Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.04.1992, Page 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.04.1992, Page 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 17. apríl 1992 Recipo bríngs back memoríes I am enclosing the pönnukökur recipe requested by Edith Bjornson of Port Washington, N.Y. I am enclosing the whole sheet as you might be inter- ested in the other recipes printed on it. I know the “partar” recipe brings back memories. My mother-in-law made them often and they are good. Sincere greetings, Olavia S. Johnson, Winnipeg, MB Editor’s Note: We published the requested pönnukur recipe in our last issue. The recipe for partar, which is mentioned in Olavia’s letter, is featured on this page. Western lcelanders are faithful to their heritage I mustfirst tell you how much I have enjoyed L-H, for the past few years. I don’t always have time to read it right away, but I collect them and then sit down to read a few copies at a time. And I’m always glad when I do, as in your Feb. 21 copy, the article about the encounter with the Gaia by Elva Simundsson. Our consul went to Wash- ington to meet President Vigdís Finnbogadóttir when the Gaia arrived up there. I admire very much the “Western Icelanders” as we so fondly call the descendants of the people who came west so longago. I’ve onlybeen here 21 years, married an American military man, but I hope my children and grand- children will prove as faithful to their heritage. I spent a few days in Winni- peg in the early 80’s when the Male- Choir from Keflavík, Iceland, came to sing there, and had the honor of meet- ing Helga Anderson. What a tribute to our culture. Keep up the great work. Sincerely, Maja Nyzser, Vice-Pres. & Treasurer Icelandic Society of North Texas (in Dallas) l'm hooked I would like to subscribe to your newspaper Lögberg-Heimskringla. Recently, I have been receiving copies from a relative, but find this very inconvenient when wanting to follow a story or an article which is continued. I am, however, grate- ful that I have had the opportunity to find out about and enjoy your paper as much as I have, and I am hooked now. Thank you kindly from a proud “Icelandic” descendant who is actively tracing her Icelandic par- entage and can’t seem to get enough as the craving for knowledge goes on and on. Sincerely, Shirley E. Ostryzniuk. née Eymundson, Edmonton, AB Afore recipes/ Re: your request for a recipe for pönnukökur. I’m sorry I can’t give you Mrs. B.B. Jonsson’s recipe for although I do have the oldest First Lutheran Ladies Aid cook book, it has suffered some tom and missing pages, and unfor- tunately these were at the front of the book where the pönnukökur recipe was. I do, however, have an excellent recipe slightly different from the one printed in the March 27th L-H. Originally I got my recipe from my mother-in-law, but down through the years, I have modified it some- what. The main change is the addition of 1/4 lb. margarine. When I visited Iceland, my cousin shared a technique the Icelandic women use — the addi- tion of margarine (or butter) — it does away entirely with the need to grease the pan. No more “butter in a rag” thank goodness. Hope you have good luck with the récipe. Thelma Finnbogason, Winnipeg, MB Pönnukökur Recipe 2 cups 1 tbsp. 1/4 tsp. 1-1/2 cups 1/4 lb. cereal cream sugar soda, dissolved in 1/4 cup boiling water flour melted margarine or butter 2 dash 1 tsp. big dash 2 tsp. eggs salt lemon extract nutmeg baking powder Combine all and beat until smooth. Thin out if necessary. Cook on fairly hot pan. Try out medium setting to start and then adjust. Do notgrease your pan with this recipe. After use simply wipe well with paper towel. Do not wash. If you are fortunate enough to have a pan from Iceland — one 1/4 cup or slightly less will coat the pan. I find a long, thin spatula flips the pönnukaka over easily. This recipe makes 20 to 25, depending how thin your batter is. Partar Recipe 2 tbsps. butter 1 tsp. soda 1-1/2 cups sugar 1 tsp. salt 1-1/2 cups boiling water 1 cup flour 1 tsp. nutmeg Cream butter and sugar well. Add boiling water and soda. When sugar has melted add salt, flavoring and flour and knead a little. Add more flour if necessary. Then take a small quantity of dough, roll out thin and cut in diamond shape pieces with two large slits in the middle of each piece. Fry in hot shortening. Mrs. G. Finnbogason l Liney Gray I really enjoy the Lögberg-Heimskringla as I feel I am learning more of my parents’ and my heritage, and I feel closer to the back- ground of the people I met on my trip to Iceland. It was such a moving experience. Llney having a good laugh at lcelandic language clasaes. >5PeO ACPfeS BSV & BRc;:/'.KFAST CÁrxre.r\ce. & Oi‘cne 3°bs Vi i/ ^ Canado, ~CO/A 1^0 (403) 728-33Ó4 5 m'm. to Slepk ansso 4-loU PU9USHED EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖGBERG ■ HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editorial Office: 284-5686 Advertising Office: 478-1086 Ncw Offíce Hours: Tuesday Ihrough Thursday lOa.m. 3p.m. PRESIDENT: Neil Bardal VICE PRESIDENT/TREASURER: Gordon Thorvaldson EDITOR: Hulda Karen Daníelsdóttir ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Birgir Brynjolfsson SECRETARY: Barbara Sigurdson RECORDING SECRETARY: Valdine Scrymgeour BOARD MEMBERS: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Tom Oleson, Ray Gislason, Brian Petursson, Donald Bjornson REPRESENTATIVES: Dawn Rothwell, Rose Clyde, Helga Sigurdson, Baldur Schaldemose REPRESENTATIVE IN ICELAND: Þjóöræknisfélag Islendinga Umboösmaöur blaösins á íslandi Hafnarstræti 20 101 Reykjavlk, Slmi 621062 Telefax 626278 ; Graphic Design: Barbara Gislason • Typesetting: Keystone Graphics • Printing: Vopni Press Subscriptíon -$35.00 per year + GST ín Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYA8LE IN ADVANGE - AK donatlons to Lttgbcrg Helmskrlngla Inc. ara tax deductfljle under Canadlan Laws. 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