Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.11.1992, Blaðsíða 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 06.11.1992, Blaðsíða 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 6. nóvember 1992 • 7 Who are ive afiyivayí Cont'd from page 1 honour to the memory of our ances- tors. On the other hand, we must be careful not to take our citizenship for granted, and we should be cautious about using inappropriate references to our cultural identity — as these can act as red flags to other Canadians — especially in sensitive political times. The term “Icelandic- Canadian” correctly identifies us as Canadians, and is merely a specific term to distinguish us as descendants of Icelandic immigrants who made Canada their home. It does not detract from our Canadianism or imply foreign allegiance. The term “Westem Icelanders” on the other hand, identifies us as Icelanders - which to me designates natives of Iceland and has an ‘alien’ political connotation with which I an uncomfortable. This term, which is a literal translation of the Icelandic Vestur íslendingar, was certainly appropriate at one time - during the immigration era when our native- born forefathers and mothers were alive! These people were, after all, transplanted Icelanders, though landed immigrants in Canada. We today, for the most part, are not Icelanders in this sense, and the use of this term reflects poorly on us - suggesting cultural naivete at best - at worst, poor citizenship. I confess to having once used such phrases, but as a fifth generation Canadian of Icelandic descent, who has also lived in Iceland, I now see a very signifi- cant distinction between the two. It is of particular importance that spokespersons for our community at large - the editors of our paper, offi- cials of the Icelandic National League, and those representing us through the Chair of Icelandic - be aware of this distinction and the pos- sible negative impact of using such terms inappropriately. I would also like to comment of the use of the Icelandic flag here in Canada. When I first went to Iceland as a youth, one of the first souvenirs I bought was a full-sized Icelandic flag, which to me symbolized Icelandic identity in a general way. Today, I would hesitate to display Fríends of the Libraries of the University of Manitoba present and evening of Icelandic Canadian Literature with David Arnason Kristjana Gunnars Kirsten Wolf ______- DATE: Tuesday, November 17,1992 tliilVll1 TiME: 8:00 p.m. ^----- PLACE: Faculty Club, Pembina Hall Fort Garry Campus This is ther second of a series of readings and talks from the 1992-93 Program “University of Manitoba Writers and their worhs” Refreshments follow the readings Free parking in “F" lot off MacLean Crescent Everyone is weicome. TAYLOR McCAFFREY CHAPMAN, SIGURDSON Barristers & Solicitors Winnipeg.....................Phone 949-1312 4th Floor - 386 Broadway Gimli........................Phone 642-7955 Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 3R6 23 Stitr Street, Winnipeg Beach.Phone 389-2999 Mr. David King attands in Qmli and Riverton on the frst end third Fridey of eech month and Mr. Tim Taylor in Winnipeg Beach in the aftemoon on the second and fourth Friday of each month. Office hours are held in Gimli at 3rd Ave. end Centre St. between the hoira of 9:30 a.m. -12:00 noon and 4 - 5 p.m. In Riverton, Mr. King attende at tha Riverton Village offioe between the hotra of 1:30 and 3 p.m. Office houro £ro held at Winnipeg Beach between 2 and 4 p.m. in the Winnipeg Beach offica of Gimli Credit Union. SUBSCRIBE NOW Name:_____________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________ City/Town:________________________________________________________ Province/Country:_________________________________________________ Post/Zip Code: ______'____________Subscription Expiry Date:_______ □ Renewal |""n Please renew for... □ New I Canada........*......................$37.45 I | (indudes $2.45 GST) D Gift | United States / lceland / Others .....$40.00 ^ My cheque is enclosed for subscription renewal $_____________ I would also like to help with a donation of: $ .________ Total cheque enclosed $ _ (Donations are tax deductible under Canadian Laws) Givc a Qiít Subseription For anyone interested in the lcelandic culture Lögberg-Heimskringla is the perfect gift that lasts all year. Gift cards are available upon request. Make cheques payable & mail to: Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3M 2C3 this flag in public, except in combina- tion with the Canadian flag, as part of a cultural display on modern Iceland, or as a way of acknowledg- ing visitors from Iceland. The Icelandic flag is, after all, a political symbol, and this flag was not even in existence when our Icelandic forefa- thers and mothers came to Canada. A much more appropriate symbol for the Icelandic heritage brought to Canada during the 1800s would be the falcon, which was the acknowl- edged cultural symbol of Iceland at that time. The falcon is not a politi- cal, but a cultural symbol, and would therefore represent our heritage with- out suggesting foreign political entanglements. Icelandic Newspapers Published in Manitoba by lola Nlcklas — all the informatlon was obtalned from old copies of these newspa- pers at Lögberg-Heimskrlngla 699 Carter and the lcelandic Collection, Dafoe Library Universlty of Manttoba. The Icelandic Settlers arrived in Manitoba from 1864 through early 20th Centuiy. These people arrived with their own personal libraries and were completely literate. It was no time until they were publishing newspa- pers and magazines. Lögberg-Heimskringla which is cur- rently published weekly was at one time two separate weeklies published in Winnipeg. In August of this year Lögberg-Heimskringla Received the 1992 Annual Cultural Award of $500 from The American Scandinavian Society of New York, Inc. In 1886 Heimskringla was organized and published by Heimskringla Printing and Publishing Co. 151 Lombard Street. Heimskringla — what does the word mean? Heimur means the world, kringla is a globe. Heimskringla was named after Snorri Sturlusson’s writings of 1220 A.D. to 1235 A.D. By 1888 Lögberg was being pub- lished by the Lögberg Printing Co. at 11 Rorie Street. Lögberg — what does the Buy Directly from the People who make them. The Beautiful lcelandic Handknits Pullovers..$142.50 incl. mailing Cardigans with buttons ....$146.50 incl. mailing Cardigans with zippers..$157.50 incl. mailing PRICES IN CANADIAN' DOLLARS Sizes ' S M L XL LADIES 8/10 12/14 16 18 Sizes S M-L XL XXL MENS 38“ 40" 42-44“ 46" When ordering please state color preferences: Howto Measure Send your orders to: jMvrTttoift?; The Handknittíng Association of Iceland Skólavördustígur 19, 101 Reykjavík, ICELAND. Tel.: 91-21890 word mean? Lög means law and berg means rock. Lögberg was named after the mount of Laws on the Thingvalla Plain in Iceland where the leaders met in the year 930 A.D. to establish a sys- tem of law and order. A common law was established with a firmly based legislative and judicial organization. The leaders called “Goðar” were like judges and presided over the courts. Since there were no written records, a law speaker stood on the rock and recited the law from mem- ory. The main concems of the publishers of both newspapers was to convey to the various Icelandic communities news of their countrymen who had settled in many widely scattered areas of Canada and the United States. To provide infor- mation on govemmental fimctions and the laws of the land including areas available for settlement under the Homestead Acts. Information about existing and proposed railway lines, access to lakes for fishing. They provid- ed news from Iceland with generous space alotted to Icelandic prose and poetry. Contlnued next week Donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. Irene Finnson, Bumaby, BC.......$100. In loving memory of our cousin Friða Erickson, from Michael & Steina Jaskolski and Melanie Jaskolski, Calgary, AB......................$40. In memory ofAdelaide West, from Gunnar & Vera Solvason, Gimli, MB.....................S25. In memory ofStefanía Eyjólfson, from Verma Zahorodny & family, Lundar, MB....................$50. MESSUBOÐ Fyrsta Lúterska Kirkja Pastor Ingthor I. Isfeld 1030 a.m. The Service followed by Simday School & Coffee hour. First Lutheran Church 580 Victor St., Winnipeg, MB R3G 1R2 Ph. 772-7444



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