Lögberg-Heimskringla - 11.04.2003, Blaðsíða 3
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur, 11 Apríl 2003 • page 3
Juno Nominations
The Juno Awards were held in Ottawa, Sunday, April 6th
Bill Bourne Nominated for a Juno - Again!
Bill Boume is a triple JUNO
winner. He has toured in
places as far afield as Australia
and Iceland. His influences
range from Cajun to Celtic to
blues and gospel. Penguin
Eggs praised Bill as “one of
Canada’s most creative and
distinctive songwriters.”
Bill, Great-grandson of
Stephan G. Stephansson, was
nopiinated for his release
Voodoo King, by the Canadian
Academy of Recording Arts &
Sciences for a Juno Award in
the category Best Roots and.
Traditional Album, Solo, of
2002. The Juno winners were
announced in a ceremony on
April 6, 2003 in Ottawa,
Bill is a Singer/song-
writer/ multi-instrumentalist
who has fifteen albums, both
solo and with such notable
groups as Tri-Continental,
Bourne and MacLeod, and
The Tannahill Weavers.
About Voodoo King, Greg
Quill of The Toronto Star says,
“an eerily beautiful recording
that conjures up the beat aes-
thetic of the 1950s and ‘60s
without sounding dated. It is a
recording of significant and
compelling performances
rather than a mere collection
of unusual songs.” Kelly
Leydier of the Thunder Bay
Chronicle-Journal says
“Voodoo King... oífers a mix
of edgy blues, uplifting Cajun
and traditional folk that
grooves and inspires. There’s
wisdom in this album, carried
both in Bourne’s raw voice
and his lyrics.”
Voodoo King is now avail-
able in the U.S. It is distrib-
uted by Burnside Distribution
(www.burnside.com) cata-
logue #SSR 2002.
Nominated for Rap Record
of the Year, R.A.W. was
produced by Niel Scobie of
Nanaimo, BC. Hip hop artist
Checkmate wrote and per-
forms the lyrics, while Niel
wrote arranged and plays the
music. R.A. W. is distributed by
Double Up Records, a
Vancouver based hip hop
record label.
Niel, whose professional
handle is Mr. Rumble, has been
a long time fan of the music.
He first took an interest in hiþ-
hop and rapping as early as
grade nine.
He staited out as a DJ in
clubs. In 1989 he began a
radio show called simply The
Show. It was the first hip hop
radio show in Vancouver, and
it is the longest running. It
plays on CITR, 101.9 FM, the
UBC radio station. At sixteen,
he took the ferry to Vancouver
each week to do the show.
Niel keeps himself busy
full time writing and arranging
music, and doing DJ gigs in
Niel Scobie, sporting a
"Hvað er svo glatt" t-shirt,
is pictured here in his studio.
clubs. He no longér does the
radio show. He is looking for
more artists to work with.
Niel is the son of Norma
Guttormsson and David
Scobie. His maternal grandpar-
ents were Pétur & Salín (nee
Reykdal) Guttormsson, while
his great-grandparents were
Vigfús Guttormsson and
Vilborg Pétursdóttir of Lundar,
MB and Kristján Reykdal and
Sigurborg Sigfúsdóttir of
Baldur, MB.
Niel Scobie Nominated for a
Doc Walker at Junos - Presenting
and Nominated
One of Canada’s hottest
country recording acts,
Doc Walker was presentéd
with a JUNO Award live on
the nationally televised event,
Sunday, April 6th in Ottawa,
Presenting with The
Honourable Sheila Copps, they
handed out the award for New
Group of the Year.
Doc Walker was also nom-
inated in the Country
Recording of the Year category
with Shania Twain, Terri
Clark, Emerson Drive and
Michelle Wright.
The band is currently in
the studio recording the fol-
low-up to Cur\>e, the album
that has spawned three top ten
singles including last sum-
mer’s smash hit, Rocket Girl.
The band’s fourth single Call
Me A Fool holds down #14 on
the current BDS charts.
Chris Thorteinson (centre front) leads Doc Walker with
vocals, guitar and songwriting
Bridge and Whist Great Success
Dee Dee Westdal
The Jón Sigurðsson
Chapter IODE held a very suc-
cessful Home Baking sale,
Luncheon, and Bridge and
Whist Party at Betelstaður on
March 29, 2003. The reception
room was attractively set up
with flowers at each table. The
home baking table, laden with
breads, dainties and Icelandic
specialty foods, was a popular
spot for arriving guests. The
luncheon, buffet style, preced-
ed the bridge and whist.
Members of the Chapter are
most appreciative of the gener-
ous and loyal support front the
public enabling the Chapter to
fulfill its commitments for its
Scholarship program as well as
continuing support for the
Book of Life/Veterans website
featuring information from
Veterans books published by'
the Chapter.
com/Veterans .htm.
The following is a list of
prize winners for the bridge
and whist.
Solveig Anderson (1 st)
Harry King (2nd)
Russell McCreedy (3rd)
Ivan Kaufman (3rd) Tied
Frances Selver (4th)
Irene Ursell (5th)
Viola Pelletier (6th)
Lil Sallee (lst)
Marion Corbit (2nd)
Inga Burgess (3rd)
Kris Johnson (4th)
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