Lögberg-Heimskringla - 11.04.2003, Blaðsíða 8
page 8 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday, 11 April 2003
Calendar of Bvents
Saturday, 12 April
Gimli, MB: The New lceland
Heritage Museum, Viking Challenge,
Car Rally. In the spirit of Viking
explorers, traverse New lceland in
search of places and knowledge.
Start with a continental breakfast at
the Wevel Cafe, then get out on the
course for a few hours of fun, wind-
ing up back at the Wevel Cafe for
hotdogs and hot chocolate. There
will be prizes and awards fit for
Vikings. Contact Kerri Taverner: 204-
Sunday, 13 April
Edmonton, AB: Summardagurinn
Tuesday, 15 April
Winnipeg, MB: Framfari will host an
lcelandic Movie (with English subti-
tles) entitled, Tears of Stone. 7 pm.
The film will be shown at the
lcelandic Collection at the University
of Manitoba. A silver collection will be
donated to the lcelandic Collection.
For details, see the Framfari Website
at http://www.samkoma.com/fram
Calgary AB: Executive meeting ,
Leif Eiriksson Club. 7:00 p.m.
Scandinavian Centre
Thursday, 24 April
Selkirk, MB: INL - Selkirk Bruin
Chapter Sumardagurinn Fyrsti (First
Day of Summer Concert) Selkirk
Legion Hall, 403 Eveline St. 7 pm.
Concert, singsong, lcelandic food,
silent auction, and a raffle. Free
admission — more info contact
Maxine Ingalls 482-9822 or Lorraine
Hirst 482-9232.
Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads
Kristin Olafson-Jenkyns - The
Culinary Saga of New lceland.
Betelstaður, 1061 Sargent Ave. 7
pm. Everyone welcome.
April 24 - 25
Reykjavík, lceland: Making
Hydrogen Available to the Public.
Conference. Icelandic New Energy
Ltd. For registration and further infor-
mation www.newener gy.is. Ph: 354-
Sunday, 27 April
Calgary, AB: An Evening with Bill
Holm, performer, storyteller and
author to celebrate Sumardagurinn
Fyrsti (The first day of the summer)
and the Leif Eriksson lcelandic
Club’s 30th Anniversary at The
Scandinavian Centre’s Viking Hall.
Doors open at 7 pm, Evening Lunch
and Cash Bar. Adults $15, Teens
and Students $10. RSVP before
April 14th 2003 to Thordis 289-3306
or Christine 244-1560. All tickets pre-
sold only.
Lundar, MB: The Lundar INL is hav-
ing a concert @ 1:30 pm for the The
New lceland Youth Choir from
Arborg to be held at Lundar
Lutheran Church. There will be a
luncheon at 12:45 that everyone is
welcome to attend. Both concert and
luncheon are free, with all proceeds
going to the choir for their upcoming
tour in lceland.
Markerville, AB: 8th Annual Charity
Auction. To donate, consign or vol-
unteer, call Dale Sigurdson at 728-
3151. Invite your friends to an Old
Fashioned Country Auction.
May 1 - 4, 2003
Edmonton, AB: 84th Annual
Convention of the INL/NA. W.
Edmonton Mall. Registration
Includes all activities and Gala night
and dinner. $120. (Seniors, students
$90). T: 780-408-5034, F: 780-408-
5122, send cheques payable to
“lcelandic Society of Edmonton” to
Walter Sopher, 16111 -84th Ave.
Edm. T5R 3Y4. or e-mail: inledmon-
ton@rentcash.ca. FantasyLand
Hotel or W. Edm. Mall Hotel 1-800-
737-3783. Reference “Harold” or
lcelandic Society of Edmonton.
Saturday, 3 May
Winnipeg, MB: First Lutheran
Church Women invite you and your
friends to attend their 125th
Anniversary Heritage Tea from 1 to 3
pm in the Parish Hall at 580 Victor St.
Icelandic treats at our Tea Table, plus
sales of meat pies, home baking,
handicrafts, books and more.
Handicap access.
5 and 6 May
Toronto, ON: Musicools, a festival of
northern music for young audiences.
Iceland’s acclaimed children’s the-
atre company, The Possible Theatre,
presents The Prophecy, a tale from a
time of swords, sorcery and Viking
legend, recounted in the great story-
telling tradition of the lcelandic saga.
Showings at 1:30 and 7:30 pm, Mon.
5 May and 10 am, Tue, 6 May. Isabel
Bader Theatre. Tickets- St.
Lawrence Center Box Office 416-
Tuesday, May 13
Toronto, ON: ICCT Annual General
Meeting at The Unitarian
Congregation Hall. We will present
the slate of officers and directors for
the upcoming year. The $1000
Scholarship winner will be intro-
duced and presented with the award.
Tuesday, 13 May
Winnipeg, MB: Framfari meeting.
Icelandic Collection, U of Manitoba.
7 pm. (set back due to INL conven-
Saturday, May 24
Markerville, AB: 2nd Annual Viking
Cup Golf Tournament at Gleniffer
Lake Resort. Call Fred Andersen at
728-3595 to enter as a team or a sin-
Thursday, 29 May
Winnipeg, MB: Lestrarfélag reads
The True Intrepid by Bill MacDonald.
Betelstaður, 1061 Sargent Ave. 7
pm. Everyone welcome.
June 2003
Edmonton, AB: Stephan G.
Stephanson’s Birthday
16 to 27, July
Edmonton, AB: Klondike Days.
Scandinavian country featured for
cultural and trade exibit show.
Doc Walker Tour Dates
Juno nominees Doc Walker present-
ly on tour. Features lcelander Chris
Thorsteinson of MB.
23 May: Rainmaker Rodeo, St.
Albert, AB.
7 June: Millenium Rec. Complex,
Pilot Mound, MB.
1 July: Park, Cochrane, AB.
5 July: Countryfest, Dauphin, MB
11 July: Calgary Stampede
(Nashville North), Calgary, AB.
Outdoor Life Network
Outdoor Life Network adventure
series from one of the world’s most
extreme climates... Iceland, with all
new episodes Global Extremes: Mt.
Everest - 4Runners of Adventure,
the last Mon. in March, and the first 3
Mon. in April at 10 pm ET/PT.
Vatynabyggð, SK: Basic lcelandic
lessons, Elfros Library, Tues.
evenings, 7:30 pm. Instructor Gunni
Goodman. Bring a notebook. Cost
$2 per session. No obligation to
make all sessions. Come when you
can. For more information, call Stella
at 306-328-2077.
Winnipeg, MB: Practice your
lcelandic language skills and enjoy
the smorgasbord at 6 pm 1st Friday
each month. Scandinavian Centre.
You do not have to be fluent but will-
ing to try. Those that speak the lan-
guage well are more than willing to
help with pronunciation, vocabulary
and, of course grammar.
Also Frón will be screening lcelandic
movies (English sub-titles) tentative-
ly to begin 7 Feb. 7:30 pm. Contact
Susan 896-1222, Kendra 452-5378.
Montreal, PQ: ICC-Quebec intro-
ductory level lcelandic language les-
sons. Teacher Anna Ludviksdóttir,
every Wed 7-8:30. upstairs at the
Greene Avenue Centre, 1090
Greene in Westmount. Contact
Wendy at wer0802@hotmail.com, or
Susan at noricher@total.net. or 514-
Calgary, AB: Iris Torfason is offering
lcelandic lessons on Thursdays,
10:30 am - 1:30 pm and Thursday
evenings from 7:00 - 8:30 pm. Those
attending the moming session are
asked to bring a bagged lunch.
Winnipeg, MB: Batik classes by
Karen Johannsson, B.F.A., 6 wks. at
2 hrs/ wk, $60 incl. all materials.
Leam to use: the tools (tjanting, etc),
the technique (waxwork, dyeing
skills). Lipton Street Studio, 162
Lipton St. 775-7096, e-mail:
Until 18 May, 2003
Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN: The
Science Museum of Minnesota.
Smithsonian Institution Exhibit
Vikings: The North Atlantic Saga.
Until October 2003
Winnipeg, MB: First Lutheran
Church, Winnipeg, celebrates its
125th Anniversary Oct. 17-19, 2003.
Info about former members? Contact
us: 580 Victor St., Wpg, MB R3G
1R2. 204-772-7444. E-mail:
flcwin@mts.net, or visit our website
at www.mts.net/~flcwin.
Please note that entries to the Calendar of Events must be typed out as they are to appear. Send by e-mail:
logberg@mts.net, fax 204-284-3870, or mail, include date, place, time and other particulars. Deadline: Tuesday of the
previous week (a week and a half before appearance). For more listings, visit our website at www.logberg.com
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_Post/Zip Code_
Mail cheque or money order to:
Lögberg-Helmskringla Inc.
206-900 St. James St., Winnipeg, MB. R3G 3J7
Phone: (204) 284-5686 Fax: (204) 284-3870
Phone or mail in credit card details:
Expiration Date
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* Please note that subscribers abroad using credit card payment
will be charged in Canadian currency ($81) although an equiva-
lent sum in their own currency will appear on their credit card
bill. For example, a USA subscriber will be billed approximately
$54 USD by VISA although this may fluctuate when the
exchange is calculated on our $81 CAD charge.
PJiarmacist: Y. T. Eyolfson
Store Hours: Mon. - Sat. 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Fri. 9 a.m. - 8 p.m.
^ Box 640, Arborg, MB ROC OAO Ph: 376-5153 JJ
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