Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.05.1992, Qupperneq 1
The lcelandic Weekly
Lögberg Stofnaó 14 janúar 1888 Heimsknngla Stofnaó 9. september 1886
Inside this weeks
Twisted Teapots..............................page 2
Þorrablót at Wynyard, by Dr. Björn Jónsson............3
Book features lcelandic authors, by Brenda Fleming.5
Finding Inspiration in lceland.....................7
Ferð Til íslands — A Family Odyssey, by Linda Johanns.9
Poet's Corner....................................10
106. Árgangur Föstudagur 1. maí 1992 Númer 16
106thYear Publications Mail Registration No. 1667 Friday, 1 May 1992 Number 16
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Guðni Ágústsson Ólafur Skúlason
Move to Skálholt:
GuðniÁgústsson, a MP from the south
of lceland, has suggested that the
office of the Bishop of lceland, as well
as the University's Departmentof The-
ology, be moved to Skálholt. Through
the centuries, Skálholt has been the
ecclesiastical centre of southern lce-
land. The Bishop of Skálholt, like the
one of Hólar, serves under the Bishop
of lceland, Ólafur Skúlason, Bíshop of
lceiand, says he likes the idea, but
does not believe it will materialize.
McDonaid's in iceiand:
The famous McDonald's homburger
chain has decided to open up a res-
taurant in lceland. It is estimated that
the first one will be open for busíness
at tne eno ot tms year. i ne gompany
Goði hf. wíll supply the beef for the
burgers. In addition to hamburgers,
the restaurants will also be offering
chicken. The McDonald's representa-
tive in lceíand is Kjartan Kjartansson.
Leaner burgers:
Hamburgers abroad are juicier and
tastier than the ones at home, say the
lcelanders. The reason for thís may be
that lcelandic ground beef contains
only between 4 and 8% fat, whereas
ground beef produced in most other
countries contains between 15 and
20% fat,
Premier performance.
The lcelandic Symphony Orchestra re-
cently premíered a piece called
Á/octure, by Gunnar Þórðarson. This is
thefirst time Gunnar has written musíc
especially for the Symphony Orches-
ha. Gunnar Þórðarson is furthest to
the right in the above photo.
Translated from lcelandic
newapapers. H.K.D.j
May 1 - 3,1992
This spring the Annual Icelandic National League
Convention will be held at Hecla Island. in Manitoba.
During the past few months, the Convention co-
ordinator and a number of INL executive members
havebeen busy preparing for the event, which over 70
delegates from all over Canada and the United States
are expected to attend.
The League could hardly have chosen a more beau-
tiful meeting place than Hecla Island, and although
the agenda appears rather hectic, Convention guests
should be able to visit some of the sites on the Island
as well as some of the Icelandic communities in the
The President of the League, Evelyn Thorvaldson,
says that she is extremely pleased with her year as
President and credits the accomplishments to the
dedication of the Executive Board and in particular
the efforts of the Task Force Committee.
Evelyn’s vision for success of the INL is in greater
membership affiliation and communication across
North America.
Twelve chapters in Canada and two in the US
belong to the League, as well as four affiliates. h.k.d.
In Iceland, summer arrives on April 23rd,
Sumardagurinn Fyrsti, or the First Day of
Summer. Some of the ever-present signs of an
Icelandic early summer are depicted in these
photos, whidi have recently been appearing
in the Morgunblað and the Tíminn Icelandic
daily newspapers.
The small boat owners are catching rauömagifmale
lumpsucker), only caught around this time each year.
Sure signs
of summer
Above: On the farms, the spring lambs are being bom.
Lower left: A young girl plays with her friend by the still ocean.