Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.11.1992, Síða 5

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.11.1992, Síða 5
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 13. nóvember 1992 • 5 to speak Icelandic more. He thanks for all the help he received here and wrote the following note. “Ef Haraldur Hallsson í Lundum les þetta, þá eru þessi skilaboð til hans; ég þakka skemmtileg kynni, en því miður er eg búinn að gleyma vís- unni hann fór með.” Egill is from Reykjavík, his par- ents are Gunnar Már Hauks- son and Sjöfn Egilsdóttir, and he is studying music theory and com- position. His special moment came when two old people at Betel sang for them in Icelandic. He was not pre- pared for the mosquitoes, leamed that Canadians of Icelandic descent want to keep in touch with their heritage, and thought the weather fine. Manitoba is beautiful but flat. He mentioned approaching a hill or slope, and being wamed of this by a sign on the road. He thought the air in Winnipeg polluted compared to, for example, Minneapolis. He ends by - Ferenc Utassy (left) Tenor Picture (right: I to r) Örn Arnarson, Ingólfur Arnarson, Sveinn Sigurbjörn Erlendsson, Martin Ringmar Bass Picture (below: I to r) Egill Gunnarsson, Benedict Ingólfsson, Herbjörn Þóróarsson, Valdimar Másson Photos by Linda Collette “Like the poet said, come to Iceland ’cause it’s a nice land, you can shake the Shepherd’s hand.” y-* enedict is from Akureyri and his parents are Ingólfur JLJ Steinar Ingólfsson and Steinunn Sigríður Sigurðardóttir. He is studying philosophy. He enjoyed the singing by the lady in Betel. He was not prepared for the high quality of Canadian beer, nor the achieve- Herbjörn is from Snæ- hvammur, Breiðdalsvík and his parents are Ásta María Herbjörnsdóttir and Þórður Sigur- jónsson. He wrote of rain, mosqui- toes, and the sentiments as expressed by the others. Valdimar is from Hafnarfjörður and his parents are Ágúst Már Valdimarsson and Ragnheiður Hjartardóttir. He is studying opera singing at the Reykjavík Music College. He enjoyed meeting Guðrún at the Betel Home. He learned that we still are more or less Icelandic. He would have liked warmer weather. He invites us all to Iceland ’cause it’s a nice land. My thanks to all the members of the University of Iceland Chamber Choir. I hope you return soon. Just as Iceland is “a- nice land”, so is Canada and the United States. Thank you Helga Anderson and Séra Bragi Friðriksson. ments of the descendants of the Icelandic pioneers. Our weather offers suitable conditions for mosqui- to breeding. He thanks for the enor- mous hospitality and gives special thanks to Mrs. Helga Anderson for her good job and care. He ends by writing - "... og jám- mél bmddu skagfirskir stóðhestar.” (Translation — “...and ‘skagfírskir’ stallions champed at the bit. ”) lcelandic Newspapers Published in Manitoba by lola Nlcklas (all the Informatlon was obtalned from old coples of these newspa- pers at Lögberg-Helmskrlngla 699 Carter and the lcelandlc Collectlon, Dafoe Ubrary Unlverslty of Manltoba.) Contlnued from last Issue Heimskringla September 9,1886. Was printed in Icelandic but advertisements were partly or com- pletely in English. A subscription was $2 a year. In 1888 this weekly paper was printed every Thursday at 35 Lombard Street. It moved to 151 Lombard in 1891 with Jón Ólafsson as editor. In 1892 Heimskringla was published every Wednesday and Saturday. Many advertisements were in English and some articles had English headlines. This article appeared on February 1, 1893. “Women’s Emancipation and the Icelanders” was in English. In 1893 they were located at 146 Princess Street. By 1900 Heim- skringla was located at 547 Main Street and the editor was B. L. Baldivinson. In 1910 Heimskringla News and Publishing Co. Ltd. was at 728 Sherbrook Street. In September 1921 Heimskringla moved to 853-855 Sargent Avenue at Banning Street, and the publishers were Viking Printers. In the November 12, 1941 issue, the Junior Icelandic League started a column in English which continued to be a part of the paper for some time. The Lögberg On June 14, 1888, Lögberg Printing Co. started publication of the Lögberg at 14 Rorie Street. The founders were Sigtr. Jónasson, Bergvin Jónsson, Árni Friðriksson, Einar Hjörleifsson, Ólafur Thor- geirsson, Sigurður J. Jóhannesson. In 1889 moved to 35 Lombard Street and published every Wednesday. Some advertisements were in English and the Subscription price was $2 a year. In 1893 Lögberg Printing and Publishing Co. had moved to 473 Main Street, the editor Einar Hjorleifson. In 1896 to 148 Princess Street, Sigtr. Jónasson - editor and 1900 to 309 1/2 Elgin Avenue. In 1914 Lögberg was published by Columbia Press Ltd., corner of William Avenue and Sherbrook Street. On June 5, 1919 this notice appeared in English under “Enter- tainment” - Dorcas Society was hold- ing a concert at the Good Templar’s Hall, Sargent Avenue at McGee Street, admission 35 e. Editor at that time was Jón J. Bíldfell. By 1924 Columbia Press Ltd. publishers had moved to Sargent Avenue at Toronto Street. In 1951 subscription cost $5 per year. By 1959 several articles were appearing in English, example “Pioneer Boys On The Red River” by Sally Townsend. On August 20, 1959 the Lögberg and the Heimskringla were amalga- mated after having been published separately for over 70 years. The pub- lisher was the North American Publishing Co. and the editor Ingibjörg Jónsson. Much of the paper was still written in Icelandic. As the years went by, more and more of the paper was in English. Today Lögberg- Heimskringla is a twelve page weekly, published every Friday by Lögberg- Heimskringla Incorporated 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg. The front page has News from Ice- land and a report on whatever is cur- rently happening. The inside pages contain current articles, upcoming events from Icelandic organizations across Canada and the U.S., poetry, advertisements, and obituaries. The back page is in Icelandic, including an Icelandic exercise.



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