Lögberg-Heimskringla - 21.11.1980, Page 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 21.11.1980, Page 3
WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 21, NÓVEMBER 1980-3 Elsti borgari íslands Halldóra Bjarnadóttir orðin 107 ára Halldóra Bjarnadóttir í veislunni sem kvenfélagskonur á Blönduósi héldu henni á afmælisdaginn. Myndina tók Sigursteinn Guðmundsson yfirlæknir á Héraðs- hælinu. Elsti núlifandi íslendingurinn, Hall- dóra Bjarnadóttir varð 107 ára 14. okt- óber s.l. Ekki er vitað til að nokkur Is- lendingur hafi fyrr náð svo háum aldri. Halldóra dvelst nú á Héraðshælinu á Blönduósi og í tilefni dagsins efndu kvenfélagskonur á Blönduósi til af- mælisveislu í Héraðshælinu fyrir Hall- dóru. Kom Halldóra sjálf þar í hjóla- Iceland Canadian Frón social evening Icelandic Canadian Frón Social Evening to be held on Saturday Nov- ember 29 at 8 p.m. at the Deer Lodge Community Club No«th/East Linwood and Bruce. $5.00 per person. For tickets call Pat Bjornson 632-0444, Bill Perlmutter 774-4720 or Norma Kristjanson 888-2139. 60th Wedding Anniversary continued from page 1 two events. In 1920, western pioneer parents were there. In 1980, the great- grandchildren of these pioneers are here. Also, today's celebration is on the 9th of November (one day early). I know that Mother and Dad treasure the statement made by David Richardson when he spoke on behalf of the grandchildren on the occasion of their 50th Wedding Anniversary. What he said in part, I am sure he would agree, should be said again today, and I quote: "We have been very fortunate that our grandparents live in the same city. Throughtout the years they have played an active part in our lives and aided our development. They have at- tended school closings, sports events, and out of school activities. Even when it was not convenient they made us feel that it was the very thing they wanted to be doing at that time." It is small wonder that these past six- ty years have been happy and rewar- ding years. Those of us here today ad- mire the thoughtfulness and devotion which Mother and Dad have had for each other. There are other qualities which they shared with their family and their many friends. In our family home, as in our grandparents' homes on both sides of the family, there was active participation in community affairs as well as keen interest in books and lear- ning, in music, in travel and a great af- fection for animals. There was a great awareness of one's cultural background. Three young grandchildren (David, Hartley and Derek) were taken to their country of origin by their grandfather, who later in 1974, addressed the government and people of Iceland on behalf of the government and people of Canada to commemorate the arrivals of the first settlers in Iceland in 874. The love of books and learning was evident outside the home by Mother's twelve years on the Board of Gover- nor's at the University of Winnipeg . . . There was always music in the home, as manifest by the sweet (and sometimes not so sweet!) sounds of the violin, the piano, and of singing. Mother and’ Dad shared a great in- terest in other countries of the world and travelled extensively. The far East Dr. and Mrs. Paul H.T. Thorlakson held a special attraction because Dad's brother, our Uncle Tavi, was a mis- sionary in Kobe, Japan, and Mother's sister, our Aunt .Florence, taught school in Canton and Shanghai. This legacy has continued. Tannis an George travel extensively to all parts of the world. Bob and Fran as well as Lor- na and I lived for five years in Britain. The grandchildren have iived for various periods in France, Switzerland, Australia, Italy, and now England. But perhaps the greatest virtue of the couple we honor today was their respect and love of people — their close friends, colleagues, and good neighbours ..." Lögberg-Heimskringla adds its warmest congratulations to Dr. and Mrs. Thorlakson. stól, brosti við gestum sínum, og skál- aði við þá, en sagði lítið, enda hætt að heyra það sem við hana er sagt. Henni bárust fjöldi heillaóska víðsvegari að. Halldóra er sannkölluð kvenréttinda- kona. Þótt ekki tæki hún á starfsárum sínum beinan þátt í kvenréttinda- hreyfingunni hefur hún sýnt með starfi sínu, hugsjónum og baráttumálum að andi kvenréttindanna hefur fylgt henni alla tíð. Hún á að baki viðburðaríka og merka ævi. Hún Komst til mennta, lærði í Noregi, gerðist kennari, ferðað- ist víða hélt fyrirlestra og námskeið og flutti með sér ýmsar nýjungar inn í skólana. Ritstörf Halldóru eru einnig umfangsmikil en of langt yrði að telja það allt hér. Haldið var á íslandi að Halldóra væri elst allra Skandinava en svo er ekki. Elst mun vera Karolina Nilsson frá Regnér í Svíþjóð, 108 ára að aldri. í Danmörku, Noregi og Finnlandi á Halldóra jafnaldra (einn í hverju landi) en elsti núlifandi Færeyingurinn er aðeins 105 ára. Og samtals eru þessir sex elstu borgarar Skandinavíu 643 ára að aldri. Kristjánsson honoured TRAINN H. KRISTJÁNSSON (left) of Winnipeg, flashes a broad smile as he receives the first per- sonal achievement award confer- red by the University of Minnesota — Crookston Alumni Association. A native of Iceland, Kristjansson was honored for his career ac- complishments as a successful restaurateur in Winnipeg and else- where since his gráduation from UMC in 1972. While a student who emigrated from Reykjavik original- ly, Kristjansson majored in restaur- ant and food service management. Presenting the coveted award at the first ever alumni recognition banquet, held on the éve of Home- coming weekend, was UMC Pro- vost S.D. Sahlstrom. Heimildir um Vilhjálm Stefánsson Vilhjálmur Josephson frá Victoria B.C. heimsótti Winnipeg fyrr í haust og var þá á heimleið frá Háskóla Norður Dakóta í Grand Forks þar sem hann var viðstaddur afhjúpun á höggmynd Vilhjálmur Josephson af móðurbróður sínum, Vilhjálmi Stef- ánssyni landkönnuði. Vilhjálmur er fæddur og uppalinn í Saskatchewan, en hefur nú í mörg ár búið í Victoria B.C. Hann hefur lagt mikla rækt við minningu hins fræga móðurbróður síns, Vilhjálms Stefánssonar og safnað bréfum, skjölum og myndum og öðrum heimildum varðandi ævi hans og störf. Afhenti hann Háskóla Norður Dakóta þetta safn við ofangreint tækifæri, til geymslu. Þá hefur Vilhjálmur sjálfur gert og látið prenta gullfalleg veggspjöld með myndum og annálsgreinum ýmiss konar um ævi Vilhjálms Stefánssonar auk fallegra postulínsdiska með greyptum myndum. Sýndi Vilhjálmur Josephson Lögbergi-Heimskringlu þá vinsemd að gefa blaðinu nokkur sýnis- horn af listaverkum sínum og munu myndir af þeim birtast innan tíðar. Win $100 by designing a new masthead Lögberg-Heimskringla wishes to announce a contest to design a new masthead. The masthead should identify the paper. It is the printing design which appears on the front page. The design entry which our judges deem to be the best, will be awarded a cash prize of §100.00. The contest is open to everyone who has attained the age of eighteen (18) years, except employees or directors of Lögberg-Heimskringla Incor- porated or members of their immediate family. Entries should be sent to Lögberg-Heimskringla in an envelope, postage prepaid and postmarked no later than December 31, 1980. All entries submitted become the exclusive property of Lögberg- Heimskringla Incorporated and will not be returned to entrants. Each en- try will be judged on the basis of originality, design and how it describes or reflects the histroy of Lögberg-Heimskringla and its stated goal of preservation of Icelandic culture. The winning or any entry may be used by Lögberg-Heimskringla Incorporated either wholly or in part in any new masthead or letterhead used by the newspaper or Lögberg- Heimskringla Incorporated. BUYING OR SELLING REAL ESTATE IN WINNIPEG AND IN THE INTERLAKE CALL Interlake Agencies Ltd. Winnipeg..... 284-1490 Gimli........ 642-8859 Arborg ...... 376-5509 Selkirk...... 482-6944 Stonewall ... 467-8930 e {jmckiLteá~



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