Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.11.1994, Side 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 18.11.1994, Side 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 18. nóvember 1994 Living Literature, Cont’d. Evelyn Thorvaldson and Evelyn Thorvaldson, who read from her book My Amma and Me, memories of her childhood with an Amma whom she dearly .loved and from whom she leamed a great deal. Dr. Daisy Neijmann, the latest faculty member at University of Manitoba Department of Icelandic and an expert in Icelandic Canadian literature gave a brief and gracious speach prais- ing the event and expressing gratitude for the opportunity to attend. The aftemoon came to a dramatic close with the reading by David Amason. Mr. Arnason simply has to be someplace to be dramatic, but when he is performing he is as Come Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Iceland s Independence! From Akureyri in the North to the Westmann Islands in the South, the welcome mat is out for Western lcelanders and their friends. If you've never visited lceland before, 1994 is the year! Icelandair offers extra value airfares from North America to lceland all year long in 1994! Icelandair offers exciting independent and escorted tour options to make your visit "heim" exciting, comfortable and affordable. To order your 1994 ICELAND & SCANDINAVIA VACATION PLANNER, just clip and mail the coupon below. To learn more about lcelandair's airfares to lceland, Britain, Scandinavia and the Continent, see your Professional Travel Agent or call our toll-free reservations line... 1-800-223-5500. ICELANDAIR remarkable as his writing. The two new books he has produced this year are The New Icelanders, a revision and expansion of his previous history of the Icelanders in Manitoba — although it is perhaps more literature than history — and The Dragon and the Dry Goods Princess — a volume of ghost stories and folklore which he wrote himself and read with gusto. The entire event was a first class presentation — it is a pity that it could not be put on the road to enter- tain and inform Icelandic communi- ties throughout North America. It was also an affirmation that the Icelandic culture and heritage remains alive and well on this conti- nent. t)4j Œ>í'cmj(j£ A Whale of a Day (Akureyrí-lceland) The suri came up close on the right Over the heath came he He shines upon the “Island Fjord” The mountains of the lee He shines upon this Viking place This bustling Nordic town Close to the Arctic Circle of Helgi the "lean” renown He shines on “SÚLUR" by the sky With newly fallen snow Towering like an obelisk Over the bay below There is beauty everywhere Far as the eye can see If paradise on earth is near This place it well could be Nary a breeze or a ripple Ruffle the silver sea When suddenly a surging wave Polls swelling on the lee Shrieking sirens and blaring horns • A blast from boats in line They are following fast behind Beating the furrowed brine Being merely a growing lad Struck with awe and dismay As all the skiffs that do not sink Are rowed out on the bay Then came a wondrous leaping whale Arcing out of the spray Others followed as if in turn A glorious display A school of whales had lost their way A most uncommon sight And did not seem to realize The peril in their plight They sparkle in the blazing rays Black above,white below They twinkle in the mist and spray Like strings of pearls aglow And now all means like oars and thwarts Are used to beat the brine To prevent the stampeding herd From turning on the line This is a godsend people say Crowding above the shore Some kneeling do\yn to pray out loud The good Lord to implore The combers rise, the white caps fly They crash against the land Whales come surfing and tumbling in To writhe upon the sand The shore is strewn with gasping whales Struggling with all their might Whipping tails and straining their heads In throes of hopeless flight All in a crisp and sunny sky The battle din is past The fever of the raging hunt Has come to wane at last Thor and Odin are sure to be Looking on with pleasure And taking ample credit for This heaven-sent treasure Boat crews are wading to the shore With cleavers, guns and spears To quickly stun each whale in turn Amidst hurrahs and cheers Men and women with knives and blades All kinds of tools in hand Are flocking now to claim their share And mark it with their brand In spite of yelling and screaming There’s ’plenty to go around And many with a goodly haul Are leaving homeward bound Blood is gushing and flowing free Crimson the pebbly sand The sun shines on a grisly scene A somber Nordic strand Crews have rights to the biggest whales There is no time to waste Ropes and pulleys are brought to bear To get them off in haste The evening tide comes rolling in While sea gulls swarm the shore And soon the sea will cleanse the strand And leave it as before (B*agí Saving the whales was not the talk In this long ago season Hard up people blessed the sea For a just and sound reason “Island Fjord" = Eyja-fjörður “SÚLUR” = a tall mountain peak Helgi = the first Viking settler I TO: ICELANDAIR, P.O. Box 105, W. Hempstead, NY 11552-0105, USA I I I | ___ Pleasesend me a copy of your Summer lceland & Scandinavia Vacation Planner. | J ___ Please send me a copy of your Fall-Winter-Spring lceland Vacation Planner | Name:______________________________________________________________ | I Address: _________________________________________________ * J^ ’ * ........... ^ J ® PUBLISHEO EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editorial Office: (204) 284-5686 Fax: 284-3870 Advertlsing Office: (204) 453-8502 Fax: 475-6853 NEW OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. president: Neil Bardal vice president: Don Bjornson treasureR: Gordon Thorvaldson secretary: BarbafTa Sigurdson editor-in-chieF: Tom Oleson editoR: Laurie Oleson ICELANDICEDITOR: Gunnur Isfeld ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Ray Gislason recording secretary: Rosemarie Isford office manageR: Sandra Duma board memberS: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Brian Petursson, Kirsten Wolf, Bea Sharpe, S. Norma Godavari, Hal Bjornson, Connie Schimnowski representative in iceland: Þjóðraeknisfélag Islendinga, Umboðsmaður blaðsins á Islandi Geysir House - 2 Aðalstraeti, 101 Reykjavík, Sími 3541-628911 Telefax 3541-25285 graphic design: Barbara Gislason • typesetting: Keystone Graphics • printing: Vopni Press Subscription - $39.90 per year (indudes GST & PST) in Manitoba, $37.45 per year (indudes GST) in Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla )nc. are tax deductible under Canadian Laws.



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