Lögberg-Heimskringla - 30.06.1977, Síða 8

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 30.06.1977, Síða 8
FOR ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS OFFSET OR LETTERPRESS ♦ * GARDAR PRINTING 1383 67 ST. ANNE S ROAD, WINNIPEG. TELEPHONE 247-5140 ÍCELANDIC WEEKLY 1 3SS F'IMMTUDAGINN 30 JÚNl 1977 Velkomin á Hótel Esju IM n Suðurlandsbraut 2, Sími 82200. WHERE IS THIS PICTURE TAKEN? Can you identify it? Write down your answers for each of the ten pictures and send them in when the series is complete. The entrant with the most correct answers will receive a prize. CULTURAL POLICY Framhald af bls. 2 Organizations that apply for grants m u s t operate courses outside of the for- mally organized public or separate school systems in Canada and outside of nor- mal school hours. Application forms for the three segments of the Cul- tural Enrichment Program are available from the re- gional offices of the Depart- Gjafir í Skógræktarsjóð Rósmundur Árnason, Elfros, Sask. $10.00 Þjóðræknisfélags deildin Gimli Man. $10.00 Adolf Hólm, Gimli $5.00 Guðrún Arnason Gimli $3.00 J. B. Thordarson, Gimli $5.00 Richard og Margaret Beck, Victoria B.C. $12.00 Með kærri þökk söfnunar- nefndar. J. B. Thordarson, Dr. Richard Beck, Við hvetjum sem flesta til að styðja Skógræktarmálið. ment of the Secretary of State. Mr. Guay said that the new program was developed in response to the recom- mendations of the Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism and that it would provide increased cul- tural enrichment by en- abling Canadians to gain a better understanding of their heritage. Performance times: July lst.....8:00 PM July 2nd ....1:00 PM 4:30 PM, 8:00 PM July 3rd....1:00 PM 4:30 PM, 8:00 PM July 4th.... 1:00 PM 4:30 PM, 8:00 PM July 5th....2:00 PM 6:00 PM ACADEMIA A distinguished Icelander, Hermann Palsson, reader at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, has been a visting professor at the University of California, Berkeley, this spring. Hermann is from Hunavatnssysla, matriculat- ed from the Menntaskolinn in Akureyri in 1943, studied MESSUBOÐ FYRSTA LÚTERSKA KIRKJA JOHN V. ARVmSON. ' PASTOR Sími: .772-7444 SUNDAYS 10.00 A.M. SERVICES: Icelandic and Icelandic lite- rature at the University of Iceland and taught at Dub- lin, Ireland, before coming to the University of Edin- burgh in 1950. He has published an im- pressive 1 i s t of literary works both original works dealing with Icelandic letters as well as translations of a great number of the most famous of the Icelandic Sagas, such as Njal’s Saga, Laxdæla S a g a , Grettir’s Saga, Egil’s Saga, Hrafnkel’s Saga, Vínland Saga and many others. Further, he is the co-translator of the great Landnama, or The Book of the Settlements, which was recently published by the University of Manitoba Press. This volume is lavis- hly illustrated with land- scapes which seem to convey a certain Medieval mood. The Book of the Settle- ments is still available at the University of Manitoba Press, the price is $15.00 a book which we all might want to have in our Icelandic - North American homes. auglýsið i LÖGBERGI- HEIMSKRINGLU Þaó er óneitanlega eitthvaö sérstakt viö Hótel Loftleiöir. Ekki vegna þess aö þaó er eina hótelió, þar sem hægt er aó fara í sund og sauna baó. Heldur hitt aö þaö tekur hreinlega nokkurn tíma aó átta sig á öllum þeim þægindum og þjónustu sem boöiö er upp á. Veitingasalir, barir, hárgreiöslu-, snyrti- og rakarastofur, minjagripa- verslun, flugstöö og fleira. Og þaö er vert aó vita aó þó öll her- bergin séu vistleg og vel búin, meö síma og útvarpi, þá eru þau misstór. Og annað hvort meó sturtu eða sturt og baöi. Látiö eftir yöur aó gista á Hótel Loft- leiðum, þaö er óneitanlega svolítið sérstakt. HÓTEL LOFTLEIÐIR Sími 22322



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