Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.01.1996, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.01.1996, Blaðsíða 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 26. janúar 1996 Notes from our readers: vv je always love to hear from our I Al readers. Your views are impor- V r tant to the community and to this newspaper. Here are a few of the comments we have received recently: Mrs. C.V. Laban of Toronto, ON, wrote us to say: I enjoy the articles sent in from the clubs across Canada and the U.S.A. My mother was an original subscriber and was on the front page of an issue in 1972. My sister, Alene Moris, is a noted speaker on career planning. She was born and raised in Regina and now lives in the Seattle area. She was Fjallkona for the Seattle area about 5 years ago. She was the instigator of the Women’s Conference held in Seattle, Feb. 95. There were speakers from around the world and they had a very large attendance. From this conference came the formation of a Women’s Institute of which Alene is the founder. She is in touch with women’s groups in Iceland. Our mother was Iona Jonasson Halvorson, bom in Hallson, N.D. who emigrated to Selkirk and lived in , DONATIONS TO , URLING IN ICELANl Lundar Chapter of the INL....$25.00 ItaiJnfO-u. 00 | l *4.J Regina. Her sister was Halldora Bjarnadóttir of Akureyri, Iceland, a noted woman, author, editor, crafts- person who lived to be 108 years old.. (Ed. note: We’d love to hear more about Alene’s Women’s Institute.) ★ ★ ★ Prof. R.A. Johnson of Winnipeg, MB, wrote to say: “I think that the paper is already measurably better. So keep it up. Personally I would like to see more of the early his- tory of the settlements and families. I know that there is a great deal of that in the Icelandic collection but it tends to be too folksy and each entry is given in isolation of its context and relations to others and other events. But enough! It’s a good newspaper. ★ ★ ★ Emil Gillies of Winnipeg, MB, wrote to say: “I enjoy the articles about our early settlers in North America and about Iceland, land of our ancestors. I would like you to drop terms such as “Westem-Icelanders” in reference to Canadians of Icelandic extraction. We chose to become Canadians more than a century ago. Surely it is time to get off the boat. I would also like to see considerably more Canadian content. Donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Nanna Olafson, WynYard, SK.........$10.00 Gudi & Gudrun Helgason, Foam Lake, SK...................$25.20 Prof. R.A. Johnson, Winnipeg, MB..$25.00 Neil Baldwinson, Gimli, MB.......$100.00 Robert Stevenson, Summerland, BC ..$12.55 Olive Lundstrom, Winnipeg, MB.....$10.00 Agnes & Hugh Comack, Winnipeg, MB....................$10.10 Frances GíIIíes, Winnípeg, MB.....$20.20 Stefan & Olla Stefanson, Gimli, MB ....$20.20 Mrs. Jonina Eaman, Edmonton, AB....$20.00 Miss Carol Davidson, Wínnipeg, MB . . .$20.10 Mrs. R. B. Trumpour, Winnipeg, MB...$10.00 Mrs. Olafia Stanley, Winnipeg, MB.$20.00 Ken Melsted, Wynyard, SK.............$12.55 Palmi Palsson, Arborg, MB...........$100.00 Hildajohnson, Arborg, MB.............$10.10 Jón Sigurösson Chapter IODE.........$100.00 T.M. Williams, Riverton, MB..........$20.10 Kris & Sylvia Isfeld, New Westminster, BC................$25.00 Kristjana Magnusson Clark, Surrey, BC.........................$15.00 Una Goodman, Vancouver, BC...........$12.55 Fred Oleson, Winnipeg, MB............$60.00 G.J. Henrikson, Vancouver, BC........$40.00 Mr. & Mrs. D.B. Sigurdson, Wínnipeg, MB......................$100.00 Mrs. Bina Nord, Red Deer, AB.........$12.55 Gudni V. Sigurdson, Míssissauga, ON....................$30.20 Sigríd Inglehart, Shellbrook, SK.....$12.55 A. H. Helgason, Houston, TX.........$10.00 Mrs. Laura Sigurdson, Vancouver, BC......................$25.10 P.O. Sigurdson, Lundar, MB...........$10.10 S. Swansbergson, Kíngston, ON........$30.00 Cecil Swanson, Bellingham, WA........$10.00 J. Bragi Freymodsson, Santa Barbara, CA..................$20.00 Mr. Murray Isleifson, Sioux Lookout, ON...................$5.00 Gunni Goodman, Wynyard, SK...........$12.55 Marjorie G. Johnson, Calgary, AB.....$12.55 Mrs. L. Moore, Winnipeg, MB..........$30.00 Kari Oleson, Gímli, MB...............$22.65 Arni Gudjonson, Riverton, MB.........$25.00 Mr. Bjossijonasson, Arborg, MB.......$20.00 Peter G. Peterson, St. Hilaire, PQ...$12.55 B. V. Benedictson, Courtenay, BC....$20.00 BarneyJ. Bjarnasson, Innisfail, AB...$10.00 \01ina Swinton, Port Coquitlam, BC.....$20.00 Dr. Gissur Brynjolfsson, Lincolnwood, IL....................$10.00 Stan Baldwin, Wínnipeg, MB............$20.20 Mrs. Vilborg, Sveinbjarnardottir, Kingston, ON.......................$22.55 Helga Gerrard, Strathclaír, MB........$10.10 Harald S. Sígmar, Mount Vernon, WA....$8.65 Thordur Teítsson, Markham, ON.........$37.55 Mrs. Elia Ramsay, Brandon, MB.........$10.00 Jack & Val Norman, Burlington, ON.....$62.55 J.S. Skaptason, Leawood, Kansas.......$60.00 Pearl Palmason, Toronto, ON...........$50.00 Karl Bjamason, Baldur, MB.............$10.10 Margaret Tomasson, Winnipeg, MB.......$20.20 Thelma Bird, Winnipeg, MB.............$10.10 Thorey Sigvaldason, Arborg, MB........$15.00 Audrey Fridfinnson, Winnípeg, MB......$50.00 Niels & Gwen Bjarnason, Gímli, MB.....$10.10 L.F. Collette, Winnipeg, MB...........$10.10 Mrs. Svava Dell, Balmertown, ON.......$20.00 Elsie GaDagher, Langley, BC...........$12.55 Thordur Sigurdson, White Rock, BC.....$12.55 Mrs. Baldur Danielsson, Arborg, MB....$10.00 June A. Parker, St. Albert, AB........$10.00 In memory of a dear wife Margret (nee Palsson) from Mr. W. Larner, Selkirk, MB.......................$250.00 In memory ofHaroId B. Hallson from Leola Hallson, Winnipeg, MB...........$20.00 In memory of R. Cameron Macaulay from Erla, Doug and Lois Macaulay, Etobicoke, ON......................$40.00 In memory of Alex Burgess from Mrs. A. Burgess, Wínnipeg, MB.........$50.00 In memory of dear aunt Margret Paulson from June Simpson, Kamloops, BC.......$100.00 In memory of Freda Cartier, ChiIIíwack, BC & Nellie Davies, Kamsack, SK from Vatnabyggð Icelandic Club of Sask- atchewan, Inc., Elfros, SK..........$20.00 In memory of Anna Halldora Amason from Svaia & Gerry Dunn & Famiiy, Grand Centre, AB.................$25.00 In memory of dear parents Ingí & Herdis Erickson from Mrs. Emily Crone, Víctoria, BC...$20.00 tf.au Greetings from Washington by Eric H. and Svava Sigmar Auburn, Washington May I commend you, for the improvement in L-H this last year or so. It is good to see so many articles or news items from the various areas of both Canada and the USA where people of Icelandic descent live. Obviously there will be more news about Manitoba personalities and events since so many people of Icelandic descent live there, and it is there that the paper is published. But it is important that there be news items from the many communities where the rest of us of Icelandic heritage “live and move and have our being.” So thanks for making the concerted effort to encourage and then print items from beyond your immediate locale. Yesterday I conducted an Icelandic Christmas service at Calvary Lutheran Church in Seattle, a congregation origi- nally of the former and now defunct Icelandic Lutheran Synod. A majority of its members are still of Icelandic descent, many with backgrounds from North Dakota and Manitoba. It remind- ed me of my first parish experience of over 45 years ago in Argyle Lutheran Parish, Glenboro, Manitoba. They still desired occasional Icelandic services at that time, and in preparation for the ser- mons I often secured the help of the late G.J. Oleson, in helping me translate my English rendition into proper Icelandic! He was a neighbor and good friend of Eric H. Sigmar, taking time out to read Lögberg-Heimskriniga at a Pioneer Monument in the rural village of Gundagai, Australia, a small town between the cities of Canberra and Melbourne. This was taken on Nov. 2, 1995 on a tour of Australia and New Zealand hosted by Svava and me. There were twenty-seven of us on the tour. (A year before, Sept. of 1994, we hosted a Nordic Tour which included three wonderfui days in lceland. There were 34 on that tour and only one other person besides Svava and myself had ever been to lceland. They were fascinated with the lceland visit.) mine, and I have warm memories of my associations with him and his family. Best wishes in your continued efforts to make L-H a publication for all per- sons of Icelandic descent scattered throughout the United States and Canada. hursdays Wínnípeg Sat., Feb. 3 Florída Thurs., Feb. 15 Vancouver Icelandic Classes - at Nordíc House, 764 Erin Street Come & join in — it’s not too late! n o o Þorrablót ín Florída - at Langford Hotel in Winter Park Entertainment, rafíle with lots of good prizes and great food. a o o Sólskin Valentíne Party - 2 p.m. at Icelandic Care Home Höfn Entertainment, refreshments. Sat., Feb. 17 Minneapolis Sun., Feb. 18 Winnipeg Fri., Feb. 23 Wínnipeg Sat., Feb. 24 Vancouver Sun., Feb. 25 Toronto o o o Þorrablót - Icelandic-American Assoc. of Minnesota at the Swedish Institute Call Steingrimur Steinolfson for tickets — (612)881-3326 o o o Nordíc Heritage Celebration - 3 p.m. at Nordic House, 764 Erin Street o o o ICF Þorrablót - 6 p.m. at Nordíc House, 764 Erin Street o o o ICCBC Þorrablót- at Bumaby Lake Pavilíon. Icelandic foods featured. Call OIi for reservations at (604) 937-0945 o o o ICCT Meeting - A Vísit to Iceland via the Internet - 2:30-4:30 p.m. An intro. to the Intemet, World Wide Web and our new Home Page on the Web. We will also visit interesting sites in Iceland and “talk” to a contact there. Unitarian Hall, 175 St. Clair Ave. W. (near Avenue Rd.) Phone Irene Gibson on 293-2324 to book your space. o o o What's haoDeníng in vour area? We want to hear from you before and after the events... just sencfus a few lines... or a lot... typed & double spacedplease or on a 3'h' computer dísc. Please enclose a stamped self-addressed envelope if materíal and photos are to be retumed. Send your materíal to: Lögberg-Heímskringla, 699 Carter Ave., Wpg., Man., Canada R3M 2C3 Lögberg-Heimskringla ■PUBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editorial Office: (204) 284-5686 Fax: 284-3870 Advertising Office: (204) 453-8502 Fax: 475-6853 NEW OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 10a.m. - 2 p.m. presidení: Neil Bardal vice presidenT: Don Bjornson treasurer: Gordon Thorvaldson secretary: Barbara Sigurdson editor-inchief: Tom Oleson editor: Laurie Oleson icelandiceditor: Gunnur Isfeld advertising director: Ray Gislason RECORDING secretary/office manager: Sandra Duma board MEMBERS: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Brian Petursson, Kirsten Wolf, Bea Sharpe, Hal Bjornson, Connie Magnusson-Schimnowski, Kevin Johnson, Paula Nygaard REPResentative in icelanD: Svavar Kristinsson, Þjóðráð hf, Krókhálsi 5a, 110 Reykjavík, Sími 567-7900 Fax 567-7940 graphic design: Barbara Gislasön • typesettinG: Keystone Graphics • printinG: Vopni Press Subscription - $39.90 per year (indudes GST & PST) in Manitoba, $37.45 per year (indudes GST) in Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax deductible under Canadian Laws.



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