Lögberg-Heimskringla - 08.02.1980, Page 4

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 08.02.1980, Page 4
Lögberg-Heimskringla, föstudagur 8. febrúar, 1980 Hngberg- Ífrimakrmgla Published every Friday by LOGBERG-HEIMSKRINGLA PUBLISHING Co. Ltd. 1400 Union Tower Building, 191 Lombard Avenue, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3B 0X1 — Teleplione 943-9945 EDITOR. ASSISTANT EDITOR: PRESIDENT: SECRETARY: TREASURER: Typesetting, Proof reading and printing Gardar Printing Limited Subscription $15.00 per year —' PAYABLE IN ADVANCE Haraldur Bessason Margrét Björgvinsdóttir T.K. Arnason Emily Benjaminson Gordon A. Gislason Second class mailing registration number 1667 FORSETI ÍSLANDS Þess var nýlega getið hér í blaðinu að forseti íslands dr. Kristján Eldjárn hefði ákveðið að verða ekki í fram- boði við forsetakjör á þessu ári. Dr. Kristján og kona hans frú Halldóra Eldjárn hafa nú senn setið Bessa- staði í þrjú kjörtímabil eða í 12 ár. Það er ekki einung- ir drjúgur þáttur úr starfsævi heldur hafa þau hjón einnig aukið drjúgum kafla við sögu Bessastaða og þjóðhöfðingjaembættisins. — íslendingar á heimaslóð myndu ljúka upp einum munni um að þau hefðu gegnt embætti sínu með mikilli sæmd. Sama máli gegnir um fólk á erlendri grund sem á liðnum áratug áttu ýmis konar samskipti við Bessastaði og ísland. Vestur-íslendingar hafa sérstaka ástæðu til að hugsa til Bessastaða á þessum tímamótum því að á embættistíð sinni hafa forsetahjónin verið óþreytandi í því að sýna þeim virðingu og sæmd. Vorið 1971 mælti forsetinn eitthvað á þá leið við Vestur-lslendinga í ræðu sem hann hélt í Besststaða- kirkju að þótt Islendingar væru af Norðmönnum komn ir og teldu því norsku þjóðina sér skyldasta stæðu gest- irnir (Vestur-lslendingar) þeim þó ennþá nær. Þessi orð ber öllu þjóðræknu fólki að minnast því þau voru af einlægni mælt af þjóðhöfðingjanum fslenska og heiðvirðasta talsmanni þjóðar sinnar. Þess ber nú einnig að minnast að á landnemahá- tíðinni miklu sem haldin var á- Gimli sumarið 1975 sátu forsetahjónín íslensku í öndvegi og ber þann við- burð einna hæst í sögu samskiptanna um Atlantshaf. Forsetaembættið var stofnsett með stjórnarskrá lýðveldisins snemma árs 1944. Svo að nokkur dæmi séu tekin um valdsvið þess, þá fer forsetinn með lög- gjafarvald með Alþingi, og með öðrum stjórnarvöldum fer hann einnig með framkvæmdavald. Hann skipar ráðherra í ríkisstjórn og veitir þeim lausn. Hann kveð- ur saman Alþingi og ákveður hvenær því skuli slitið. Hann hefur vald til þess að rjúfa Alþingi. Forseti get- ur neitað að samþykkja lög frá Alþingi. Að vísu öðlast þau engu að síður gildi, en þau verður þá að leggja undir þjóðaratkvæði svo fljótt sem auðið er. Milli þinga getur forseti gefið út bráðabirgðalög ef sérstaka nauðsyn ber til. Hann gerir samninga við erjend ríki svo framarlega að þeir feli ekki í sér afsal lands eða iandhelgi. Forseti getur ákveðið að saksókn fyrir afbrot falli niður, og hann hefur vald til þess að náða menn. í fjar- veru forseta fara forsætisráðherra landsins, forseti sameinaðs Alþingis og forseti Hæstaréttar með vald hans. A forsíðu þessa blaðs er gerð grein fyrir þeim þrem mönnum sem þegar hafa tilkynnt að þeir verði í framboði til forsetakjörs. Engu skal spáð um úrslit, en fullljóst er að forsetaembættið nýtur það mikillar hylli að nýjum húsráðendum á Bessastöðum verður nokkur vandi á höndum. H.B. Hrund Skúlason Call Back Yesterday With the weather so unstable I had a chance to stay longer at each place. I stayed at Hraun, Einar- sstoðum and Arnes with day visits to Fornhagi, Yztuvik and Nes. It was a wonderful experience to stay at these places and get to know the people better. Everywhere I met with the same warmth, kindness and hospitality. It was gratifying to see how well these people had fared and to be in their beautiful homes. The Iceland of 1979 can not be compared with the one I left in 1919. The Einarsstaðir that I knew, which at that time housed thirty people now is the home of four. There are of- course often many guests that come to see and get help from Einar Jonsson. I left Arnes on February 3rd and again spent several days at Husavik. This time I met many cousins that I had never seen before. During this time “Þorri” was being celebrated and in many places the special food served at “Þorri” was very much in evidence. I liked them all except the shark meet. It was now time to leave this part of the country where I had been so royally treated and on a cool sunny day I left Husavik to go to Bárðardal to visit more relatives. The roads were good and there was less snow there than in Adaldal and Reykjadal. I stayed at Hlidskogum and at the Bardardal school where a cousin teaches then visited at Bolstad, Storu-Tungu and Lundarbrekku. All places housed relatives and at every home there was a feast prepared. The children live at the school during the week and there is a cook-cum-housekeeper that lives in also. The children seem well adjusted and happy with the set up. My four-day stay in the district was very pleasant and from there I was driven to Akureyri where I spent four days being invited to “þorra” feasts and other entertainment. On February 19, I left for Hvammstangi where I visited my late husband’s relatives and stayed with them five days. It was a very pleasant time except I was unlucky enough to develop a bad cold and that kept me from doing too much visiting. Rev. and Mrs., Robert Jack came to visitj me, he was our minister for two years in Geysir and had married our two oldest daughters. In spite of the cold I saw many of the relatives and enjoyed their hospitality. I took a bus from Hvammstangi to Reykjavik on a mild rainy day. I.stayed with Melvin and Svava the last weeks of my sojourn in Iceland. I had developed a chest cold and had to see a doctor and get somé an- tibiotics. This spoilt my first weeks stay there. The second week, Reykjavik got one of the heaviest snow storms of the winter making it very hard to get anywhere. I was visiting a cousin and was snow bound there over night, which was good as it gave us more time to talk together. Inspite of all the drawbacks I managed to see most of the people that I had to visit. I would have liked to visit the Landsbokasafn, ______Einar In Almannagjá — Dec. 21,1978 Gwe Jonsson’s Museum, works of art, and Hallgrimskirkja. My friends however, had to come first as the trip was mainly for the purpose of visiting relatives and friends. My only regret is that I could not see them all. !♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Terry Sargeant & Ec Working with th Of Selkirk-Int Working for Cana On February 18th [Re Terry Sargeant in Conversation with NDP Leader Ed Broadbent l CAMPAIGN HEADQUARTERS: 429 Main Street, Selkirk, Manitoba Telephone: 785-2103 145 -5th Avenue, Gimli, Manitoba Telephone: 642-8481 Terry Sargeant New Democrat Authorized by Lloyd Girman Official Agent for Terry Sargeant Selkirk-Interlake NDP ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦^4



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