.E. annual meeting will take place at the Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg, May 26th to 29th with members from across Canada in at- tendance. Hver þekkir þessi myndar- legu systkini? Myndin er sú fjórða sem við birtum úr myndasafni Sigtryggs Jónas sonar og konu hans, Rann- veigar Briem í Winnipeg. — Hún er tekin laust fyrir alda mótin 1900 of Baldwin and Bló'ndal í Winnipeg. Skrifið okkur ef þið kann ist við þessi systkini, 20. janúar birtist í L.-H. mynd af 5 stúlkum, en mynd in var tekin af S. Magnús í Minneota, Minnesota, Miss Kristrún Stefánsson í Hope, B.C. skrifaði okkur, og segir í bréfinu frá !henni að mynda smiðurinn hafi víst verið Sig fús Magnússon og myndin sé af börnum hans og konu ‘hans, Guðrúnar frá Akur- eyri á íslandi. Stúlkurnar nefnir hún Þórdís (Todda), Amy, Vesta og “móðir mín, Sigurrós situr lengst til ‘hægri handar í dökkum kjól.” EASTER GREETINGS ... Lögberg-Heimskringla sends Easter Greetings ^'^bréf til ICngbtrga- ífrtmHbrmglu From San Dicgo Tuesday, March 29, 1977. Editor, i Logberg-Heimskringla, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Dear Editor: I wish to convey greetings and best regards to o u r Icelandic - Canadian friends who read your newspaper. I am proud to tell you that I have been elect- ed president of a newly formed organi- zation here in San Diego which we call “The House of Iceland,” the newest member of the national houses located in our city’s Balboa Park, incorporated under the name of “The House of Paci- fic Relations.” This is the first organi- zation of Icelanders in San Diego and our membership has already grown to 52 members in less than two monthsf We had our first organizational meeting on Sunday, January 30, 1977, at which time we passed our by-laws and elected our first panel of officers. I have also been in contact by letter with Hal Linker, Consul of Iceland in Los Angeles, who, starring with his Icelandic wife, Halla, has made more than 15 travelogue films about Iceland, including his most recent about Heimey called “The Town That Refused to Die.” My wife, Maxine, and I spent last May and June in Reykjavik as house guests of our very good friends, Sverrir Ólafsson and Hrönn Albertsdóttir, Sverr ir is on the staff at Sjónvarp and Hrönn is with the Reykjavík school sys- tem. We thoroughly enjoyed our holi- days there with many trips and lots of Icelandic fun. I am enclosing some copies of our H.P.R. publication which we call “Vik- ing Visa” for your information. Please write soon. JOHN A. LONG, President, House of Iceland, 2742 Adrian St., San Diego, California, U.S.A. 92110 BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL CARDS Þjóðræknisfélag fslendinga í Vesturheimi FORSETI: STEFAN J. STEFANSON ,37 MackUn Ave. Winnipeg, Maniioba R2V 2M4 Slyrkið félagið og deildir þess, með því að gerasl meðlimir. Arsgjald: EINSTAKLINGAR $3.00 — HJÓN $5.00 Sendið ársgjöld til gjaldkera ykkar eigin deilda, eða til Féhirðis — GRETTIR L. JOHANNSON, LLlJ. 76 Middlegate Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2C4 RICHARDSON AND COMPANY BARRISTEAS AND ATTORNEYS AT LAW 274 Gaxry Street, Winnipeg, Man. R3C 1H5 — Phone 957-1670 Mr. S. GLENN SIGURDSON attends in GIMLI and RIVERTON on the lst and 3rd FRIDAYS of each month. Offices are in the Gimli Medical Centre, 62-3rd Ave., between the hours of 9:30 A_M. and 5:30 P.M. with Mr. Sigurdson and his legal assistant in attendance. — (Telephone 642-7955). In Riverton, Mr. Sigurdson attends in the Riverton Village Office between tne hours of 1:00 P.M. and 3:00 P.M. Asgeirson Paints & Wallpapers Ltd. 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, Man. R3E 0A9 PAINTS Benjamin Moore Sherwin Williams C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS and GLAZING WOOD and ALUMINUM WALLPAPER 783-5967 PhonM: 783-4322 FREE DELTVERY ASGEIR ASGEIRSON GEORGE ASGEIRSON FRÁ V1NI A. S. BARDAL LTD. FUNEKAL HOME 843 Sherbrook Street Selur líkkistur og annast um útfarír. Allur utbúnaður sá bezti. Stofnað 1894 Ph. 774-7474 Minnist ^BETEL í erfðaskróm yðor Tallin, Kristjansson & Smith Barri&tars and Solicitors 300- 232 Porlage Avenue WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R3C 0B1 S. A. Thorarinson BARRISTER and SOUCITOR 708 SOMERSET PLACE 294 PORTAGE AVE. R3C 0B9 Off. 942-7051 Res. 489-6488 Skúli Anderson Custom Jewellery Engraver 207 PARIS BLDG. 259 PORTAGE AVE. Off 942-5756 Rm. 783-6688 Divinski, Birnboim Cameron & Cook Chartered Accountanls 608 Somerset Place, 294 Portage Ave., Winnipeg Manitoba R3C 0B9 Telenhone (204) 943-0526 ÍSTAURANT AND PIZZA HOUSf Pvlly Licenced Restaurent Dine In — Pick-Up — Home Dolhrery 3354 Podege Avonwo Phono MMIH St. James-Assmiboia ICELANDIC STAMPS WANTED OLDER ICELANDIC STAMPS ANO LETTERS ARE VALUABLE I am an Exp«rt Collector, ablo to Appr.tt. or Bwy BRYAN Brjánn WHIPPLE 1205 SPRUCE STREET, BERKELEY, Cal. 94709 U.S.A HADLEY J. EYRIKSON Barrister and Solicitor 298 St. Anne’s Road, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2M 4Z5 Business phone: 256-8616 The Westem Paint Co. Ltd. JJ1 HARGRAVE ST. WINNIPEG ‘THE PAINTERS’ SUPPLY HOUSE” SINCE 1908 Ph. 943-7395 g||D iror'i J. SHIMNOWSKI, Pr.sid.nt A. H COTE, Treasur.r GOODMAN and KOJIMA ELECTRIC ELECTRICAL CuNTKACTORS 640 McGee Street Winnipeg, Man. R3E 1W8 Phone 774-6549 ARTHUR GOODMAN M. KOJIMA Evenings and Holidays Fátt er svo með öllu illt.. UPPRUNI ÍSLENDINGA íslendingar af konungakyni kenna sig yfirleill beint, þó einstaka dætur og ambáttarsynir af aðli, þeir meðgangi leynt Fæst enn hjá höfundi, $10.00 P.O. Box 1027, Swan River, Manitoba.



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