Lögberg-Heimskringla - 21.11.1980, Side 1

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 21.11.1980, Side 1
Seðlabanki Islands Júlí 80 Aðalskrifstofa, Austurstræti 111, Reykjavik, Iceland LOGBERG Stofnað 14. janúar 1888 HEIMSKRINGLA Stofnað 9. september 1886 Lögberg- Heimskringla 94. ARGANGUR WINNIPEG, FOSTUDAGUR 21, NOVEMBER 1980 NÚMBER 37 Efnileg listakona Anna Bára Árnadóttir, sem stundar nám í listum við Manitóbaháskóla, hefur vakið mikla athygli fyrir námsár- angur og auðugt ímyndunarafl. Fyrir nokkru var henni sýndur sá heiður af prófessorum í listadeild að einu af verkum hennar var fenginn staður fyrir framan aðalbyggingu listaháskól- ans. Verður það þar til sýnis fyrir gesti og gangandi og alla þá sem fögrum list- um unna. The new library extension of U of M. Icelandic library at U of M in new building Anna Bára Árnadóttir On November 2 the completion of a new extension of the Elizabeth Dafoe Library at the University of Manitoba was celebrated in a suitable manner. In an opening address U of M presi- dent Dr. Ralph Campbell made special reference to the Icelandic collection which is now housed in the new build- ing. The collection was founded in 1936 and has about 22,000 volumes. A number of these have been donated by A 60th Wedding Anniversary of Dr. and Mrs. Paul H.T. Thorlakson C.C. In November Dr. and Mrs. Paul H.T. Thorlakson celebrated their 60th wed- ding anniversary at Briarmeade, the home of their daughter and son-in-law (Mr. and Mrs. George Richardson). On that occasion Dr. Kenneth Thorlakson addressed the anniversary couple on behalf of a number of relatives and friends who had gathered at Briar- meade to honour them. Excerpts from Dr. K. Thorlakson's address are reproduced below. ''Sixty years ago, the young Manitoba couple, Dr. "Thor" came from Selkirk and Gladys Maree Henry from Killarney were married in Calgary, Alberta at the home of the bride's parents, Robert and Elizabeth Þessi mynd var tekin þrem tímun eftir að gosið hófst. Þriðja gos á Kröflusvæði á þessu ári Þann 18. okt. s.l. hófst þriðja gos á Kröflusvæði á þessu ári. Þetta mun vera sjötta gos á þessu svæði síðan i desember 1975. Gos hófst um tíuleitið að kvöldi en var í rénun strax næsta morgun. Gos þetta líktist mjög gosinu í júlí s.l. Mikill kraftur var í gosinu til að byrja með en strax eftir nokkrar klukkustundir fór það að ganga niður. Jarðfræðingar hafa spáð því að fjórða gosið gæti orðið fyrir jólin. í byrjun gossins streymdi hraun frá Leirhnjúk í átt til mannvirkjanna við Kröflu og var um tíma óttast um virkjunina, þótt hraunvarnargarðar séu þar á milli. En fljótlega dró úr gosinu syðst og hraunstraumurinn stöðvaðist, og voru mannvirkin þá úr allri hættu. Henry. The groom's parents, the Reverend Neil and Erica Thorlakson, had travelled from Selkirk to be pre- sent. The groom's father performed the holy rights of matrimony. This was the beginning of one of the happiest and most successful marriages, as everyone here today can attest. There are so many similarities bet- ween today's celebration and the one on that afternoon so many years ago. For instance we are gathered in a fami- ly home, one as noted by the warmth of its hospitality as was the home of the Henrys. Today the weatherman has arranged a little snow, a gentle reminder of the blizzard which struck Calgary on that day in 1920, but he has also provided a little Manitoba sunshine to grace the occasion . . . There are some differences in the continued on page 3 Notice to readers of Lögberg-Heimskringla Lögberg-Heimskringla Incorporated has now been advised by the Chief of the Charitable and Non-Profit Organ- izations Section of the Department of National Revenue — Taxation (Canada) that it has been granted tax exempt status as a registered charity under Paragraph 149(1) (f) of the In- come Tax Act. Lögberg-Heimskringla Incorporated has been further inform- ed that the effective date of such registration is January lst, 1980. Lögberg-Heimskringla Incorporated is, therefore, now in a position to issue .receipts for Canadian tax purposes . covering donations and other gifts. More news on this development will appear in a later issue. individuals and by the Government of Iceland. The annual growth of the Ice- landic Library is about 600 volumes a year. Among the library's most valu- able possessions are the private collect- ions of Icelandic Canadian poets Step- han G. Stephansson and Guttormur J. Guttormsson. The U of M administra- tion has clearly indicated its interest in the Icelandic library by a generous allocation of space. The library not on- ly serves U of M academic staff and students but the North American inter- librarv loan system as well. Icelandic librarian and director is Mrs. Sigrid Johnson Bl.S. (University of Alberta) a highly competent biblio- grapher and literary scholar. In the last 5 years loans from the Ice- landic library have tripled in number. In addition, many people come for visits every week for research pur- poses and to read Icelandic news- papers that come in by airmail. The collection recently hired a new library assistant, Mrs. Kristrún Turner ofWin- nipeg. Library hours are from 8:30 a.m. - 10 p.m. Mondays to Thursdays, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Fridays, 9 am. to 10 p.m. on Saturdays and 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Sundays. Telephone numbers 474-8324 and 474-9986. Icelandic librarian Mrs. Sigrid Johnson.



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