Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.09.1994, Qupperneq 8
8 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 2. september 1994
The Hollywood production of
the raotion picture “The
Flintstones” premiered on
May 27th in the USA. At
that time it had already
brought 100 million dollars into the
producers’ coffers. Along with the film
all ldnds of promotional material con-
nected to the film’s personalities has
been poured on the market. The faces
of Icelandic twin boys adom both the
film and the promotional material.
The twins, Hlynur and Marinó
Sigurdssons, together play the part of
Bam-Bam, who is an adopted son of
Bamey and Betty, best friends of Fred
and Wilma Flintstone.
The twins arrived in Iceland for a
few weeks’ holiday along with their
parents and sisters, and will attend a
special premier night on]uly 3. The
six year old twins have obviously not
let all the hoopla go to their heads.
They are a bit mischieveous, but shy-
ness lies just beneath the surface.
Marinó and Hlynur were chosen from
many hundreds of twins who applied.
“The boys now have their toe in the
doorway to the film industiy, and in
case of other offers, we will look at
them very carefully with their welfare
and happiness in mind”, said Sigurður
Ómar Sigurðsson, a computer expert
and the boys’ father. “Everything is
o.k. as long as they enjoy this. This
has been an interesting experience for
the whole family and we would have
allowed them to do this without pay.
The message of the film is really that
friendship is worth more than money.”
tórmyndin Steinaldarmennimir
var frumsýnd í Bandaríkjunum
27. maí síðastliðinn og hafði
þegar síðast fréttist aflað
aðstandendum sínum um 100
milljóna dollara í tekjur. Auk myndarinnar
hefur verið steypt á markaðinn öllum þeim
varningi sem nöfnum tjáir að nefna í
tengslum við persónur hennar. Andlit íslen-
skra tvíbura prýða bæði myndina og sölu-
vaminginn. Bræðurnir Hlynur og Marinó
Sigurðssynir leika í sameiningu hlutverk
Bam-Bams í Steinaldar-mönnum, en hann
er fóstursonur Bameys og Bettýar,
vinahjóna Freds og Wilmu Flintstone.
Tvíburamir komu í nokkurra vikna frí
til íslands 16. júní sl. ásamt foreldrum
sínum og systmm, og verða viðstaddir
sérstaka forsýningu myndarinnar 3. júlí
næstkomandi. Strákamir eru sex ára gam-
lir og hafa greinilega ekki látið umstangið
og athyglina stíga sér til höfuðs, þeir eru
miklir prakkarar en þó stutt í feimnina.
Móðir drengjanna segir að þeim hafi
aldrei fundist sem þeir væru að vinna,
allt hafi verið eins og samfelldur leikur
og þegar annar þeirra fann til þreytu var
kallað á hinn. Marínó og Hlynur voru
valdir úr hópi fleiri hundruð
tvíbura.”Drengirnir eru því komnir með
tærnar í dyragættina í kvikmynda-
heiminum og fái þeir fleiri tilboð munum
ReyHJavík Arl Faatival:
The Reykjavík Art
Festival is an annual
event where some of
the best known names in the
music world appear. Among
those appearing this year
were, Vladimir Ashkenazy,
as an honoured guest. His
concert at Háskólabíó was
sold out and he was enthusi-
astically cheered following
his concert. The artist
played, among other things,
two sonatas by Beethoven
opus 31 nr. 1 and
2, sonata nr. 8
by Prokofjev
and pieces
from Romeo
and Juliet.
K r i s t j á n
opera singer,
was also on
hand, seen here practicing at
Laugardalshöll accompanied
by the Reykjavík Symphony
Orchestra, conducted by
Rico Saccani. He sang many
of the best known tenor
arias from the operas. His
concert also sold out.
Then there was Björk
Guðmundsdóttir (at present
the best kown Icelander).
She held a successful con-
cert at Laugardalshöllin on
June I9th, with over five
thousand fans in atten-
dance. The audience was
particularly happy about
the fact that Björk sang in
Icelandic. Earlier in the
day visitors watched Björk
parachute onto the artificial
turf in Laugardalur, where
she sang. Among the guests
at her concert at Laugar-
dalshöll was President
Vigdís Finnbogadóttir.
Afterwards the President
visited with Björk back
stage for awhile and
thanked her for an enjoy-
able concert. On the pic-
ture with Björk are her par-
ents and President Vigdís
við skoða þau vandlega en með hag og
hamingju þeirra í huga fyrst og fremst,”
segir Sigurður Ómar Sigurðsson,
tölvufræðingur og faðir strákanna.”Meðan
þeir hafa gaman af þessu er allt í lagi, og
við hefðum í raun leyft þeim að vera í
myndinni án borgunar, vegna þess hversu
skemmtileg reynsla þetta ævintýri var fyrir
alla fjölskylduna. Boðskapur myndarinnar
er raunar sá að vináttan sé miklu meira
virði en peningar.”