Lögberg-Heimskringla - 25.04.2003, Page 2
page 2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday, 25 April 2003
Editorial • Ritstjórnargrein
Lillian Vilborg
Managing Editor
At the Lögberg-
Heimskringla Annual
Meeting in Winnipeg, I gave a
report on the year’s activities. I
highlighted the contributions of
staíf and volunteers, and wish
to share them with our readers.
Speaking for the staflf, we
thank all those who participate
in the Lögberg-Heimskringla
as writers, photographers,
advertisers, subscribers, donors
and volunteers. The eflfort of
each and every one of you
makes it possible for us to con-
tinue this amazing newspaper,
which is now in its 117th year.
Its continued existence truly
honours those who immigrated
to North America with dreams
and passions.
This newspaper, which
provides the link between our
past and present, the link
between Iceland and North
America, the link between indi-
viduals and groups; this news-
paper, which creates communi-
ty over distance, remembers,
tells stories; this newspaper
would not exist without the
dedicated support of many vol-
unteers who help the stafif in
realizing its goals.
The small band of people
which makes up the staff of the
L-H, 2.5 FTE, produces the
newspaper forty-four times per
year, no matter what. Each
person has unique responsibili-
ties, and without each person’s
contribution, the newspaper
would fail.
During this last year, there
were many changes at the L-H.
Twice in Winnipeg we moved
the oflfice. Then, when the
Board decided, for financial
reasons, to close the Gimli
office, we incorporated the
functions of that office into the
Winnipeg operation. These
moves also involved staff
Now that we are set up in
our new office on St. James
Street in Winnipeg, we are
beginning to hum. Having all
aspects of the operation togeth-
er increases efficiency and
makes problem solving much
In supporting the Board’s
initiatives towards better finan-
cial management, the staíf has
at the forefront of its mandate,
financial responsibility: To that
end, we looked for office space
where we would realize sav-
ings in rent. We reduced over-
head costs in combining the
Our advertising officer,
Catherine Lambertsen
McConnell, is reaching more
and more potential advertisers.
She has increased advertising
revenue substantially over the
last year, for which we are very
grateful. For special issues of
the newspaper, in order to max-
imize profit, we print the least
number of pages realized from
advertising revenue.
In addition, the stafif partic-
ipated in the golf tournament,
the newspaper’s main fund
raising activity. Rosa Johnston
of the Gimli office handled all
the registrations while Karen
Emilson dealt with invoicing
and balancing the books.
Catherine McConnell
approached potential sponsors.
Lillian and Ámý golfed!
In the Board’s attempts to
make the newspaper better
known throughout the
Icelandic community, it has
developed various promotional
activities. The editor attended,
with Julianna Bjomson, Chair
of the Board, August the Deuce
in Mountain, ND and Hostfest
in Minot, ND. Catherine
McConnell and the editor
attended the INL/NA meeting
in Minneapolis, along with sev-
eral members of the Board.
Catherine organized, with vol-
unteers, the preparation of
1,500 presentation packets for
Hostfest and INL/NA events.
It is not only the members
of our Board, who do yeomen
service as volunteers. There are
many others who help the
newspaper. Regularly people
from all over North America
and Iceland submit stories for
consideration. This contribu-
tion is key to the success of the
paper. Others take photos for
Volunteers Vi Bjarnason
Hilton and Margaret Kardal
come in to the office every
week to help with promotion,
statistics and office work. Until
year’s end, Clarice Nelson was
one of this band. Josephine
Gerardi in New York City
types for us.
Many help with the organ-
ization of the golf tournament,
and special thanks must go to
Dan Johnson who has co-
chaired it since its inception.
One of the things that Vi
and Margaret do is identify all
those mentioned in the newspa-
per, check against our subscrip-
tion list, and if they are not sub-
scribers, send them a newspa-
per with a letter and subscrip-
tion form. During the year
2002, they identified 414
names of people who have
been mentioned in the paper,
and who do not subscribe.
They also determine the
amount of space the newspaper
gives to dififerent geographic
locations. This analysis helps
the staflf to understand where it
needs to direct its energies. For
the first nine issues of 2003
about one third of the space
tells stories from Iceland (up
thirteen percent over last year),
one third tells Manitoba stories
(down seven percent from last
year), about twenty percent
tells stories from the rest of
Canada (down nine percent
from last year), while fifteen
percent presents stories from
the United States (up three per-
cent over last year).
As part of our efifort to cre-
ate community for Icelanders
in North America, and to keep
us connected to the land of our
forebears, this year we propose
to approach dififerent commu-
nities all over North America
to participate in the newspaper,
thus perhaps changing the bal-
ance even more than has been
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Notice to our Readers
The L-H staff will be on a scheduled break
for the week of April 21st to 25th.
Therefore there will be
no issue for the 2nd of May.
The next issue will be May 9th, Issue 16.
^JUawU Ijou C'ájan, QUafJ^
Many thanks to the Esjan Chapter of the
Icelandic National League of North
America. The L-H received a cheque for
$300 front them. We appreciate the ntem-
bers of the Chapter in Arborg contribut-
ing every year to the sustenance of the
First Lutheran Church
Celebrating 125 years
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Worship with us Sundays 10:30 a.m.
Pastor Michael Kurtz
Come Home!
Anniversary Weekend
October 17-19, 2003
Published Fridays, 44 times a year
by: Lögberg-Heimskringla
206-900 St. James Street
Winnipeg, MB R3G3J7
Ph: 204-284-5686
Toll free: 1-866-LOGBERG
Fax: 204-284-3870
Advertising: logbergads@mts.net
Contributions: logberg@mts.net
logbergadmin @ mts.net
Website: www.logberg.com
MANAGING EDITOR: Lillian Vilborg
Catherine Lambertsen McConnell
COPY EDITOR: Árný Hjaltadóttir
LAYOUT: José Orellana
Audrey Juve Kwasnica
PRINTING: The Daily Graphic
SUBSCRIPTION: 44 issues/year:
Canada: $45 Canadian
-Manitoba, add GST & PST: $51.30
-other provinces, add GST: $48.15
U.S.: $54 US or $81 CAD
lceland: $54 US or $81 CAD
All donations to
Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are
tax-deductible under Canadian laws
Charitable Reg. # 10337 3635 RR001
Business # 10337 3635 RT 0001
• ALBERTA: Erla L. C. Anderson
Thomas J. Martin
• SASKATCHEWAN: Joan Eyolfson
• TORONTO: Betty Jane Wylie
PRESIDENT: Julianna Bjornson
VICE-PRESIDENT: Grant Stefanson
SECRETARY: Elva Jónasson and
Evelyn Thorvaldson
TREASURER: Bill Perlmutter
Stefanson, J.S. Laxdal, Kathe
Olafson, Walter Sopher, Ragnar
Bergman, Vi Bjarnason Hilton
Jon Sig. Gudmundson, Kentucky
• BC: Norma Guttormsson
• CALGARY: Margaret Grisdale
• EDMONTON: Walter Sopher
The L-H gratefully acknowledges
the generous support of the
Government of Canada through
Canadian Heritage’s PAP program
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