Lögberg-Heimskringla - 01.05.1992, Side 9
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 1. maí 1992 • 9
Saturday, August 4, 1990. The Mani-
toba sunset gives way to a dark blue sky
and full moon. The Icelandic Air Boeing
757 is fully loaded. One stewardess passes
out hard candy, wihle another speaks to
us in Icelandic.
10:20 p.m.-wetaxitowardsthe rbight
star at the end of the runway and we, 200
souls, have lift-off. Iceland, we’re on our
The stewardess distributes copies of
Morgunblaðið. The captain greets us,
explains that our flight crosses Hudson
Bay and Greenland, and states that we
arrive in Keflavik, Iceland, at 8:25 a.m.
The weather there - drizzle. We passen-
gers settle in. The serene moon reflects
on the clouds in the sky and the water-
filled potholes on the land. We travel in
the middle - a trilogy.
10:45 p.m.-Marge Amasonwelcomes
us. By this time, my daughter Deidre and
I are munching honey-roasted peanuts
and sipping cokes. We didn’t go for the
free drinks.
11:25 p.m. -the plan^passengers erupt
intolcelandicsong. WeareoverHudson
Bay and above the clouds. Nothing is
visible, but the heavens. Our attention
turns inward and we acquaint ourselves
with the other passengers. My seat-mate
is Johnny Mabb, several-time visitor to
Iceland and former Airforce pilot. My
mother, sister, brother, niece, nephew, 2
aunts and cousin are seated nearby and
as excited as we.
12:03 a.m. - supper is served - shrimp
salad, steak (I think), round potatoes,
broccoli, bun, butter, crackers, on beau-
tiful Icelandic blue coloured paper on a
whitetray. The dessertis Strawberry and
custard in a tart shell.
12:45 a.m. - the midnight sun appears
ontheleft horizon. Mynephew, Kristján,
experiences the rising sun with the pi-
lots, thanks to Johnny taking him into
the cockpit. It is still 2-1/2 hours to
Keflavík. We are at 37,000 feet and pass-
ing near Frobisher Bay on the left. My
ears pop. We turn left.
1:25 a.m. - the sky is bright with two
layers of clouds visible. Eveiyone is cheer-
ful and talkative. I feel tired, but con-
tinue studying the video camera manual.
I have never used the machine before
Above: Elizabeth going downtown in Reykjavík. Left: Deidre beside the Tjörn.
is presently 8:05 a.m. in Iceland and the
temperature is 10°C.
8:25 a.m. - we land in Keflavík, change
money, show our passports, shop in the
Duty Free Store, and dash to our bus.
Helgi Austman, our tour leader for the
next 2 weeks weicomes his “family” num-
bering 46. Through the drizzle we see
Kcflavík harbour and multi-coloured
apartment buildings. Clouded moun-
tains and rising steam lie on the hori-
zon. The land is green moss on the rock.
In Reykjavík, at Gamli Garður, we
have lunch of soup, bread and cheese.
The coffee is good with cream and
molasykur. The tour members disperse
having the remaining day free. My fam-
ily members rest in their rooms.
Who can rest! From my window, I
can see the Tjörn on the left and the
Municipal Airport on the right. It is
Sunday afternoon and even with thc
light drizzle, people of all ages are walk-
ing. I had heard about “walking day”
and wonder if this is it.
Our friend, Rikki Hördal, arrives at 6
p.m. to take us to his home near the
oldest house in the centre of Reykjavík.
We carry our bags of food to leave with
him, for the 3rd week of our visit. Our
band of travellers passes thc Tjörn with
the spouting water in thc middle and the
ducks on the water’s cdge. I “video”
everything. So this is Amma’s Tjörn.
Later, Rikki returns us to Gamli
Garður with a stroll through the
beautifully maintained old cemetery.
The time is 12:05 a.m. and the night is
black. Out of the corner of my left eye
I see movement. Whew!!! They are
definitely people.
Thus begins ou family tour of Ice-
and because the first
pictures in Iceland
are as important as
the Pope kissing the
ground when he
lands, I must be
1:45 a.m. - we fly
over Greenland.
berg floats directly
under us travelling
fast, and Marge
Arnason is on the
microphone. She
describes súrmjólk
and brown sugar on
comflakes being a standard breakfast i n
Iceland and how we will rave about the
taste. We are doubters and later we are
proven wrong.
3:05 a.m. - 20 minutes to Keflavík. It
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Mr. David Klng attends In Glmll and Rlverton on the first and third Friday of each month and Mr. Tlm Taylor In
Winnipeg Beach in the attemoon on the second and fourth Friday of each month.
Office hours are held in Gimli at 3rd Ave. and Centre St. between the hours of 950 a.m. -12 noon and 4-5 p.m.
In Riverton, Mr. King attends at the Rlverton Village office between the hours of 1:30 and 3 p.m.
Office hours are held at Winnipeg Beach between 2 and 4 p.m. in the Winnipeg Beach office of Gimli Credit Union.
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